
Immortal With A System?

Akemi was the most powerful immortal of another world. Why did I say "was"? Oh because he's been reincarnated into the body of a powerless 15 year old high school boy named Lian Xu, after being betrayed by his best friend Toru. Upon waking up into his new body Akemi saw a strange window that called him a "player" that only he can see. Follow Akemi as he is reborn into a new world where Lian Xu has been abandoned, used and mistreated by everyone, a world where the strong are respected and the weak are thrown away, What will Akemi the former immortal do?

DrEver · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 30: Minha's Academy Weakest Vs Strongest: Akemi Vs Kana

The referee steps far away from the arena and hides behind one of the pillars

Kaori leans forward in her seat "he actually accepted it!"

Shinjiro leans back and puts his right hand on his chin "I can't say I'm surprised knowing him but...This is more exciting than I thought"

The audience watches in suspense

Akemi and Kana stares at each other silently

Referee: "B-BEGIN!" breaking the silence

Kana throws a punch at Akemi's face with her right fist

Akemi ducks to the left

Akemi's Thoughts: "She's fast!" he twists to the right and swings his left elbow towards Kana's face

Kana blocks Akemi's elbow and pushes it forward then she raises her right knee at Akemi's face

Akemi blocks Kana's knees and pushes her legs towards the ground then throws an uppercut at Kana's chin with his left fist

Kana leans back dodging the uppercut

Akemi and Kana start throwing series up punches at each other while blocking and dodging one another

After a moment Kana and Akemi break from each other and jump away

Akemi slides on the ground while looking down then he looks up and sees Kana

Kana cocks her right arm back and punches towards Akemi "HA!"

Akemi blocks her punch with both arms and the arena under him cracks

Akemi's Thoughts: "Her punches are heavy"

Kana smirks "Heh!"

Kana looks down and sees Akemi right foot raising towards her face and she jumps back

Akemi slides to her on his left foot with his right leg up

Akemi stomps his right foot down and swings his right fist towards Kana

Kana dodges to the left them kicks up with her left leg

Akemi: "oop" falls back onto the ground

Kana: "Huh?"

Akemi puts both of his hands over his head on the ground then puts his legs up and starts spinning on his hands (pretty much breakdancing)

Kana jumps back "whoa"

Akemi jumps to his feet

The audience sits still while stunned in silence then cheers loudly

Ken: "They are really fast aren't they?"

Fumiko: "All of that happened and the fight just started"

Student: "Lu X- Ah Akemi has gotten really strong!"

Student 2: "I know right, he's strong enough to be on equal footing with Kana"

Student 3: "I wonder what happened to him"

Ai looks at Akemi with an angry expression while biting her right thumb nail

Ai 's Thoughts: "Shit! What happened to you, did I make the wrong choice?"

Kana: "This is what I've been waiting for, you're making me excited" she smiles widely

Akemi: "Huh?" he notices a weird look in her eyes

Kana moves her right foot and the arena below her cracks then she disappears

Akemi: "What!?"

Kana appears in front of Akemi and punches towards his face

Akemi's eyes widens and he barely dodges it

Akemi's Thoughts: "She's gotten faster!"

Akemi leans back getting ready to jump back but stops "Huh?" he looks down and notices Kana's left hand holding his shirt

Kana: "You're not getting away this time!"

Kana pulls Akemi towards her and balls up her right fist then punches Akemi in the stomach

Akemi: "ARCK!"

Akemi flies back and falls on the ground

Akemi's Thoughts: "her punches hurt so much" he gets up to his hands and knees to looks at Kana

Kana runs to Akemi and kicks her right leg towards his face

Akemi moves his head back and jumps backward "not letting up huh?" he waves his hands then puts his left hand next to his left cheek and extends his right hand "I guess I better take this a bit more seriously"

Shinjiro looks at Akemi and his eyes widens "That stance"

Kaori: "Hm? Grandpa you know that fighting stance"

Shinjiro: "It's something I saw a long long time ago is all"

Kana: "Oh? Finally ready to start fighting back"

Akemi spits "why not come and see"

Kana: "well since you invited me" she runs towards Akemi and throws a punch with her left hand

Akemi moves her left hand to the side and steps towards the right then thrusts his left palm towards Kana's face

Kana her head to the left "heh" she leans back then puts both of her arms to her side and punches towards Akemi's face with both of her hands

Akemi grabs both of her arms and pulls them down bringing Kana towards to ground

Kana: "What?"

Akemi lifts his right leg and knees kana in the chin

Kana: "Aurgh!" she stands straight up and throws a right punch towards Akemi

Akemi dodges to the left and punches Kana in the face

Kana spits then punches towards Akemi again

Akemi moves to the side and hits Kana in the middle of her face with his palm, pushing her face back

Kana looks back with red eyes and a big smile on her face

Akemi's Thoughts: "She's still smiling?"

Kana grabs Akemi's shirt with both of her hand

Akemi: "Shit"

Kana leans back then pulls Akemi towards her and headbutts him

Akemi stumbles backward and blood drips from his head "ack!" he looks up at Kana and notices his vision is blurry

Kana runs toward Akemi and throws a series of punches towards him

Akemi dodges left and right

Akemi's Thoughts: "Dammit, I can barely see"

Kana uppercuts Akemi with her left fist

Akemi floats in the air

Kana slides back and puts both of her hands to her sides

Fire forms around Kana's hands

Kana spins and punches Akemi in the stomach with both of her fists

Akemi spits up blood and flies to the edge of the stage

Haru: "Akemi!"

Akemi slowly gets up then spits up blood on the ground "It burns, it feels like my stomach is on fire!" he puts his right hand on his stomach "did she use a fire technique on me?" his vision starts to clear "I can finally see a little better" stands up and looks at Kana

Kana waves her hands to the side and spins then the fire clears revealing a red and black gauntlet on each of her hand

Akemi: "So you're taking this seriously now huh?" he pulls off his shirt with his right hand and throws it to the side "Good, let's get started with round 2 shall we"

Akemi and Kana stare at each other from across the arena"