
Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

Lin Fei, who had mediocre martial arts talent, unexpectedly acquired a martial arts system. All of his martial arts skills could be self-cultivated. "Your Giant Whale Body Refining Technique has increased by 50% due to its observation of the 'Long Whale Under the Moon' diagram, which enabled it to comprehend the essence of the technique." Despite not putting in much effort, Lin Fei's martial arts skills were too diligent... I am also posting this story on Royal Road. Here is the link to my profile:https://www.royalroad.com/profile/303843 Ko-fi and Patreon provide more chapters. https://ko-fi.com/bandefry patreon.com/righteousegg

Bande_Fry · Fantasy
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200 Chs

181. Lin Fei’s Decision

In the Nine Profound Sect, Lin Fei sat cross-legged in his cave dwelling.

"Reporting to the grand elder."

Suddenly, the sect master arrived. Now, even when the sect master came to Lin Fei's cave dwelling, he had to announce his arrival. After all, Lin Fei's status was now different from before. He was now regarded by all martial artists throughout the Great Chang, and throughout the entire world, as a godlike figure. He was also currently the stabilizing force of the Nine Profound Sect!

Lin Fei's prestige had long since surpassed the ordinary scope of a Grand Elder. In fact, if Lin Fei wished to take the position of sect master at this moment, it would be as easy as a common occurrence.

"Sect master, come in."

The voice of Lin Fei came from inside the cave dwelling. The sect master respectfully entered Lin Fei's dwelling. Upon seeing Lin Fei sitting cross-legged on the ground, the sect master respectfully greeted, "Greetings, grand elder!"

"Sect master, what brings you here?"

Lin Fei opened his eyes.

The sect master respectfully said, "Grand Elder, I have been closely monitoring the movements of He Mountain Dao and Guardian Primordial Mountain. After He Mountain Dao and Guardian Primordial Mountain learned that the grand elder has become a Martial Saint and slain Yuan Kongzi with a saber stroke. Both of these immortal sects immediately declared a lockdown, activating their mountain protection arrays. It seems that they have no intention of involving themselves with the world any longer."

In reality, when He Mountain Dao and Guardian Primordial Mountain learned that Lin Fei had killed Yuan Kongzi, they initially refused to believe it. After carefully investigating the news and discovering that it was indeed true, they didn't hesitate any longer. They promptly secluded themselves from the world. Once they closed off their mountains, it meant that they would not venture down, and everything in the mortal world became irrelevant to them.

The only exceptions might be the occasional recruitment of disciples, which might necessitate a descent from the mountain. But only a handful of people would venture down and they wouldn't make a big fuss about it. They were truly afraid.

Even though a Foundation Establishment cultivator from Guardian Primordial Mountain was slain by Lin Fei, the Guardian Primordial Mountain did not dare to retaliate. Instead, they worried that Lin Fei might flatten the Guardian Primordial Mountain. Therefore, they promptly closed off their mountain and activated their grand array.

These immortal sects, which have existed for over a thousand years, had experience with such matters. Back when the founding emperor of Great Chang swept across the four corners of the world with his Martial Saint prowess, subduing the world. Knowing they couldn't compete, these immortal sects did exactly this.

They closed off their mountains, secluded themselves from the world, and endured hardship. They continued to endure until the founding emperor of Great Chang disappeared. Only then did these immortal sects start stirring up trouble again.

Fortunately, a Foundation Establishment True Person was born within the royal family. Although the Supreme Elder did not possess the might of the founding emperor of Great Chang, he was still a top Foundation Establishment True Person. He was able to keep other immortal sects from taking rash actions, leaving them with no choice but to seclude themselves. This lasted for over four hundred years until the royal supreme elder's lifespan ended and passed away in meditation, they began to stir up trouble again, attempting to take control of the world's power.

Now, with Lin Fei's power growing, other immortal sects might not necessarily fear him. However, He Mountain Dao and Guardian Primordial Mountain, these two great immortal sects, currently had no Foundation Establishment True Person. How could they dare to involve themselves in worldly affairs?

They had no choice but to seclude themselves by closing off their mountains. They would wait until their sects produce another Foundation Establishment True Person, or until Lin Fei dies. It's estimated that He Mountain Dao and Guardian Primordial Mountain would only dare to reopen their mountains then.

This was the survival strategy of these immortal sects. If there were powerful enemies that cannot be defeated, could they not hide?

He Mountain Dao and Guardian Primordial Mountain were both immortal sects with a thousand-year-old heritage. They possessed treasure that stabilizes their sects. Their mountain protection arrays were so powerful that even a Martial Saint with a manifested saber momentum cannot break through them.

Otherwise, the founding emperor of Great Chang would have flattened those immortal sects long ago. How could there be room for the existence of those immortal sects?

Now it was the same with Lin Fei. He didn't think that he was stronger than the founding emperor of Great Chang at the moment. After all, the founding emperor of Great Chang had managed to master "momentum", and Lin Fei had yet to do so.

If even the founding emperor of Great Chang couldn't break through the mountain protection arrays of those immortal sects, naturally, Lin Fei wouldn't be able to break through them either. He could only let those immortal sects close off their mountains.

However, as long as he was present, He Mountain Dao and Guardian Primordial Mountain would have to obediently close off their mountains, not daring to take any rash actions. This was the deterrent power of Lin Fei, the Martial Saint!

"I understand. Is there anything else?"

Lin Fei looked at the sect master, who seemed to be hesitant, seemed there was more to be said.

The sect master hesitated for a moment, but eventually took out a letter from his bosom, "Grand Elder, the secret guards of the South King, on behalf of the South King's daughter, hope that the grand elder can make a trip to Chang City. This is a letter from Princess Ling Yao, please have a look, grand elder."

Lin Fei raised his head. He took the letter from the sect master's hand. Upon opening the letter, he saw the familiar handwriting. It was indeed from Ling Yao.

The content of the letter was also very simple. First, it congratulated Lin Fei on achieving the status of Martial Saint, reaching the peak of martial arts, and shaking the world with his might! Second, it hoped that Lin Fei could make a trip to Chang City.

After putting down the letter, Lin Fei did not speak, falling silent.

The sect master finally couldn't help but say, "Grand Elder, the situation in Great Chang is unstable now, and the Great Chang dynasty is in danger. Although our Nine Profound Sect has a good relationship with the Great Chang royal family, we need to think carefully about such important matters. Chang City is now a whirlpool. Once you step into the whirlpool, it will be difficult to extricate yourself!

Although you, grand elder, are now a Martial Saint, there are more than just He Mountain Dao and Guardian Primordial Mountain among the immortal sects in the world. Some Foundation Establishment True Persons have been practicing for hundreds of years, their depth is unfathomable, far beyond what Yuan Kongzi can compare to. I hope grand elder will think thrice!"

Lin Fei understood what the sect master was saying. He was hoping that Lin Fei would not go to Chang City to avoid stirring the troubled waters of the royal family.

If anything happened to Lin Fei, Nine Profound Sect would be in danger. The current Lin Fei wasn't just himself alone. It was the entire Nine Profound Sect behind him.

Lin Fei looked at the sect master and said indifferently, "The reason why the world is so chaotic now, I believe is clear. Behind it all are those immortal sects, coveting control of the world's power. If we truly go back to the time before Great Chang was established when those immortal sects held power. Do you think the Nine Profound Sect could stay out of it? Even if I, a Martial Saint, am sitting here, can Nine Profound Sect rest easy?"

The sect master didn't speak anymore. What was it like before the establishment of Great Chang? Some ancient texts briefly mention it. Back then, there were mortal nations. But they were divided into many nations, constantly warring with each other. And behind these nations all, were those immortal sects.

The immortal sects, high above, controlled everything. They didn't care about how many mortal people died or were injured. Holding power and controlling all kinds of spiritual resources in the world was all they cared for. Mortals were just people who served them generation after generation. If one generation died, another would grow. Moreover, ordinary people are without talent. In their eyes, they didn't even count as the same kind. This kind of high and mighty mentality was not the same as martial artists. After all, martial artists were also "ordinary people" in the eyes of Qi cultivators. Anyone could become a martial artist. Even if a martial artist became a Martial Saint, he wouldn't have this kind of high and mighty mentality.

Martial artists and Qi cultivators. To say they are born enemies was a bit of an exaggeration. But once the immortal sects control the world's power, martial arts would inevitably be suppressed. By then, let alone Martial Saints, even a martial arts Master, probably could only become a servant to be dispatched at will by the Qi cultivators.

"Moreover, what the founding emperor of Great Chang was able to do, I can do too!"

A sharp light flashed in Lin Fei's eyes! The sect master shuddered in his heart. He already knew Lin Fei's determination.

"Tell the secret guards that I will certainly go to Chang City."

"Yes, grand elder!"

The sect master did not try to persuade him further. Instead, he respectfully withdrew.