
Immortality in DxD

After coming out of seclusion for a few centuries, our protagonists finds himself in a world both familiar and foreign. Watch as he tries to reintegrates himself back into society ruled by Devils, Angels and Fallen Crows. *************************************************************************************************************************** Hello! I sure hope you all are looking forward to this new fanfic being dropped! This'll be a cultivation theme Highschool DxD story. This was primarily inspired from the fact that Senjutsu is such an insanely interesting concept in the DxD world, so please expect an insanely overpowered protagonist! I hope you all enjoy!

EldritchFictor · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 8: The Divine Organs

"Well," Iori sighed as he retracted his Ki tendrils," At least your Ki Channels are properly developed.."

Those weren't the words Kunou expected to hear, especially not when her mother herself had helped in the formation of these pristine pathways. They had allowed for such control and power to flow through her body that she had quickly become the target of her envious peers and even some older Yokai couldn't help but suck their teeth in jealously. Hell, even her Senjutsu instructor had called her a once in a century genius in this regard.

But if she wasn't completely blind, this man sounded somewhat disappointed at what he saw.

"Before anything else, I'll check these 2 Channels also. Just to make sure.."

And then Iori the proceeded to do the same for the Oni and Nekomata, while their channels weren't as intricate as Kunou's they were good enough for now. Finding similar issues in them too, he could only shake his head.

While waiting for the immortal to finish, the golden kitsune struggled not to just blurt out her questions. She knew exactly how much concentration it took for someone to harmlessly insert their Ki into someone else, with a mere slip of the mind significant internal damage could be wrought. Holding her breathe, nine tails perked up in unison as she noticed Iori finish up with the red skinned Oni.

"Just as I expected…" Iori rubbed at his smooth chin, thoughts swirling behind those blue eyes," Let me ask you this, do you know of the Divine Organs?"

The confusion painted across their faces was answer enough, making him nearly want to groan out loud. He could already feel a headache start to form at implications of their ignorance.

"They're these 5 organs: Heart, Liver, Lungs, Stomach and Brain. Each of these organs act as stop gaps in your Ki Channels, good for normal people but detrimental for those who wish to proceed down the path of Senjutsu. Think of them like spiritual blockages or more like a damn of sorts."

"Why haven't we heard of them then?"

The Nekomata couldn't help but ask, this was all new information to not just her but her clan. Her people as a whole are all natural born experts in the usage of Ki, for them not to notice such a glaring issue was simply put, disturbing.

"I have no idea." Iori shrugged, looking off onto the city below," Maybe such information has become buried by history? Accidentally or otherwise it doesn't really matter to me. But it does explain a lot. If no one knew of the next step, then the only way to progress would be to just develop the body enough to produce more and more Ki or to take it from the air itself. But doing so would open them up to the ambient emotion tinged energy of the world.."

"The old Soto (Out) vs De (In)…"

"Uhmm…" The Oni tentatively asked, growing uncomfortable under the ever darkening mood of the man before them," Could you explain further?"

"When I was still a lad, there were 2 primary schools of Senjutsu. Those who believed the only way to progress is too extend out their area of influence and take in ambient Ki, were under the Soto school. In contrast, those who believed that our own inner store of Ki was all we needed to ascend those metaphorical stairs were rallied under the De school. Neither side is technically wrong and both have their own downsides but it seems in my seclusion, Soto has become the norm. Which explains somethings at least."

"Which school were you apart of?"

Kunou questioned, curiosity tinging her tone. While she honestly couldn't imagine someone actually using their own Ki for Senjutsu, especially not an entire school of practitioners, but at least the stories were entertaining to say the least.

Iori only smiled wanly and memories flashed through his mind. Harsh combat, betrayal and finally victory.

"Technically, you could say I am apart of the De."


Her golden ear twitched slightly under his rather vague words, she thought it was a rather simple question to answer.

"Even those in the De tended to stop after unblocking a few Divine Organs and just further develop their body for further progress. It's safer to say I was rather….unorthodox in some ways."

'Unorthodox? Why do I get such Murim vibes from this man?!'

She thought it was for the best for her to continue reading those Murim and Xianxia novels, they might have something valuable in them after all.

"How do we unlock our Divine Organs?"

The kitsune inquired, deeming it not too wise to ask further questions on the man's practices. Especially not with her mother further occupied.

"Are you sure?" Iori quirked a brow," It'll be a long process, especially if you're doing it alone. And once you start down chipping away at the blockages, you'll be forced to keep at it until it's done. Less you suffer a backlash and cripple your ability to use Ki all together."

When the 3 heard the words 'backlash' and 'cripple' an instinctual shiver ran up their spines. Yokai who couldn't use their Ki were rare and often the target of much scorn among their people. While Kunou would be fine as long as her mother stayed in power but as for the other 2? They would bring great shame to their family and possibly be banished from their clans.

But alas, even with such dire warnings, the allure of power beyond any other was simply too sweet to pass by. Maybe if Kunou wasn't so intimately aware of how badly the Yokai faction as a whole has been pushed into a corner by the others, she wouldn't have risked such a thing. But she couldn't knowing give up on a path to power from this enigmatic man.

'Mother said he taught her, so it shouldn't be so bad...right?'

"I'm sure."

They said in unison, determination burning in their eyes.

"Fine." Iori sighed," Before I teach this method to you, I'm tired of calling you 2 Nekomata and Oni. Introduce yourselves."

"My name is Sugita Riko from the Nekomata Clan. I will be in your care Master Yamato."

"I'm called Daidachi of Crimson Oni Clan, please teach me."

The Nekomata, Riko, and the red skinned Oni, Daidachi, then bowed in unison as they introduced themselves. Feeling a bit out of place, Kunou was getting ready to do the same when she was halted by the wave of a hand from Iori himself.

"None of you are my disciples, don't feel the need to bow."

'Plus besides, it's awkward to make a bunch of kids dogeza..'

"Now that's out of the way, we need to set some ground rules."

With Iori announcement, the 3 sat up straight and looked up at the man in deep focus.

"First, I do not care if you decide to teach this method to others. It wasn't mine to begin with and isn't that big of deal in the large scheme of things."

"Second, do not rush. Chipping away at blockages is a slow process naturally and trying to speed up the progress will only weaken the organ."

"Third, do only one organ at a time. Not only is this to avoid making a mistake, it's also more expedient to do so."

"Fourth, do not try to unblock your heart or brain without supervision. These are the 2 most important and the slightest error will permanently cripple you at best or just outright kill you."

"Fifth, most important of all rules is this," They all leaned in further as he paused," I do not like being disturbed wantonly. Don't hesitate to come to me if there's any questions you have or need help, but that doesn't mean your elders can send a flood of aspirants my way. I will teach you because of your close association to my disciple's child. Am I understood?"

"Yes Master Yamato!"

They chorused, excitement bubbling up in their chests.