
Implosion Spinoff: Haru Cooks with Malevolent Kitchen

Summary: What if Arata Shouta/Adam/Harukin/Sun-kun/Aelius reincarnated normally in wonderful world. How can he survive his new Isekai life? The cover is not mine, pm me if you are the owner, I'll immediately take it down. I'm just writing this fanfic to train my English proficiency. I will only upload a chapter if I want to. This is my third time writing and English is not my first language so forgive me if I made a lot of mistakes in my grammar.

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Change 46: Paramount War

Chapter 46: Paramount War

Author: Geraint

Date Posted: May 05, 2024 Sun @6:06PM

While plummeting together with the ship, most of them are screaming out of excitement and fear because of the high altitude and we can see the Marineford Naval Base getting larger and larger the closer we falls down to the frozen sea.

"I said that you were doing too much!" Buggy was blaming Luffy.

"It's because of his wink!" Crocodile did the same to Ivankov.

"Is it my fault, Croco?!" Ivankov responded.

"Doesn't matter, we're gonna die! It's frozen all over down there!"

"Waaaahh!" "Heehaw!"


Everyone screamed hard.

"You're a rubber, so you should be fine unlike us." I reminded Luffy while trying to lie down in a invisible bed.

"Oh, you're right! Wait! Who are you?" Luffy asked.

"Just a passerby. You can call me Haru."

"I'm Luffy. Nice to meet you, Haru. Shishishi~"

"What are you two doing?! Don't forget about us! Please do something!" Mr. 3 retorted.

"I don't want to die like this! Somebody stop me!" Ivankov followed.

"I shouldn't listen to you, Strawhat! Damn you!" Buggy yelled and pointed at Luffy.

All the naval soldiers and pirates halted their fight and glanced towards our direction as we fall.

"Ace!" Luffy screamed his brother's name.


We fell down to a large, round hole with water in the middle of frozen battlefield and the ship was destroyed and crashed down, splashing water to the surroundings.

The cold seawater chilled me down for few minutes while submerged deeply then I decided to swim up and jumped out of the water, climbing back to the ship which looks already ruined.

"ACE!!!" Luffy smiled and screamed.

Seeing them standing together behind Luffy, I was the last one to come out and walked to their side while taking off my soaking wet blindfold. I can now see clearly what's happening on the battlefield.

"LUFFY!!!" Ace screamed back in anxiousness.

Luffy was thrilled to see him still living and breathing while Ace was absolutely mortified to see his younger brother joining the war.

"ACE!!!" Luffy was very happy and screamed again then he followed, "I finally found you!"

The Navy soldiers was shocked to see us group together with Luffy.

"All forces are here on both sides! There are a lot of big names!" Ivankov observed around the battlefield.

"The world's got to be ready for it!" Buggy yelled in excitement.

"Ace, we're coming to rescue you! We're here for you!" Luffy announced, making everyone in Navy surprised and became anxious, seeing the notorious people around him from different factions.

Suddenly, Crocodile moved and he tried a sneak attack to Whitebeard who was standing on a ship but Luffy intercepted him with his 2nd gear speed and kicked his right arm with his soaking wet body.

After Luffy competed with Whitebeard that made everyone in the surroundings shock and anxious, Whitebeard smiled and came to an agreement with him in order to save Ace. Luffy told him about the time of Ace's execution which Navy will perform after some preparations.

"Okay! Ace, I'm coming now!"

Luffy jumped and rushed forward, beating all the navy soldiers in front him with his bazooka attack. This gave the Whitebeard Pirates crew encouragement and followed after his lead.

"We should go, too!"

Jinbei jumped down and I woke up from the indulgence of watching the scene. Ivankov also jumped followed by his people.

"What? Really?!" Buggy was surprised.

"What are you doing, Buggy? Get down there and join the fight!" I told him and he got angry to me.

"Who are you to give me orders?!"


I chuckled then I jumped down from the ship.

"Stop making fun of me! Damn you!"

Running forward, I just can't stop myself from getting excited, seeing myself in the middle of that famous Paramount War. My cheat skills were all reduce to Lv. 1 so I need to be really careful since most of my overpowered skills like the invisible slashes, infinity and limitless, and Ten Shadow Technique are currently disabled. My reverse cursed technique's healing was also slowed. I can now only rely on my basic cheat abilities and skills.

I imbued both of my fist with armament Haki and hit the navy soldiers charging towards me. They tried to stab me from behind but I jumped high, avoiding their swords then I kicked each of them in the jaw.

"Not bad, kid! You know how to use Haki!" Jinbei praised me while he launches a powerful punch on a navy soldier's face.

"Yeah, I'm not that proficient yet."


One of three Navy Admirals, Kizaru appeared at the speed light and he blocked the path ahead of us.

"Don't push your luck. I won't let you invade that easily."

"It's Admiral Kizaru!"

The Whitebeard Pirate Crew facing him got nervous.

Kizaru glanced at Luffy who was charging forward and he shot laser beam at him with his right foot.

"S-Strawhat is dead!"

"Death... Wink!"

Ivankov quickly send a shockwave towards Luffy with his wink, saving him from the powerful blast. The powerful blast sends shiver to my spine, realizing I won't survive if I got hit by his laser beam.

Bartholomew Kuma who was standing at the platform shoots laser beam from his mouth towards Ivankov.

"Rolling Spa!"

Ivankov avoided all the laser by spinning in the air.

Luffy went ahead but he got distracted by the two weird Navy soldiers which has a chakram while the other one has knuckleduster on both fist.

"I guess he should be fine for now."

I continued to rush forward with Jinbei.

With my focus on fighting Kizaru, he was surrounded by Navy officers that he was ordering to attack us.

When Luffy was surrounded by zombies created by Gecko Moria from the battlefield, Jinbei separated from me and he went to help him.

"I'll go help him."

"Yeah, leave Kizaru to me."

"What?!" Jinbei halted for a second and he became shocked by my words.

"--Capture Strawhat!"

"--He's the main suspect of the escape!"

A new squads of navy officer kept coming from the plaza and there's no end to them.

"Keep going! He's got to fight all these officers! I wonder how long he can hang on!" Kizaru spoke with mocking tone.

"Well, time to take things seriously." I took out my sword Murasame together with several throwing knives.

I scattered the knives in every direction which confused the Navy officers and some pirates.

"What is he doing--Ugh!"

"Ugh!" "Argh!"

I teleported and cut them all one by one in split second. Those who survived from slashes, cursed marks was spreading to their body which came from their wound regardless of the size of the cut.

"What's happening... Ugh..."

Cursed poison took their lives.

"Sorry, but this is battlefield. The strong survive and the weak will perish."

I noticed that my hand was trembling when the sword sliced through their body. If I don't hardened my heart, I'm the one who's gonna die here.

Surrounded by a pile of Navy officer's corpse, I got Kizaru's attention and he made a move by shooting lasers towards me.

Taking a deep breath to make my focus sharper, it a battle of speed if I will be facing him. I imbued Murasame with Haki since I'm against Logia devil fruit user then I aimed for his head and threw a knife towards him.

Kizaru smiled, avoiding by simply tilting his head

"What's gonna do that to me--Huh?"

His eyes widened when I disappeared from his sight, teleported behind him. Before he can turn towards me, I grabbed him in the shoulder and tried to stabbed him with my sword.

My sword pierced him from his back but something was off when I noticed that the cursed marks aren't coming out from his wound.

"I see..."

I immediately pulled out my sword and teleported away from him then the pierced part on his chest disappeared when it lit up.

"That really hurts, you know?"

Kizaru just brush off his suit in the chest like it was nothing.

"Liar! Your Observation Haki is really troublesome. I want to learn it too." I responded with a grin.

"You can learn it in hell, kid!"

Kizaru shot me with several lasers but I avoided them by teleporting side by side.

"Oh, this kid is good."

I don't like being underestimated so I imbued my right leg with Haki then I kicked and returned back one of his laser in which surprised him.


Light gathered on another location from the explosion and he appeared unscathed.

"Have your instructor told you not to rely too much on your devil fruit?" I said as I raised my right fist imbued with Haki, I disappeared again from his sight when he sensed me on his back but I wasn't there when he turned around quickly.

"Ugh!" he threw up some blood when I was actually below him and I punched him in the stomach.

"Black Flash!"

I launched him to the distance and he crashed on the building.

"You can see my attack but you can't defend it if I'm faster than you."

(To be continued.)

I'll fix my mistakes later.

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