
Immortals Of Sandroville

"When I was a little lad, I asked my father, " O papa, what makes a man powerful?". The old man stared at me with his wrinkled up face, sipping his wine and spoke, "Man may say he has power, might or wealth. These are what us, human think we acquire that make some few men think they are free and untouchable but don't be fooled, my son because power owns us. We all are slaves to power, even to those high men you call powerful but they are not because they are also slaves to power, a bleeding being subjected to life, greed and pain and till the end of time, we will never change... These words meant nothing to me until the day I turned into what I ignored the most - A slave to power. From Human turned a vampire into an endangered Akmoonatural, Edward Carnon seeks for the One whom might discover the truth of his existence. Uncertain of his options and unresting questions, He embarks on a mission with four instruments of Darmich : Chimeandel The Great, Jark Andre, Aragon and Naltina to bring together all living souls of Darmich to prepare them for the coming storm but as the north cloud thickens, little did they know that a mystical hired killer on the hunt for their souls. Will the universe be redeemed or be devastated into the darkness?

Manny_BlaQ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 11 : See You When I Bleed Out

I am Natalia Ransbottom

These are my words from the other side. Please, hold your tears for my sake after this…

Sticks and bones, only sticks and bones. The clouds which were bright not long ago had turned dark. The sun was nowhere to be seen and the breeze became more violent as it moved. One could see something was bound to happen. Only one was to survive, either the sticks or the bones.

Today, one was born and one was gone. Today ,the winds of change will be whistling past my doorstep and the forest of Sandroville will laugh.

Today, the grounds will dance on the left side of the street in a house. My time had come to deliver my baby. Some nurses and a particular midwife assisted me in bringing my baby into the world.

"He is so handsome", said one of the nurses.

"Yes, he sure does. He looks so much his papa", I said silently.

"Who is his father madam?", asked the midwife whom dresses up the baby boy in swaddling cloth.

"Someone I never want to remember off the face of this planet. Never mind. He is not worth it", I replied. The midwife carefully gave me my newborn. I slowly held him in my arms, not to let go. I was indeed careful.

"So, what would you name your child, madam?", asked the curious midwife whom dressed my son. Truthfully, I want to acknowledge her query but the answer, I couldn't quite give her.

"To be honest, I have no idea whatsoever", I responded. I stares below to my son, smiling

"Miss Natalia, its alright. There are lots of great names for handsome boys like yours you can go for. David, Sammy, John. What else… Kalin or better still if you want your son to be a future high wizard of a counsel, Peteror Augustine would be best. Pedro is now the most popular name in town. You know… There are lots and lots of suggestions ", said the midwife, smiling back at me. I smiled back, taking a sip of water on the counter. The midwife continued with her comment. It seemed like she loves the atmosphere.

"So, Miss Natalia Ransbottom. My master's daughter, what is our little cowboy's name?", asked the midwife.

"Well, for my mother's sake, I guess I will name hin after my uncle. He will be Charlie. His name will be Charlie", I replied with a grin on my face. The smile of my son gave me joy, joy beyond bounds.

"Charlie. Not bad, Madam. Not bad at all for a handsome young fellow", the midwife smiled happily.

"I couldn't agree more", I replied, playfully touching my son's hair. He was indeed my son and i will care for him no matter what.

Days passed after the birth of Charlie. Night and day clocked wildly.I and my father were the last of our family. I was expected to see my father show up but to my dismay, I felt like he was shutting me out. I never saw him. I looked through the window for a glimpse of his face approaching the doorstep but to no avail. This was really odd.

Finally, i knew something was up. I stood up to the rebellion but the bonfire was already lit. It was too late for that.

Two days later, which was already sunrise, the noises from the forefront woke me up. I could hear noises outside the house, so loud enough to bring down the house. I looked beside me. My baby was fast asleep on the bed so I decided to take a look. I stood up and walked to the right side of the room heading towards the door.

I was already near the doorfront when I accidently bumped into someone.from of the shadows came Elizabeth. There stood my very own friend with fear in her eyes, dressed as a doctor.

She felt scared and tired as I could see that she was breathing so fast:

"Elizabeth, what are you doing here? What's wrong?", I lamented. She couldn't say much. She was just moving helter skelter from one place to another, taking all my clothes and belongings into my bag.

"No time to talk, Natalia. I'm in haste. Where is your baby?", asked Elizabeth hurriedly.

"What do you mean? He's in the room sleeping. How do you know about him?", I asked, surprised to the fact that my friend knew all about my pregnancy and now coming to my room in search for my child. Baffled and confused, I couldn't understand what was going on. Even the cry of Elizabeth ss she rolls on the ground wasn't as much helpful.

"Oh heavens!", Elizabeth cried out.

"Eliizabeth,what's happening ? What the hell is going on? Explain to me!", I shouted at the top of my voice, holding my friend's shoulders in fear. I was so scared to death.

"We need to get out of here right now! They are coming!", responded Elizabeth in a fearful tone.

"Who are they?"

"The people of Sandroville. The citizens are out for your head. They say you are a curse. You are exactly the same woman Te heress prophesied. You are carrying the curse and the curse is the child you bore", replied Elizabeth. This, I couldn't believe. I shouted out in disbelief, crying and rolling on the dirty floors. I was so caught up with the moment that i couldn't hear the heavy steps of the angry mob moving inside the house.

"The men are here. Let's get out of here!", shouted Elizabeth.

"I never deserved any of this. Evil has always been beside me, making a laugh out of me. Why is my life so torn up?", I began to cry profusely on the floors of my own prison. I felt a soft touch on my back.

"We all have demons, all in our heart dear. This world has always been like this. Day by day, we live just to conquer our demons but if you stay here, your greatest enemy will be the one to conquer you", Elizabeth spoke up In cries, patting my back but the agony in my heart was too much to bear. I couldn't stop the tears.

I couldn't think straight at the moment, not to even witness the dust covering the air as the mob's stampede draws closer.

The clocks ticks stop as the mob eventually found their way into my room. There was Elizabeth, my very close friend caring my baby in her as while I, crawled to the corner in tears at the sight of the mob leader. The mob leader reached further to the duo for a proper view.

"Natalia Ransbottom, the people of Sandroville request your presence outside with your... child", said the mon leader with a deep accent. I, acknowledging the words of the thick muscled man in front of me stand up sluggishly with tears in my eyes. The mon leader looked around the room. He was indeed confused. He asked onto me: "Where is your child?"

Fear gripped me. I had no option but to face my own problems. I was just about to point fingers at my baby until Elizabeth lept into the conversation.

"He's with the lady of the house, Mrs Dinna", said Elizabeth hastily.

I was shocked but still overwhelmed at he response. I stare at my friend with a thankful look but the mob leader was not quite convinced. He moves close to Elizabeth with Charlie in her hand.

"What about this child? Isn't this thy child?", asked the mob leader.

"No, of course... he's my child. I am a fellow inmate as her too. I stay in the next room", responded Elizabeth with a slow tone. I was so scared and surprised of all of Elizabeth notice. An inmate? I have been duped! Was I living as a criminal in this house the entire time?

"Inmate?!", I screamed out in fear.

"Shut up, you daughter of an abomination!. You stand there and say nothing more!", said the mob leader angrily. He looks at the baby in Elizabeth's hands and then, back at me and said: " You think this was just a normal delivery site for women in labour? It's the next best thing my dear. Let's meet the people. Let the crowd explain to you much more. We will get the baby later. Boys, seize her!". The mob dragged me by the hand outside the house, leading to the open arena.

I look in despair as i abandon my baby In the hands of Elizabeth. I look down the hall at Elizabeth with tears in my eyes as she disappears into the crowd.

What an audience i rarely expected.

The whole city began shouting out curses on my name. I look forward to prevent the mob from suspecting any funny movement. I walked down the path through the crowd of people, wailing insults and abuses, throwing filth on my body as I moves down the street towards my judgement... The court of the council.

Sooner than later, I was standing ppears in the court of the council with her hands and legs bounded with chains. I stood at the middle of the audience in front of the council consisting of the founding fathers. I looked all round her. It felt like the whole world was singing a dire of death in her ears. My heart fell off course. My state of mind was beyond explained.

I noticed that a seat was vacant, the seat to be occupied by my father. I looked down with tear drops in my eyes. My founding fathers made a stand for my trail was about to begin.

"Lady Natalia Ransbottom, lady of the women of the isle, last of the lineage of the Ransbottom, first of her name, do you pledge to utter the truth here and now under the council of the founding fathers and to the great people of Sandroville. Do you require justice?", said the council.

"Yes, my lords. I require justice", I replied.

"The culprit has been required by her to speak only the truth, on this day to redeem herself of her crimes or to render herself to face jugdement. Great citizens of Sandroville, do you agree to this?", asked the council whereby the entire spectators acknowledged positively. The trial began. The court room is filled with staring eyes as I began to shake in fear for my life.

"Lady Ransbottom, do you know Edward carnon?", asked the Council in which I nodded. This spurt out a root leading the their next question: " How did you meet him?"

"I met him the day after he landed on our doorstep as a hopeless stranger", I replied.

Was he a friend to you?", asked the Council. I nodded in response.

"My lady, can you describe your friendship status between you and Edward carnon to the good people of Sandroville", said the council in which instantly stir up inside voices in the court room as i began to explain further.

"He was a ... close friend. A very close friend was he to me", I spoke out in the huge courtroom whereas my words amplified in an echo.

"I guess so but close friend means intimacy right?", asked the Council in haste with their question which forces me to scare for a few seconds before I could reply.

"One can describe words with another, My lords", i answered.

"So, what you mean was that you two were in love, right?", asked the Council as they pushed on with more questions. It was intense in the room. Silence leveled the atmosphere of the entire court room. I stood all alone, froze to the spot, facing my own pain.

"Yes, My liege. We were", I replied.

The council room stirs up one more as the approval statement from Me shook the whole establishment. The room was therefore got back to order by the guards.

"As it is now, he is the man responsible for your child?", The Council asked another query in which I nodded in response. The court stirs up once again with more noises. Decorum was finally made in the court room where the Council asked another more disturbing question.

"And were is this child now?".

I knew i would be a honest citizen at the core at this stage. The safety of her child really matter more than ever, at all cost.

"He's at the house with Mrs Dinna as we speak", I replied. The Council calls on the guards quickly. There stood the mob leader right in front of the Council.

"Guards, go to the home of lady Dinna. Retrieve the child back here from her". The Council faces back to keep as I watched the mob leader moves away with the mob out.

The Council continues: "So, you befriended Edward carnon, loved him and eventually got you pregnant?"

"Ye... Yes, my lords", I replied, crying profusely as the crowd screams in shame.

"Did you ever know that he was an… abomination?", asked the council.

"No, I didn't. I had no idea that those demons even exist. I was as shocked as you all were. The point is that... ( i hesitated, crawling to the Council table ) I made a mess at loving the wrong person. I was blind and mad at love. I couldn't see the sercet he was hiding within him. I was a typical fool and he used me. Please, my lieges, forgive me. I beg for mercy!", I says, crying out in the open.

"We wished we could but according to the law, any individual who stains the soil for our holy ground shall be jugded and not just that. According to Te heress's prophecy, you and your baby are the curse. You delivered an abomination that will bring disaster and total condemnation to the entire world. You both will bring about the dawn of the end of men and we need to eradicate it. The law states that any unfornate relationship that leads to pregnancy without proper marriage should be punished. You should have known this before embarking on a doggy", said the Council where as the audience laughes out.

"Please, my lords. Have mercy!", I cried out, pleading but it seemed like the whole world turned point blank at my ordeal. Fate had finally caught up with me. There, I stood as the Council justify the case.

"I declare today, Lady Natalia ransbottom, lady of the women of the isle, last of the lineage of the Ransbottom, first of her name, due to unlawfully relationship with the result of a pregnancy and by staining the soil of the city, you shall be punished. By the will of the council of the founding fathers and the agreement of the great people of Sandroville, the culprit dies by furnace burning. Take her to the bonfire!", the Council shouts while the crowd screams after the final verdict.

I was taken away by the city guards out in the open towards the road to death. Now in tears, I watched as the angry bloodtasting people behind her accompanying me to hell…

Few hours later finally, I was standing in front of the crowd wailing out:




She must die. She is a disgrace. She blew away her integrity! She is a false entity

A disgrace to womanhood.


There I was, tied to a platform by a city guard. I look to the left and right hand as I hear the voices of women, men and children yelling out curses. I looked more further. I finally saw my father drifts into the clouds. I was the bone to be burned down. Tears rained down my eyes as the people continued to unleash abuse and insults on me.

The last i saw was Elizabeth, hiding within to the crowd with her baby. I kept looking at my lonely child, transfixed as the dry woods were lit. The show was on. I fell with her eyes closed as my tears and screams amplified as the flame rises up with intense heat.

Few minutes later, my voices were lost. The flames died down but soon… I had turn to coal.

I, Natalia Ransbottom was no more.






"There will be fire in the eyes of men when the flesh proteins melt"

The end of a family Mark's the start of another but one tragic falls will come for another...?

Stay around. More IOS coming up... ?

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