
Chapter 3 System Space


"Enter System Space."

Lin Jing silently chanted in his heart.

Soon after, his vision began to blur, and his body seemed to be enveloped by something.

Moments later, when Lin Jing opened his eyes again, he had arrived inside System Space.

"Master, welcome back."

A mechanical voice devoid of any emotion sounded, as if it were right by his ear.

"System, display the panel."

"Very well, Master."

As soon as Lin Jing finished speaking, a projection appeared before him.

System Space (Level 1)

Remaining Time: 1 hour 59 minutes

Host: Lin Jing

Spirit Field Range: 10 mu

Spiritual Energy Density: 1

Flow of Time Speed: 1

Daily Access Time: 2 hours

Upgrade Requirements: (0/100 Harvest Points)

Special Functions: Alert (When the host enters System Space, the system will encompass the area surrounding the host in reality within the alert range and will notify the host of any emergencies.)

Observation Mode: (The host can observe the real world from within the System Space.) (Note: During Observation Mode, the host's perspective will synchronize with the external world's time.)

Lin Jing reached out and tapped on his name on the panel, and his information immediately appeared before his eyes.

Lin Jing (23/90)

Spiritual Root: Five Elements Mixed Spirit Root (Low Grade)

Cultivation: Qi Refinement Level One (99%)

Cultivation Technique: Qingyuan Dao Method (Level One), Qingyuan Sword Control Technique (Beginner)

Sub-Occupation: None

"As expected, it's already at 99%."

Seeing the cultivation level, Lin Jing smiled knowingly. After such a long time of cultivation, he was finally about to break through.

Qi Refinement Level One, the first threshold of cultivation, might be nothing to others.

But for someone with a Low Grade Five Elements Mixed Spiritual Root like him, it was like an insurmountable chasm.

That was the case with his predecessor.

He had started cultivating at a young age, with his father's guidance, yet despite this, he had been stuck at Qi Refinement Level One for many years.

With such aptitude, no sect would take him in.

Fortunately, his predecessor's father had once made contributions to the Qingyuan Sword Sect, which was why he was exceptionally accepted.

However, he was now finally about to step over this threshold, and to say he wasn't excited would be a lie.

Who wouldn't feel exhilarated at the moment of nearing a long-awaited success?

Especially since Lin Jing inherited his predecessor's memories and had deep grudges about this.

He took a deep breath, and rich spiritual energy immediately rushed at his face.

The density of spiritual energy in System Space, although not as high as in Steward Li's courtyard, was very close. Cultivating here was much faster than outside.

The only downside was that the time he could spend in System Space each day was limited to one hour, which amounted to two hours of time.

Therefore, every time Lin Jing came in, he did not dare to waste a single moment, either planting Spirit Rice or meditating for cultivation.

In the System Space, there were 10 mu of Spirit Fields, and the Harvest Points needed to upgrade the space were gained by planting crops and harvesting them when they matured.

The patches of golden Spirit Rice in front of Lin Jing were what he planted previously, and the earliest ones were now nearing maturity.

Lin Jing skillfully summoned the panel, which clearly showed that the mu of Spirit Rice in front of him would mature in three days.

With these, even if he were expelled from Qingyuan Sword Sect, he wouldn't have to worry.

However, these would only allow him to get by in the Fang Market at the foot of the mountain; if he wished to survive, his strength still needed to be improved.

After all, this is the Cultivation World, a place of survival of the fittest, where danger lurks everywhere.

Lin Jing sat down cross-legged and started circulating his cultivation technique, as spiritual energy congregated towards him.


"Warning, warning, someone has entered the alert range, please respond promptly, host."


At the critical moment of his breakthrough, a system notification rang out, and Lin Jing's brows furrowed tightly. He had no choice but to stop cultivating.

"Who could be coming here at this time?"

Even so, Lin Jing didn't leave the System Space immediately. Whoever it was that had come so late, he had to be cautious.

"Let's take a look first," Lin Jing thought silently.

"System, activate Observation Mode."

"Alright, Master."

Following that, Lin Jing felt as though he had activated a god-like perspective, looking down on his dwelling from above.

With a thought, the perspective shifted to the front of his hut, where he saw two people concealing their auras, heading towards his dwelling. However, due to the darkness, Lin Jing couldn't make out the faces of the two.

In Observation Mode, as long as they were within the alert range, Lin Jing could observe the outside situation from various perspectives, and he could freely choose to zoom in or out.

Lin Jing zoomed in on the two and could finally see them clearly.

"It's actually them," Lin Jing was shocked, "Why would they be together?"

Lin Jing recognized both individuals. One was Steward Li, and the other was, surprisingly, his 'neighbor,' Yuan Bo.

Now that they were here so late at night, they certainly weren't up to anything good. Lin Jing decided it was best not to go out just yet and to see what they were up to.

The two reached the door, and seemed to sense something, pressing their ears against it to listen.

"Huh? No one's here."

Steward Li pushed slightly on the door.


With that noise, the door opened, and the two looked inside, only to see that the bed was empty; no one was there.

"Didn't you say he's been in the room all this time, not going out?" Steward Li asked, his face showing obvious displeasure, as he questioned Yuan Bo.

"I indeed saw him enter the room and didn't see him leave."

"Then how do you explain the situation now?"


Looking at the empty room, Yuan Bo had words on his lips but found he was unable to say anything.

Suddenly, as if realizing something, Yuan Bo turned to Steward Li and said:

"Uncle, it was hard enough to get Lin Jing out of the Sect, and that Han character had to interfere."

"Could it be Han Jing this time? Did he secretly take him away?"

Hearing their words, Lin Jing understood that the destruction of the Spirit Field was indeed related to Yuan Bo, but what he hadn't expected was that Steward Li was the mastermind.

"The 'Han Jing' they're talking about must be Senior Han," Lin Jing pondered.

"That won't be the case."

"Han Jing has always been upright and wouldn't engage in sly tactics; if he were to act, he would do so openly and honorably."

Steward Li walked over to the table as he spoke. Looking at the luggage on the table, he said:

"His luggage is still here, so he probably hasn't left."

"Uncle, what do we do now? Do we wait here for him to come back?"

Hearing this, Lin Jing felt a surge of nervousness; his heart jumped to his throat. He only had two hours in the System Space.

If the two hours passed and he hadn't come out, the system would throw him out directly.

At that time, when facing the two men, he would have no chance of survival.

Steward Li pondered for a moment, then spoke.

"Let's look around first. We'll talk about the next steps if we find nothing."

"I can't stay here too long; otherwise, that Han character might notice something."

With that said, the two men began to search the room together.

"What are they looking for?"

Lin Jing frowned and contemplated.

Upon reflecting on the memories of his predecessor, aside from a few admonitions, his father had left him with nothing when he died.

And as for himself, so poor that he didn't have a penny to his name, he really didn't know what could be of so much interest to them.

"Warning, warning, someone is entering the alert range. Please respond in a timely manner, Host."

"Another person is coming."

Lin Jing switched the observation perspective and saw someone flying on a sword, arriving above the hut instantly.

"Li Yeming, do you think just because you have the support of an Elder, I wouldn't dare to kill you?"