
imperfectly Perfect

It was after many years of hard work and training in different martial arts like Jeet kune do , Taekwondo,Judo , Aikido, I won another Taekwondo match and got gold medal. I saw someone looking confused and sad, and he was approximately 35 years old I think. He sat near my bag. I went to pick my bag, and he suddenly asked me with a monotone voice – “What is Your style?”. I replied spontaneously – “Using No Style as a Style”. He said that, he was impressed with my fighting style and liked it because its like a well planned drama but fought seriously. I don’t know him and I asked – “Why are you looking so sad?”. He then started :

Reyansh_ · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Missing Rashi

I hadn't met Rashi in my summer holidays and I was busy searching for the inter colleges. My parents and Teachers suggested why not choose IIT and I agreed without further thinking. My parents joined me in Narayana College and that too in hostel.

A room in the hostel is shared by three people and by the time I went to the room allotted to me, there is a person already in it.We had our formal introductions , his name is Teja, he is a bit fat and good at talking whatever it may be even nonsense. After few days in the evening we went to a shop nearby and while returning we saw a guy with brown eyes whose height would be around 5.8 feet with a luggage bag in his hands, as we are observing who he is, a girl suddenly came towards him and proposed to him and he is looking irritated.

Teja said, "He might be a senior".

I said, "Maybe".

We returned to our room and after a while that guy with brown eyes came to our room and said, "Hi, I am Rohan".

Teja replied, "Hi Lover Boy, I am Teja and he is Reyansh".

Rohan didn't said anything.

I said, "Hi, do you know her, who proposed to you just now".

Rohan replied, "I don't know her and this is my first time seeing her".

Teja is correct by calling him Lover Boy, I thought.

In IIT hostel, they used to wake up us all early in the morning and classes were conducted and we three used to sit in the last bench and used to sleep and after that there would be break , some used to sleep and some were busy in getting ready for the classes and we three used to have our breakfast.

It's nearly a month and every weekend there were exams and Rohan used to get good results than us and he is good at Maths because of which Teja gave him another nickname Mr.Maths.

We used to study in the evenings and when ever Teja got a doubt he used to say , "Mr.Maths please help me with this problems of Maths which My Maths book can't solve itself and seeking my help".