
IMMORTALITY:Start from family

Reborn in Gu's family, a family of cultivating immortals specialized in cultivating spiritual monster. Watch our Protagonist lead the family to the eternal gate step by step. Note; sorry for my write,English is not my first language and if there any error please comment.I WANTT LEVEL UPPPP

Shin_Chan_7392 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


On the hillside of Fengyan Peak, there was a very magnificent hall and was closely guarded by the Gu family members.

Gu shifeng was now heading to the Gu family's treasure hall, as well as the Gu family's treasure exchange place.

The Gu family's treasure hall was installed in the middle stage 3rd level formation, it was already the limit for the early stage zifu family.

Gu shifeng was here with the intention of exchanging the remaining contribution points into his cultivation resources and fire tigers. The spiritual food pills and spiritual flesh had been eaten up by his fire tiger, the fire tiger had consumed all the spiritual food pills in ten days.

Gu Shifeng had to exchange his contribution points for some spiritual herbs, then return to the alchemy pavilion to purify some spiritual food herbs. Moreover, Gu shifeng would also be looking for some herbs, legend books, and beast myths in the treasure hall.

In the Gu family's treasure hall, there were many monks who were exchanging their contribution points for family treasures.

Among them was Gu shifeng's second brother, Gu shifan, who was also exchanging his contribution points for resources for his fire wolf. This was why the Gu family had always been short of their resources.

Therefore, when Gu shifeng had arrived in the treasure hall, Gu shifeng could see the look on his fourth brother's face that looked frowning. After seeing the look on his fourth brother's face, Gu shifeng compared it to when he received the fire wolf bianatang in the demon beast hunting hall. At that moment he straightened his chest forward and his face showed an expression of excitement.

"Fourth brother." Say hello to Gu shifeng.

Gu shifan turned his face and saw Gu shifeng calling out to him. Gu shifan responded to Gu Shifeng's greeting with a question and a statement:

"Shifeng, are you here to redeem your contribution points? Now I know why my family is always short of resources and poor."

"I've been here for the third time and I've run out of potions and family contribution points."

"Shifeng, you have an injured spiritual animal, has it healed? How many times have you been here?"

Gu shifeng was distressed by Gu shifan's question attack, So Gu shifeng replied.

"The fire tiger is now somewhat better than when it was captured by the fourth brother and now I've only come here twice." Gu Shifeng said when he saw Gu Shifan's dull face, so he said twice came here. Even though this was the first time he had come to the family treasure hall.

"I envy you shifeng, if I had a talent in alchemy.... Hah." Gu shifan sighed and looked at Gu Shifeng enviously.

"By the way, Shifeng is here. When the time comes, the fourth brother will take you to get the spirit stones, which will be enough for you to use for a long time." Gu Shifan said. Gu Shifan suddenly thought of something and counted using his fingers, and finally showed a wide smile.

When Shifeng heard what Gu Shifan was saying, Shifeng felt doubt in the look on his face. Shiji's generation grew up in the mountains of Fengyan when he was a child, so Shifeng knew what his fourth brother's attitude was. So shifeng felt doubtful whether to follow him.

"Don't worry, it's not me who leads this team, but the sixth sister who leads the team. Now you believe the news I said?" The fourth sister explained when she saw Gu Shifeng's doubtful face.

"Sixth brother told you?" Gu shifeng was a little tempted now. The sixth brother was a physical warrior and thinker in the Gu Shifeng generation, the Shi generation.

"Of course, but the sixth brother told me to wait another month to make the preparations that had to be prepared." Said Gu shifan in response to Gu shifeng's question.

Seemingly seeing Gu shifeng nodding his head, Gu shifan approached Gu Shifeng's ear. "It's a demon valley besieged by families. There are spiritual veins, I don't know what level those spiritual veins are, but I thought those spiritual veins would be at the first level. And it will attract demonic beasts to come closer." Gu Shifan whispered to Shifeng.

Shifeng thought for a while, he nodded. His sixth brother, even though he was a physical warrior, he was a little wise. The demon valley that had been cleared of monsters would leave behind a lot of monster blood and it would be a smell of blood that attracted low-level monsters. Powerful monsters wouldn't come back that quickly, so render-level monsters would occupy those spiritual veins.

As long as you understand it well, you don't need to worry about the threat of high-level monsters when exploring the demon valley. Of course Gu shifeng agreed, and there was another reason why he agreed. Because Gu shifu's father was the head of the Gu family, Gu Xueling, one of the monks who built the foundation of the Gu family, was now in the middle stage of foundation construction. If Gu Xueling dared to let go of Gu shifu, she should have a trump card to save her life in her hands. Gu shifeng thought for a while, then shook his head to dispel his thoughts. There is still one month, so there is no need to worry too much.

Then Gu shifeng headed to the administration desk of the family treasure hall, which was guarded by the 4th grandfather, Gu Yanping. Gu shifeng took out his family token to redeem the spiritual potion.

"Fourth grandfather." Gu shifeng took the initiative to greet Gu Yanping and helped him put down the spiritual potion he was carrying.

The panacea in the treasure hall was kept according to the quality of the spiritual herbs. The potion that the fourth grandfather brought was a first-rate potion.

"Shifeng doesn't need this easy job, it won't take long." Gu Yanping said

"It's okay fourth grandfather, Shifeng is here just to redeem spiritual herbs and resources for cultivation." Clearly Gu shifeng explained his arrival.

Gu Yanping let Gu shifeng help him. After a while, the two of them finished putting down the spiritual potion according to the qualifications of the potion.

"So what do you want to exchange here?" Gu Yanping asked Shifeng.

"Thirteen spiritual food potion pills, twenty-five kilograms of spiritual beast meat, two poison antidote pills, health restoration potions, and two blood essence pills." Gu shifeng spoke one by one the items that were desired by him.

This request had been thought of for a long time by him. The fire tiger couldn't recover suddenly, this had to be revealed slowly by him. The items ordered by him were to show everyone how the healing process of the fire tiger works.

Gu Yanping listened to Gu shifeng's request and he asked in surprise.

"Has the fire tiger recovered?"

"How can it be that easy to disinfect it? His vitality was still weak and his poison had almost disappeared. But I'll try to cure him." Gu Shifeng said explaining how the condition of the fire tiger he chose was.

"As long as it can survive such a wound, it shows that the potential of the beast is unusual. We have high hopes after that recovery, and it's your good luck." Gu Yanping also nodded his head and praised Gu shifeng for his healing.

If the fire tiger is not in a severely injured condition, the price to pay is at least 800 to 1000 contribution points. And at that price, Gu shifeng would definitely miss it.

As Gu Yanping said this, he took out the objects and potions needed by Gu Shifeng.

"Spiritual food potions cost 2 contribution points per pill, so 26 contribution points. 25 kilograms of spiritual beast meat costs 10 contribution points. Blood pills, health pills, and poison antidote pills cost 5 points each, bringing the total to 25 points. The total of all orders is 61 family contribution points." Said Gu Yanping counting Gu shifeng's order.

Gu shifeng nodded and handed the family spiritual token to Gu Yanping. After a while, Gu Yanping returned Gu Shifeng's family token. Gu Shifeng kept all of his ordered items into his spiritual bag.

Gu shifeng was about to leave when he remembered something and started asking Gu Yanping.

"Fourth Grandfather, may I ask for your advice on spiritual herbs that I don't know?"

Suddenly, Gu shifeng drew a book spiritual herb that he didn't recognize.

"This is a black charcoal mushroom. It is a bit difficult to find this jamuar in the ground. This was a high-level first-class spiritual plant... Gu Yanping explained one by one the pictures drawn by Gu shifeng.

After hearing this, Gu shifeng felt bitter in his heart. The elixir that the book showed was a high-level elixir, with his alchemy level he couldn't perfect it for now.

"Fourth grandfather let me exchange some spiritual talisman. Two golden sword charms, two wooden vine charms, and three water shield charms." Gu shifeng was a bit hesitant as he pulled out his spiritual token.

"Okay." Gu Yanping touched his spiritual storage bag, and quickly took out the seven spiritual talismans ordered by Gu Shifeng.

"A total of 35 family contribution points." Gu Yanping conveyed the price that Gu shifeng had to pay.

"Thank you fourth grandfather." Gu shifeng thanked and went to the alchemy hall.

#thank you for your time