
imperial nine days

Wang Feng created a game "Royal nine days", in the near success, to the peak of life, through the "nine days of the world". But what about the auxiliary systems needed to cross? Not rich handsome also just, after all, the Wang brother is a talented person, but, dungeon small whip opening is what ghost? No external hanging, no crossing, facing the torture from the soul, the old Wang of the three views began the second struggle of life. Brothers, the old king is back!

wudi_daji8 · Urban
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50 Chs

Chapter 44 Ten Centimetres from Marriage

"... I know." It was hard for Lao Wang to resist the impulse to beat him up: "Rachel is definitely not interested in your money, but a man's ambition!" What's more interesting to Rachel, using your parents' allowance to buy a six-eye revolver, or using your own money to buy an H8? Is this about money? This is romance, happiness, a sense of security that makes people willing to commit their lives to you, my Asheight!"

Fancy was stunned, and his eyes began to change rapidly, from panic to calm, from calm to excited, and from excited to hot blood.

He suddenly grabbed Lao Wang's hand and said excitedly, "Ah Feng, I think what you said is really too level!" That's so good!"

"Is that right?

"I'm going to do medicine tomorrow! And the clothes of the verdict, wrapped up on me!" Fantesi finally found a direction, and saw the dawn of hope, the whole person could not be excited, and the brain also returned to normal: "By the way, A Feng, I saw that Matan gnash his teeth when he apologized, A Feng, you must be careful in the future, those people will not stop."

"Bah, just them?" The old Wang was also relieved, and finally calmed the licking dog for the time being. "Those idiots can't even beat us Cora and Udi. Don't bother them."

Who are the guys? Dude is being hunted by the Church and the Nine, and he's afraid of a hairless chicken?

"You can't say that, the field is too small and there are too many people around, and they can't even use their killing moves," Cora smiled. "When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, humans are no match for us."

"Say, where's Winnie the little girl?" The old Wang quickly shifted the topic, mainly feeling that Fantexi had the impulse to lick again.

"No, she didn't come out to help during the fight, so of course the borough won't arrest her." No longer sad Ashi eight is finally restored to a bit of usual style.

"I don't fight!" Speaking of Cao Cao Cao, Winnie showed a small head at the door, and then pouted out: "You patronize the fight, throw me aside, no one cares about me, I am almost scared to death, you are still behind me!"

Fantersi was a little confused by her: "No, no... I remember you were so high on the couch, you weren't scared..."

"They were just cheering everyone on! I really want to do something for you! Whoo whoo! You have wronged me!"

"Well, well, don't cry, Ash8 has been confused by his love, he remembers nothing." Lao Wang comforted.

Fancy gave a dry, embarrassed laugh.

There the crying stopped, this nima, crying like a play, Winnie said angrily: "It is!"

A rustle of sand

Cora crushed the herbs she had gathered from a corner of the room, where Fancy had piled up the supplies for the old King's potion.

"Take off all your clothes."

"What are you doing?" Lao Wang looked like he was about to refuse to welcome her back: "Cora, don't be like this. Although I admit that I am indeed handsome and charming, I am also a pure child, and I will be shy too! How about you let them out first..."

"Help you heal!" Cora didn't get angry. Instead, she gave a rare smile. "We orcs don't make potions, but we're as good at healing wounds like this as your human potions."

"My God, it's so boring! Lao Wang rolled his eyes, "I thought you were moved to promise each other."

"If you think too much, you're not big enough." Cora pushed him straight down, turning him around in a powerful way, ripping off his already tattered jacket to reveal his charred back.

This is still the other side first attack, but the leakage of a little electricity out, if really start, dare not imagine, thunder witch means people are daunting.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch! Pain, pain, pain, gently!" The old king was so sore that he grinned and felt his skin rubbed down. The orc's hand was really strong enough.

"Afraid of pain, you did it first?" Fantasy stole him, known for almost a year, he really did not know that A Feng's temper is so big, has always thought he is very low-key.

'Bah! Lao Wang gave him a white look, the baby's heart is bitter, the key is to no one can say.

You think I really want to fight?

When it comes to this old king, is he the kind of stupid young man who is always hot?

Lao Wang has already understood the characters of Cora and Udi. Although they are usually calm, they are actually very self-conscious.

At that time, if I did not care to act, I would guarantee that the team would be disbanded, and even two orcs would drop out of school. I don't care about this stupid team, but what about Kalida?

Ma egg, that witch does not live to dismantle their own strange, instead of going upstairs to be beaten by Kalida, it is better to find a few students here to fight it, they can also be more vicious than the old witch?

However, it is also strange to say that Matan is at least the third year of the wizarding Academy representative Raiwitch, even if he is attacked by himself, he can be so vulnerable...

Before the chaos in the melee, and afterwards in the autonomous society intriguing, Lao Wang has not had time to think about it, but at this time think about it just feel a little wrong.

The other party only with a little scattered leakage of the thunder method, has been electric his whole body scorched black, which is obviously a bit of a section of the thunder method master.

At the same time, Matan was not directly knocked unconscious at the beginning, and even tried to gather soul force all the time, but even a decent thunder method was not released, to say that it was all hit by his own stool, which is obviously not logical.

By the way, at that time, he felt that there was something warm and close to him, and Matan often dispersed the condensed soul force at this time...

There must be a master behind the scenes!

Yeah, maybe it's blue sky! The captain of Kalida's guard!

Lao Wang immediately understood.

I have always suspected that Kalida sent someone to spy on me, and it seems that it may be this person who spies on me.

You can!

Lao Wang felt instantly in the heart ten thousand comfortable, there are bodyguards to say, in the future, who dares to provoke me, Lao Tzu directly touch the porcelain son, make the best use of it, see who can carry these grandchildren in the college.

"Is it a matter of fear or pain?" Lao Wang Niubi coaxed: "Lao Tzu said, I am the captain!" Only I can bully you, anyone else dares to bully you, I will hammer him! In the Chapel of the Rose, we Old King's team walk sideways!"

Fancy thumb up: "This is not to say, whether you believe it or not, I believe it this time."

"Brother Wang Feng is really wise and brilliant!" Winnie smiled and threw a melon seed into Udi's body: "Udi, isn't it?"

Udi nodded desperately, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

"Oh, my God, speaking of valour, I remember!" Lao Wang suddenly sat up and opened his tattered pockets. The bottle of spiritual jade ointment that he had brought from the motorcycle boy in the morning was still there.

"Luckily it hasn't fallen off yet..." Lao Wang breathed a sigh of relief, which would have been a big loss if it had been dropped at the dance, and handed it directly to Cora. "This is what you use for healing, good stuff!"

"What the hell?" Fancy, in pain, tried to get a look.

Cora lifted the plug and sniffed. Although she could not identify what it was, she knew it must be a good trauma ointment, and she was not too sentimental. She applied it directly to Wang Feng.

Winnie looked a little surprised, "This is the healing holy Pinling ointment of Mahuruja, how can you have it?"

Look at the color, smell, should be right, but this thing is not for sale at all, is the unique healing potion of Mahurujah, let alone human beings, even in the eight parts of the upper nobility of some other ethnic groups, may not be able to get a bottle.

"Cut, I have a little brother of Mahurujah, since it is easy to use, put more on the face, Lao Zi depends on the face to eat, the hand is so black, ouch, light..."