
Being a Wannabe Will Only Quicken Your Downfall

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yun Xi took a step back and looked Liang Xinyi up and down.

Liang Xinyi's somewhat dim-witted appearance was perhaps quite similar to what hers had been in her last life.

When she thought of who she used to be, she felt appalled inside.

But compared to her ignorant past self, the Liang Xinyi at present was more calculating than she had ever been.

At the very least, after realizing that she had been played, she knew what to ask.

"You don't know what happened last night? If Young Marshal Mu's jade seal had appeared in your bag, you would be in prison today."

"I...I don't know what you're talking about!"

Liang Xinyi's eyes widened immediately, and there was an expression of panic, as well as helplessness, in her eyes.

Seeing that she seemed to have grasped the situation a little, Yun Xi chuckled.