
Imos deathwind

Power they say comes with responsibility, once you have it, you can only wish for more. But what would you do if you find out you are thrust into this world of power, A world where strength is everything and you are Lucky enough to be at the top of the food chain Your family name and lineage are the true definition of might In a world where power is everything, a family of immense influence, power and privilege. And also a Family Hated for their strength and resilience, he must now navigate through a world where his enemies far outnumber his friends. A blessing now a curse he couldn't do away with, nor turn back the hands of fate Faced with constant threats to his life, he must decide whether to fight for more power, or succumb to the darkness that surrounds him. This is the tale of a young man betrayed by those closest to him and was killed only to gain a second chance in a new world were nothing is impossible. This once spoiled a and pampered brat must now fight for his survival in a world where power means everything. Will he be consumed by greed and selfishness, or will he rise above the hatred and prove his worth?

umukoro_prosper · Fantasy
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27 Chs

you most be delusional

The Wilson patriarch in his main base is screaming furiously none stop, his Minor at timber city burnt to the ground, everything within lost to heavens knows, worse part they could find a clue on who did it

"My lord information had come in from our sources, none of the other family patriarch had left this city" a man clothes in purple robe having a bit of a messy hair rushed in going down on one kneels to the patriarch

"How about the search on of site on timber city, have they found anything, the assassine guild, or those rebels, have you find out if its any of them" the patriarch still soothing with anger stood up from the king like throne chair he sat walking closer to the man on his kneels

"Brother calm your mind, I know how furious you are, I too am furious, if we don't take action and find out the culprit, we would become a laughing stock amongst other family" the man kneeling stood up, an aura of second rank disaster realm expert coming of his body

Sighing the other grew week, this had been the thought bugging him, he knew the infight between all seven family and their struggle to be at the top, now he had gotron a blow to his face and couldn't find a way to retaliated would be like an insult to him

"What do we do now, news of this most have gotten to the others, they are secretly mocking us waiting to see the action we would take, I can't stand those arrogant face glaring at me with contempt" his fist gibing our a cracking sound, wisp of poisonous air coming of his body with the veins around his neck burgling


Unconcerned with what the result of my actions are I sat quietly in a carriage having the Newman emblem on its pulled by tamed beast, Eric sat opposite me, glaring at me with mixed expression

We been on this journey for half a month now, he had been looking for every way to engaged me in a conversation but I never gave him room, am only with the group of warriors travelling along with us when it breakfast, lunch or dinner time

Aside that time, the only other time I come out of my carriage is when am pressed or need to bath, all I do is cultivate, trying to make a push for the next level, still no success, my qi kept purify and condenskng itself, aside that nothing

"I know you've been avoiding me all throughout this journey, I haven't bother to disturb your training either cause I felt you need it, but you for to answer my question" from is voice I could tell he ismt ready to leave my carriage today without an answer

Frowning slightly, I open my eyes, ending my training as I stood of from my cross leg position ordering the carriage to stop, once am down I walked into the bushes by the side breathing the stench of free air

Eric was behind my all the way, he isn't quitting wirh his answer and I could see it clear, better I get this over with so I can focus on more important things "what is the question bugging your mind you want to ask me

Hope you aren't going to ask my how I got to my present level of strength all over again, its going to be boring repeating my all over" I spoke nonchalantly still walking down the bushed with my hand behind my back like a professor

"The other night back on timber city, where were you when the Wilson manor is been attack" he went straight to the point, no need beating around the Bush

I grunt tiredly, moving my head sideway to his direction looking at him as if he were some idiot "I told you that night already, you still didn't believed me

Are you by chance thinking am the one that attack the Minor, uncle Eric you most be delusional, didn't you see the scene yourself, it was the job of an expert, it was done no sweat, how do you expert me to take out their whole with out putting up a fight"

Eric gritted his teeth, no matter how he wants to think about it, the nagging feeling still isn't leaving "I checked on the tavern you said you got the wine from, my source there said she happens not to see you come in that day"

"Maybe she been bang somewhere around the corner the time I drop in, you know you are the tendency of keeping sluts as your Intel" I rolled my eyes at him, pretending not to see the veins on his head budging from my words

"Uncle you should try and take me with you one of this day, you shouldn't be the only one enjoying all the goodness nature stock keep in there" he almost spat out blood seeing the gesture I made with my hands

"Fine don't bothered I asked, we can go back now, we've stay too long in this journey" he quickly wanted to separate from me, my shamelessly knows no bound, "by the way, you should clean any thought you have in that head of your about brottels, so I won't break your legs and leave you to heal for months"

With that he rushed away from me, a knowing grin arc at the side of my lips, before heading back, following behind him, iur journey remained calm all the way, he didn't asked or talk to me, I didn't do same, yet I will always feel his gaze on me


"Young master we've arrived at the city gate of Nor, want to stop by for anything before we head to the main mansion" Eric asked piping his head out the window, he was asking in my favour but his

Over a month now he haven't had it, arriving in the mansion it would be difficult to get out, with that thought, he want to take a quick round fe of warms before stepping in the mansion, I wanted to punish by saying no

But again, it wouldn't be him Alone that would be trap in there, and for a mature mind like mine, been cage in there like some kid would be mind bugging, so I got to use my opportunity well "I don't need anything if am not accompanying you to get what you need to get"

"Oh you don't have to worry young master, what I want to get isn't that important and won't rake much time, I would be back before you finish what ever it your you would like to get"

Tweeting my head to the side I wore the brightest smile, "then don't bother we can just go to the mansion right away, after all am not the one to be locked up with little brother crying for freedom" whispering the last fee part but loud enough fornhkm to hear

'Bastard' he shouted in his head, am using his little brothers huge against him, while won't he call me bastard "fine you can coke with me, I can allow you have wine, nothing more than wine"

"Just wine?"

"Yes just wine, and STOL calling it just, I know how many fingers I might lose and amount of chopping to knock you out till your eyes clear, do you think that is ease, especially noe we are press with time

Take it or leave, if you don't like the option of only wine we can forget about it, after all I can always find other excuse to come out after a while"

I stretch my hands out towards him "its a deal then" he looked at me for a moment and took my hands responding to my deal, if only he knew I crossed my other hand behind me, he wouldn't dare take my deal

We stop the Carriage before it enter the city gate, highlighting down, "hey guys we are going to get somethings before head homing, it would be rude to allow your young master walk alone, who is willing to escort me"

Everyone rose their hands up in a jiff, Eric felt like crying, he staggered where he was, using the closest tree for support while shooting me a murderous gaze, if looks could kill, am sure my burial would be over with by now

"What uncle Eric, aren't I allowed to take gaurds along with me again" I didn't mind his look, walking over to him with an ever bigger smile "wait, wait" my expression became serious the next moment "are you by chance saying am not allowed to rake guards with me

Damn grandfather has really done this, I sure would ask him while he withdrew my access to allow guards to escort me around" folding my hands over my chest like am really grief and in thought

The men behind me were taken aback by my sudden mode change, not for Eric though, he was raining curse on my in his mind, my schemes had become like a thorn in his flesh "come of it young master, patriarch never gave such order"wearing a smile on his own

He walk over to me, place his hands over my shoulder pulling me forward as we began to walk, the soldiers following from behind, smiles evident on their face, today is the captain treat, you can imaging how free thing could be

" why would you need the guard when you got me, aren't I many times better than the guards, secondly if they come along, the wine for you would be shortened" his smiles still brimming brightly

Taking his word over for thought a few moments, I turned towards the group behind me, "too bad I wanted you all to come with me, but captain is saying no, I wonder why he would hate his own men so bad, despising one of his own

He didn't see it wise to treat his own men to a drink, I which I have Monet on me, but dont worry, once we returned I will tell father I needed to take you all for a treat since uncle refused to" it would be hard to believe I wasn't sorry

The smile on Eric face wipe off instantly, he thought he had won, now he knew am just spoke shameless bastard not ready to give up, with a bitter simek he stepped forward pulling me back "what nonsense, why wouldn't I treat my own men, there is no need till patriarch anything

Who is in for a drink?" Every chorus their reply, filling with joy, Eric beamed me a wicked gaze before leading the group away with me following from behind, don't know what that guy is thinking in his head right now.