
Pick on the Pushover

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As soon as Yun Xi went outside, she saw the black car parked at the curb. Chen Yichen saw her coming out and got out of the car.

Yun Xi was taken aback on seeing him.

She had thought that Chen Yichen was going to send a driver to pick her up. She surely hadn't expected Chen Yichen to come himself.

Yun Xi teased him with a smile. "So, the eldest heir has come to pick me up himself. I'm really flattered!"

"I came here personally to show my sincerity and pay tribute to your status."

Chen Yichen went to the passenger side and opened the door for her.

Yun Xi smiled and was about to get into the car. It just so happened that, at that moment, Liang Xiuqin was leaving to take Yun Ziling to the Jiang home to find Jiang Henglin.