
Imperfect perfect

The deaths of her family left her devastated. But a mysterious technology or system offered to let her experience and learn every foreign knowledge, skill, and language but she had to complete all of it for 20 million years in the system space which is equal to 20 days in real life. Once she finished it, she was sent back to her body and lived the life she had before but all on her own. Even with rich knowledge that surpassed the genius, could she overcome the loss of her dear family? Read this to find out more~

Cannonfodder22_ · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Disclaimer: Some violent acts of killing! And grammar error!

"Please don't! I beg youuu" The desperate screaming of the teenage girl was however ignored as the guy with a mask held a blade to the child's throat. The tears and pleadings of the three poor souls were made as a joke by the man as they laughed like a madman.

The teenage girl was forced to witness the tip of the blade pierce the skin around the neck as they ruthlessly sliced the throat of the poor children. "NOOOOOOOO!!! NOT THEM TOO!!! I- I- 'm sorry I -" the girl sobbed in agony as she watched their once-breathing body turn lifeless. She blamed herself for this and kept repeating sorry as if she was the one who killed them.

She suddenly looked up as her eyes flashed from sadness to anger and finally revenge. She snatched the blade from the man standing close to her as the man was caught off guard and pierced it ruthlessly on the man eyed. Everyone was in a trance as it transpired too fast but was woken up by the painful shrieking of the man. The teenage girl was soon restrained as she smiled crazily at them. "Jus drein jus daun!" the girl spat with hatred in her voice.

The man's faces were red with anger as one of them kicked her to the ground and punched her incessantly. Nonetheless, the man was stopped by the leader. "You can vent your anger to them, amigo," said the leader as his eyes glanced at the frightened people on the corner. The man nodded knowingly with an evil glint flashing on his face as he forced the girl to stand up.

The girl was weakened from the beating as psychological tears from the pain rolled down her cheek. She took a deep breath to steady her emotion as she was forced to stand up from the ground harshly. Her eyes widen when she saw the man who punched her positioned a gun at the forehead of her five-month-old sister. "WAIT! No, no, no," she tried to run to her baby sister but the firm grip hindered her. "NOOOOOOO-"


The light of dawn seeped into the room. On the bed, you could see the outline of a person sleeping through the blanket. Yet upon closer inspection, the body was twitching relentlessly. A heart-shattering scream echoed in the room as the girl sat up at breakneck speed. She looked around frantically as her lips quivered and her eyes shrouded with fear and uncertainty.

As her breathing becomes less frantic, a looked of realization dawned on her. She was having a nightmare again. She let out a frustrated sigh as she thought back to the content of her dream. Since the unfortunate accident

fall upon her family, she kept dreaming of them died being killed vividly. She despised herself for not being able to shed tears whenever this happened. It was as if she felt nothing about it and the scary part was, it was accurate.

In spite of that, something beyond logic occurred to her. While she was in a coma from the brutal beating and severe wound, a thing called Systems proposed to give her experience and teach her foreign knowledge she could never discover and skills that range from sports, language, etc to perfection. Her proficiency to conceal her emotion and read people like an open book. All of this was due to millions of years of time she spent in the system space learning various things.

As effortless as it sounds, only she knew how tough it was. The system was stringent and devoid of emotion, it would punished her

for making mistakes. She shuddered remembering those times. After she completed it, the system kept its promise as it sent her consciousness back to her comatose body. The system was gone as if it was just her imagination. It was such a novel experience for her.

It had been one week after she insisted on getting discharged from the hospital and the doctor let her after making sure there was nothing wrong with her health. She lived in a new apartment that had been bought by one of her mom's close friends using the donation money to her. She appreciated her understanding for rejecting her offer to take care of her. And grateful as she did not need to live in the house she used to live with her family. It brought painful and unwanted memory.

She had visited her family's grave. Their brutal death caused uproared and shocked the world. She was thankful that her identity as the only one who survive was kept confidential. She didn't want to be like Harry Potter. She had long since accepted their unjust deaths. She still felt sad about it but mostly calm. Or more accurately, she felt empty. She felt peace hearing the murderer was sentenced to death which she thinks was not enough. They don't have any motive as they killed for fun. Truly despicable.

She had been comatose for 20 days. And school will be started next week. Occasionally, she kept forgetting her age was still 17 years old. She had grown sick of learning and had been considering working instead but was against it since she missed the experience of being in school and her classmates. Her ability to memorize was remarkable after the hellish experience. She could pass all the tests with ease.

Her eyebrows furrowed when she thought of her classmates. None of them knew what happened to her as it happened during the last semester holidays. Before all this happened, she was an introverted person who would rather read a book than have a conversation with her friends. She's a loner at school who ate alone, sits alone, and walked alone. Her academic performance was average and rarely active in sports. To sum it up, she was a total loser. Ain't a nerd but a loser.

Nevertheless, she still feels excited about it. Wow, she still has feelings. Noted the sarcasm. She wanted to change it and be the best to make her family in heaven proud. All the skills and knowledge were earned through hard work alright. With some system help. In the meantime, she still had one week left before school started and decided to work a part-time job as a side income. She received some of her family's money assets but was not allowed to fully access them since she's not of age yet.

Pardon my rudeness, my name is Qiavianella Gedeon, 17 years old psychically but old mentally. A weird name indeed and so was my life. See you again next chapter... Hopefully.

~To Be Continued

Extra information:

Jus drein jus daun!

= "blood must have blood" in Grounder language Trigedasleng based on The 100 series


= a friend, especially a male friend in Spanish