
impossible love?

Delfini_32 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1 The trip

Packing took all afternoon and she had to go down to dinner, where surprisingly her mother decided to cook making a delicious chicken sandwich, avocado, onion, cheese and hot sauce her favorite food I don't know if you can say it's a meal I would say it's a snack,    In the middle of dinner her parents started talking, it was the best time to tell them everything but where can she start, it's not like her parents are going to congratulate her for signing up to be an exchange student in CANADA, what worries her the most is that her parents won't let her go, it would be a real tragedy. Mariel - I'M GOING ON EXCHANGE TO CANADA. Mother - What did you say, you ungrateful girl, you are going to leave the good school we enrolled you in - YOU ARE NOT GOING. Father - I agree with Lauren you are not leaving young lady this is my house and these are my rules you are not leaving and besides YOU ARE PUNISHED YOU ARE GOING TO YOUR ROOM. She kept thinking about how she could escape because it was obvious that she would not stay at home when she had the opportunity to travel to a place where she had never traveled before. With that thought she fell fast asleep only she already had her plan to go . THE NEXT DAY : She had two hours to get ready and leave if her plans didn't fail, her parents would be drunk and fast asleep. She got out of bed still a little lazy and looked for the clothes she was going to wear, nothing too extravagant at least for her, She went to the shower, put it in hot water and started to shower quietly, quite relaxing actually, after about half an hour she came out with a towel wrapped around her body and in her hair she put on her creams and all the personal care stuff she uses, it took her about 10 minutes and I know it is taking too long but it is not like she is going to do that every morning but today is a special day after all. She put on her clothes, a simple white shirt, a short black skirt, black glasses, a black hat, black booties and a light brown coat that came a few inches below her knee. She grabbed her suitcase and went down the stairs looking around remembering everything a little exaggerated because she was going to be gone for a few months but she would miss home a little bit. He left the house very carefully he didn't want his parents to wake up , he called a cab he didn't want to be late to the airport the ride was very quiet for his luck the cab driver was one of those that respect when people want to be quiet , after that pleasant ride they arrived to their destination . The typical check of all airports began, to see if you do not carry a weapon with you, check your suitcase among other things. But then came the long awaited moment to get on the plane, she had to wait for her companion, she was very excited, She went up immediately and took her seat next to the window and started to wait really only 20 minutes left and the plane would take off after a few minutes a boy came running in and sat down next to her, he was a really cute boy with brown hair and electric blue eyes and surprisingly the boy had the biggest and most excited smile she could have ever seen in her life, she did not expect this Greek Bom Bom to talk to her but he did confirming that his voice was soft and calm. - Hey, how are you? My name is Tom Alexander Lonel. Mariel - Hi, I'm fine, I'm just a little nervous, my name is Mariel Alexandra Daris. Tom - Nice to meet you I guess you are my roommate, the school principal said that we would have to share a house, classes and basically be together most of the time I mean it doesn't bother me and you. Mariel - Don't worry I don't have a problem with that I'm sure we will be very good friends. They didn't continue talking because the plane took off and they wanted to take advantage of the view they were getting, even though it wasn't necessary to talk, they both knew that this moment was the beginning of something very good, a few minutes and they decided to talk again, they wanted to get to know each other. Mariel - Why don't you tell me something about you, you will be my partner, I have to get to know you. Tom - Well, I'm 16 years old, I went to a private school, my parents are James and Marvolo, yes I have two parents, I hope we can still be friends. Mariel - Of course we can still be friends, I would never stop talking to you just because of that, I hope I can meet your parents someday, well I guess now it's my turn to introduce myself, right? Tom - Caro I don't want to look like a clown - he pouts - I want to know everything I can about you, tell me about you.

Mariel - Well, I'm 16 years old just like you I also studied in a private school by my parents decision but I wouldn't mind being in a public one, my parents get along very badly in fact they are drunks they fight almost every day they don't care about me basically the only thing they care about is to look like a united family that doesn't want to hurt anyone but everything they want to do is to make me look like a family.

Tom - the truth is that your story is a little strange, you shouldn't have run away from home they might be very worried and if something happened to you but it's almost understandable you want to follow your dreams and it's not fair that your own parents won't let you follow them, I'll take care of that you'll see but for now don't worry let's enjoy the stay on the plane chatting eating and what else could we do on a plane it's not like it's the most interesting thing in the world..... I know if we see a movie it could be a horror movie I love these movies, it's something popular called little evil they say it's scary and it keeps you awake at night.

Mariel - A horror movie that is probably gory and scary enough to keep you awake at night I'm in.

Tom - We're a lot alike apparently Mari. 

Mariel - Mari ?

Tom - short for Mariel I thought it was kind of cute, it bothers you, I can never call you that again, I don't want to bother you.

Mariel - Don't worry, I like him, he's very sweet Tomy .

They continued talking very pleasantly during the trip until they announced the arrival to Canada , without a doubt this will be a great adventure that has just begun .