
Ch.3: News.


The kid in the white bed jerked up, pulling the machines that he was connected to. Drenched in sweat and tubes coming out from all over his body, no matter the location. 'I'm...alive..?' He looked side to side and even slapped himself to assure himself that he was indeed living once more.

'I'm actually...alive~....' He layed back down as he used his right forearm to cover his face, now full of tears and boogers. Deep down he had no hope of returning to the world of the living.

Deep down he thought meeting God really was in his own head. 'Thank you~...' A forced yet grateful smile appeared on his face as he hiccuped through multiple intervals.

After a few minutes, Clay stopped crying and sat back up once more, now fully energetic. 'Hit by two cars, and yet, I'm alive. The media will love this, won't they..?' He began taking the tubes out of his body which surprisingly didn't hurt.

'Whoa, what the...?' The holes in his skin which were place holders for the tubes were closing before his eyes.

'I'm-I'm regenerating...? God actually gave me superpowers...?' Clay couldn't be in disbelief as it was happening right before his eyes, so instead of being shocked about it, he decided to keep pulling the tubes out and seeing the magic work once again.

The holes would close with pain being practically nonexistent. He pulled the tubes out of his back, legs, arms, head, everywhere, all healing in an instant.

'This is incredible! I wonder what my limits are!' Getting all giddy, he got up and jumped all around. As a once regular person who now had superpowers, he couldn't help but get overly excited. 'I wanna test it out more of course, but for now, let's wait until I'm out of here...'

The door of the room opened to reveal 3 people. Hearing the door opened halted Clay's thoughts and so he stopped energetically moving around and turned towards the people. The 3 people locking eyes with Clay and Clay locking eyes with the 3 people.

Time seemed to have came to a standstill as wind came through the open window and danced around the room. "Mom...and Dad...?" Both maybe in their forties. Each with appropriate physiques that matched their age, the dad being very handsome and the mom being very beautiful.



The mother broke down with tears as she ran up to her son and embraced him in a hug that could literally kill. The father did the same, Clay and his mother being brought to the floor as they were both being embraced by his father.

"Clay, you...you're finally...!" For the first time in his life, he not only saw a grown man crying but his father doing it to boot. "My baby boy~..." He was being kissed all over by his mother, pinched by his father's grip.

Even though he saw their faces this morning, seeing them again now... It ultimately made him sad and instead of speaking, had just burrowed his head into his mother's bosom. They went on, crying, saying heart warming words of kindness and kissing him all over the face.

Seeing the emotions they were showing caused Clay to fully grasp the situation he was in. 'Their kid was hit by two cars, probably told he'd never make it and now, is alive and seemingly well. The emotions coursing through them must've been..'

Later, doctors came flooding in, first, confused and surprised on the miraculous recovery the patient made, then serious, telling the parents they would need to run some test in order to make sure he's fully okay to be moving around like this.

Now lying back in bed with a singular tube on the surface of his left hand, the doctor began speaking while writing something down. "You...you're healed. Like you were never hurt in the first place. It's...a miracle.."

The doctor, old enough to be Clay's grandfather, was the leading doctor over Clay's surgery.

"When you came in, all hope was lost. Broken bones, blood coming out of eyes, ears, noses and much more,... I honestly thought, and I'm sorry to say this, but I honestly thought...that I wouldn't be able to save you.."

The doctor put his face into the clipboard as his shoulders began shrugging, following by sniffles. "I'm-I'm so sorry, Mr. Clay! As a doctor, I've succeeded, but just thinking like that... It wasn't right and-"

Clay stopped him there by placing his hand on the doctors shoulder. "It's fine, it's fine. You saved my life and that's what matters. From what I've heard, I too wouldn't believe that I'd live from all of this. But, I did and that's all that matters. Thanks Doc. You're a hero."

Clay put a thumbs up with his other hand and smiled at the doctor. Upon seeing this, the old doctor couldn't help but chuckle and wipe away his tears. "Thank you...for your kind words. I deeply apologize for showing you that side of me in a time like this.."

He coughed and placed the clip board down on a stool, followed up by, "I'll go tell your family that it's okay to see you again. Clay, you are a man that God saw fit to save. Use this second chance at life to live well and be free. Until we meet again..."

Clay nodded as the doctor turned away and left out the door. 'Thanks, Dr. Thames. I WILL live my life for now own..' A few minutes later and the 3 people from earlier came in, more calm and collected but still sad and happy.

"Clay~..." His mom held back her tears as she sat her purse aside and hugged him. She kissed him on the cheek before pulling back and saying, "You really are...fine~.... I just can't believe it~..." Emotional once more, she covered her mouth and looked up towards the ceiling.

Mouthing 'Thank you' was what Clay saw her do. "My boy! You scared this old man!" His dad came up and punched Clay on the shoulder. It didn't hurt one bit and Clay felt the love behind it.

"Yeah, sorry Dad. Forgot I can't scare you like this. Might die of a heart attack if you're not careful.." The Dad laughed as he wrapped his arm around Clay's neck and smiled. "You really did give your old man a fright. I'm glad you're okay though.."

He kissed Clay on the forehead before going over to his wife. All that was left was the kid, maybe 3 years old. He's been ignoring it for the longest, but now that the chance presented itself,... 'That has got to be the cutest kid I've ever seen. Who...is she though...?'

She was a spitting image of his mother, Golden Blond hair And Sky Blue pupils. "Clay...?" Her quiet and docile voice. Her tiny and timid stature.

She was the embodiment of Cute in Clay's eyes and he just wanted to pick her up and kiss all over her.

'That's weird though. Why would I want to do that to some random kid...' Was his perverted side slipping? He thought he had control over it but he guessed not. "Clay. How can you..." His father spoke as the little girl started tearing.

"I Guess It's Only Natural That You Wouldn't Recognize Your Little Sister."


Said a confused Clay. 'Sister? Who's my sister? Her? The only sister I've ever had was Eve. Where is she anyways? Maybe she had to be babysitted while mom and dad came to see me. I'm actually glad Eve's a baby, so she won't remember all of this...'

"Dad, what are you saying? Jokes like that arent funny, y'know?" Clay laughed while getting out of bed and patting the little girls head.

"Oh, dear..." His mom seemed to realize something as she came over to Clay. Realizing as well, his father took off his brown rounded hat and sighed.

"Clay, I.." His mother reached her hand out, but stopped herself.

"How old...are you..?"

A simple question that got a simple response.

"16. Why?"

"Son, you've..." She took our her phone and showed him the screen. He looked around the screen for a sec with utter confusion, thinking, 'What the hell are they trying to say...?' It was then that he noticed the time.

Mid day.

It was then that he noticed the date as well.


'Twenty...twenty two? Hold on, what...?'

He looked at his parents who just simply shook their heads.

"Clay..." It seems his father was the one who was going to deliver the scary news.

"You've....been unconscious....for 3 years...."

