
Chapter 7 : Training starts.

At dawn,

Soon after a good night's sleep, Xin felt refreshed as if all worries had been thrown away and looking forward to his training. He got up early, washed up then warmed up his body.

Then in horse stance position, he lifted up the bow slowly. But couldn't lift. He tried again and again but he still failed. He endured his tiredness and tried.

Three hours passed.

He put the bow on his back and stumbled, then fell. He couldn't even take a step. Too tired, even his arms and legs feel numb. Even though he runs to the mountains daily for collecting medicinal materials within 10,000 Km with his divine sense.

Soon he tried to resist his tiredness and slowly stood up, took a step by step in a very slow manner. For each step he takes, it looks like a heavy mountain is added on his back.

With that he only took 5 steps with heaviness. Don't think that this 5 step is easy to take. In otherwords these 5 steps are heavy as they are. In fact the weight of bow is heavier.

After three hours,

Xin got up tiredly, washed up and started holding the knife the old soul gave him.

It seems that today he is too tired.

The old seniors who were watching couldn't help but sigh. It seems that the task is too heavy for his small body to handle.

The old seniors, took a look at the medicines that Xin gathered before and started to prepare a medicinal bath and a soup for him to make his body, soul and mind to make him stronger and not to leave any hidden dangers within his body.

They cooked and boiled this medicinal bath for nearly five hours and made some soup. After they finished preparing, they put him on the medicinal bath, which is boiling.

Xin who was sleeping very soundly from tiredness, felt a obscure current flowing in his body. At first due to his tiredness, he couldn't feel at all.

Little by little, the warm fluids flowed in his body through small tiny pores.

And suddenly he also breakthrough, eventhough he didn't realise. He previously had forcefully hold his breakthrough.

In this case when the medicines entered his body, his pores, soul, bones, blood and mental state has been gradually reforged and developed to a certain extent.

Breaking through is just a passing by. With the help of medicines, its a bit stronger. Later on as he increases his realm and stable his foundation, it will be more strong.

The old seniors were surprised that he had held his breakthrough forcibly. They were both amazed to see such a scene even though they didn't teach this thing.

Normally, cultivators they only realise when they reach a certain level.

After observing the young boy in front of them for few minutes, they felt very satisfied.

The medicines which they boiled has been slowly all absorbed in the body.

Slowly, slowly, the medicinal bath has become water with dark colour, which shows that all the impurities has been washed away.

The two seniors who saw this were smiling at each other and leisurely took a cup of wine slowly enjoying it.

After two hours,

Xin finally woke up. He saw that he was naked in bucket filled with dark water. He saw that there were some ashes and cloth pieces in it. He could imagine that his clothes were burnt.

Anyway, he hurriedly jumped out from the bucket and threw the water away on the back of his house. Eventhough its dirty and smelly, its rainy season now, and its raining heavily, all dirt's are washed away. With that he washed his body again with clean water and put on new set of clothes. He doesn't have too many clothes. Some clothes were given to him by his grandpa.

Although grandpa's clothes doesn't fit him well, it is very loose. Its like an ant wearing elephant clothes.

After wearing his clothes he sat down and checked his body situation. Ever since he came out of the bucket, he always felt somewhat uneasy as if someone's starring at him or peeking at him.

So he hurriedly checked his body and he was dumbfounded and shocked. He couldn't explain this feeling. He was soo surprised that his realm is much stronger than before.

Maybe it is due to the water he was in. Unconsciously he thought about it and saw the two seniors chatting and laughing. He couldn't help but smile. Its all thanks to old seniors.

He got up tidied his clothes, came beside the old seniors and bowed then thanked them respectfully.

"Thank you, seniors for the help. If one day, old seniors need help from me, I am willing to do it whether be it in a road of hell or heaven."

The old seniors looked at each other then smiled bitterly. Who knows what awaits on the road?

Either way, its better than nothing.

"Ok kid, don't worry, we old fellas don't have any particular interests in this world, after all you are too early to know what kind of existence we are." The old senior sighed.

"What you have to do now is to increase your strength as much as possible before leaving this place. We will leave this place in five or six years at most. So you better brace yourself and start training seriously. Don't worry about losing consciousness, we will prepare medicinal bath and medicinal soup for you to strengthen. So practice hard with a peace of mind. Drink that medicinal soup. You must not waste it." The old soul said casually and pointed to a pot which was still boiling.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Aeseptyucreators' thoughts