
The Nest

I stared at the fiery orb being launched at the wall of the tunnel.


The orb exploded on contact and made a loud noise. I quickly rain down the tunnel that the volcanic spider was guarding. When I did, I found a large cave filled with webs and cuccoons. It was a nest. I then noticed there were a lot of spiders everywhere.

I quickly pointed my palm at their direction and activated fire ball. Fire ball Launched in their direction. Reducing them to smithereens.

I fired my last fire ball as I felt that my spirit run out. The explosion and fire from the attack burned the nest to the ground.

[You have gained new quest

Exterminator: Some pesky arachnids have dared to offend you. Now it's time to exterminate them

Nest destroyed 1/3]

" A quest? ", I pondered. I then proceeded to walk down tunnels until I found another nest. I proceed with this nest by shooting a fireball to burn all the webs. I could see like before, this nest had volcanic spiders and Level 5 spiders.

I rushed at the horde of level 5's, I rushed and quickly finished them off with claw strike.. I then stare at the level 10 volcanic spider.
