
Impaired Heart

Young and wild. They both explore their carnal desires until the inevitable. At sixteen she was pregnant with the MC child. A poor lad with a humble background. She was forced to abort the abomination while the MC was made to flee for his life. They both escape their hometown with an impaired heart. Will time repair the hearts. Bringing back the teen couple to each other embrace. Sit tight and enjoy how fate toys with the young teenagers in love until all puzzles are fixed.

Whi_s_per · Teen
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36 Chs

Arrival of her force, Abrupt meeting

Then, Elaine appeared. They never bothered to learn anything from her since they knew she was in her teens. It was easy to control teenagers. Her speedy completion of the transaction gave them the impression that they could easily take advantage of her.

Atlas! They are wrong. They had invited the little demoness, and all the rip-offs they earned from scamming her into paying an overpriced fee for the Saphila South region had been claimed back. They knew their businesses would be confiscated by the region to avoid trial. The billions of blue currency will end up in her coffer. She will gain over 10000% of the amount she paid to buy out the Saphila South region.

This bad deal was sour to their mouths. They had left the frying pan for the blazing fire.


Halfway through her movie. A helper walked inside the sitting where Elaine was enjoying a romance movie series. Her presence was quickly noticed. Apple didn't make a move on her because she knew it was a fellow trained helper.

However, if the fellow made some strange move, she wouldn't hesitate to send her to an early afterlife. The few times she was with her young boss, she developed goodwill towards her. She had hope in the young boss's ability to drive Saphila South to prosperity.

She won't entertain any crazy revenge assassinations on the new boss. She knew Jace had turned to a hand-bringer of justice. He had pissed off a lot of powerful figures. Those figures won't keep mute and lose those hard-earned fortunes they had gotten in their palms.

Conspiracies and assassinations will follow suit. This is a delicate period for the young Lady Boss, who has yet to train her forces. She made a vow to protect her until she could weather the storm all by herself.

"My lady, a group of male and female-dressed civilians who act as professional elites wished to see you. They said you were waiting for them, but I am suggesting they have schemes." The help gave the reasons for appearing before her lady.

"Really?! At this delicate time. Jace has been messing up with bad and corrupt guys. Making them flee from the region, and now a suspicious individual wishes to see the boss. It seemed those rotten apples couldn't steer away from their crimes. This scheme of theirs looked childish. Who will believe such nonsense?" Apple could drown someone with the saliva escaping her mouth due to being extremely angry.

Elaine interjected to diffuse the already unstable Apple. "At ease, girl, those elite-looking civilians are my people."

She turned and faced the new help. She said, "Go... Invite them. They are integral parts of my plan."

The helper left the sitting room while Elaine faced Apple and requested the details of Jace's journey. Apple made an oral presentation of Jace's early actions to Elaine. She was surprised that the late Granny left such wonderful forces for her. She will quickly integrate them to her soon-to-be formed Nebula organization

She also learned that all her maids were from the late Granny Force. This is an interesting discovery, and the fact they rejected the late Granny grandson and opted to stay despite the massive rewards promised to them made the tale an interesting one.

'So, there are forces that won't be enthralled by the allure of money. F*ck the force are now her people.'

The future plan for Saphila can be brought forward. Jace had worked overtime and paved an excellent path for her. Those ministers were detained, and the rotten sharks fled. The brilliant minds in her team would have to come up with various excuses to confiscate those businesses.

No! They had to act fast.

She stared at Apple and said to her, "Gather everyone to the meeting conference room, including my recently arrived force. Also, connect Jace to the meeting via live stream. I need everyone's presence in one hour."

Apple saw the seriousness of her face. She nodded and left to complete her task.

The force that arrived in the Saphila South region, and was scheduled to meet her was directed to the huge conference room.

Within forty-five minutes, the conference hall was filled up with ministers who had Saphila South region prosperity to heart. This was made possible because late Granny forces had been keeping tabs on all ministers and business owner who were damaging and strangling the economy and vitality of Saphila South region.

Apple being a member of the late Granny Special Forces, she was entitled to the lists of good ministers who would not entertain the decay of the Saphila South region. They were all invited. The rest of the corrupt personnel were excluded from the abrupt meeting in the early dusk hours.

Those who could make it were already settled down on a seat. The rest of the invited personnel who could not arrive within the stipulated time were present in a holographic form. Jace was present in his holographic form too.

Apple walked Elaine to the conference room. They met with some of Elaine's private force. They were the best of the elites and ready to intervene in any rising crisis.

They all walked together into the conference room inciting the shock of all present in the conference room.

Indeed, their new regional lady was a teenager but they would be foolish to mess with this teenager who had smoked out the corrupt officials on her first day. Gosh! She barely landed and the heat had been felt by all corrupt officials. The reasonable Jace became a mad deity. Treating the mess of these corrupt officials.

As Apple accompanied Elaine to the meeting stage, her force swiftly guarded all disaster hideouts. The speech mic was ready.

A normal new owner will give a vibrating speech to her subordinate on their first day. Elaine was different, she didn't plan for a boring speech. One can tell from the abrupt meeting.

She placed her mouth near the mic. She cleared her throat and straight up dove into the subject matter: "Most of you will be expecting a long, boring speech on what I aimed to achieve with the Saphila South region. Well... you will be disappointed. I have no time for such boring speech. My name is Elaine. There is no need to say your names. I will work with you all in the future. You will have to introduce yourselves by then. I will only remind you all... I have come to stay. Since, I have decided to make the Saphila South region my new home. I will aim for my region to be the greatest region that exists on the Blue Planet..."

She paused and stared straight into the eyes of all those present. When she had surveyed the conference room to her satisfaction, she resumed her speech. "You might all think I am crazy, but I believe my actions speak louder than my voice. Jace's action is just the beginning. Though the way of weeding the corrupt is too girlish."


There was resounding laughter in the conference room, which came as a surprise to Elaine. What she said wasn't funny. She means business. Why were these oldies laughing out loud?

When the laughter died down, she continued with her debriefing of the seated leaders of Saphila South region.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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