
Immortal Warlock In Teen Wolf

Not knowing why he ended up dead a man must face his new life in Teen wolf...... but is it truly the one he knows?

KillingSoftly · TV
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13 Chs

2) Time. Part 2

Asher rolled his eyes and handed over the ten he kept out for her and her people, "They have to drink the whole thing or it is pointless, I'm not saying some can't spill a little but they need to drink the majority of it or it won't work." after that he pushed them out with a simple wind spell and they could no longer see inside.

That night while he went out in his signature wolf hoodie and some pants that wont be seen for another three hundred years along with shoes before setting up a barrier around the Steele Pack. Since he was still Mid level it would keep out anyone with unkind intentions and make it were they were safe as long as they were in the boundary of it. He told all this to Jessica when people saw what he was doing and they brought her over.

Some growled seeing his hoodie but knew better than to actually mess with him, he only wore it because it was the only thing that came with him when he came to this world. Now it was enchanted to be weather proof and never decay so it had some minor spells along with some defensive ones he put on so he wont be killed to easily.

He had tested his mortality once and it was not something he wanted to do again, while he didn't die he was sent into a state of suspension for ten years until his wound completely healed. While he could feel it would be at least five years shorter now it was boring being trapped in his own head for that long without being able to do anything.

After he set up the barrier Jessica handed him three bags filled to the brim, "We haven't even gotten three percent of what you want but there are the plants along with the seeds of each."

"Nice doing business, I won't be out for awhile but send them over as you get them, also this barrier will let me know if you are in any danger when yo are under attack. Stay inside of it and you are safe for about three days then I will need to respell it." Asher said taking the bags while walking away he was always antisocial so he didn't spend so much time with them.

*A Year Later*

It had been a year since he made a deal with the Steele Pack and nothing had happen, word spread that they were protected by him so they didn't get touched. On another note they had found almost all the plants he wanted expect for two which they couldn't even after going from the top of Canada to the bottom of South America. He told them to forget it and planned to go on a boat 'across the pond' as thy say and find them there.

He finally got a spell that he really liked though which was like the expansion one in Harry Potter which expanded whatever he wanted, his bag now could hold everything he had in the cave. Walking to the mouth of it he looked at the now dark and damp cave sighing with a little emotion, he didn't know when he would be back so he was saying goodbye to it.

Walking towards the Steele Pack without looking back he smiled faintly, he knew something like this was going to happen but he was still reluctant to leave this place behind. When he made it to the Steele Pack he just walked in heading straight for Jessica's house since he was leaving he was going to break off the agreement with a farewell gift. It wasn't magic bound so he didn't care.

He met her outside he house since he didn't want to step into another persons territory without their permission, plus her husband would kill him. She frowned seeing that he was carrying his bag since he always left home with a simple pouch so she knew something was going to happen.

"Well Jessica this is goodbye, I'm heading across the ocean to handle matters so our agreement needs to be broken. Since I am the one doing it I will leave you with this," Reaching inside his endless leather bag he took out six vials of a golden liquid, "This is called 'The Life Saver' there are only these six for your family. Take it and you will be cured from anything no matter what even if you have just died you have three hours to be fed it before it won't work. The name explains itself so with this my debt is paid anyway."

She didn't get a chance to say anything else as he turned invisible and masked his scent before walking off, he didn't owe her anything now plus their deal was lacking anyway so he didn't feel bad about it. He didn't walk long before making it to a boat that was heading to New England, and from there he would take a bigger one to England.

*300 years Later (Seven Years before plot starts)*

Asher stood looking down from a mountain at the woods below where a group of Werejaguars were trying fiercely to get to him, he couldn't help but sigh though. Over these past three hundred years he was just a step away from being a true Immortal Warlock although he had the immortality he didn't have the last two pages of the spell book so he wasn't there yet. Plus side he could beat an alpha now.

He was still in England, well back in, he had travel all over the world and had taken its riches with him, with that he had invested in Apple, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Etc. He was richer than anyone in the world and kept using illusions for parents so he didn't have to worry about people guessing his identity. Though now he needed to head back to the states since he wanted to meet some people before they died and it was this last year before it happened.

Looking down at the desperate Werejaguars that were about to be killed by a lightning strike he was sending he smiled before teleporting away to the closet he could to Beacon Hills. He couldn't actually get inside and he knew the reason, The Nemeton, though it was cut down when settlers came to California it was still old and powerful.

Taking out his cell phone he made a quick call and soon a SUV showed up right outside of town stopping in front of him, he was currently posing as his soon to be dead dad. He would officially move here when the plot started but until then he was just a guest until that time, he did own a house in town though. A man wearing a butler uniform stepped out the car and bowed opening the back door for him before getting back in.

He had no clue why the man bowed but shrugged it off looking out the window as the trees passed he spoke out four simple words, "To the Hale House." it was still up and standing at this point so he would meet the infamous Talia Hale before she died. The driver nodded and headed in the direction, he had been living here his whole life and knew the way.

Thirty minutes later the car stopped outside the house but Asher didn't get out instead he watched the place until she walked out herself looking curiously at the car. Asher smiled and spoke out since he knew she could hear him, "Hello there Miss. Hale, My name is Anthony Matthews would you please join me in the car for a little conversation I wont be here long."

She seemed to think it over as she just stood there even to the point where her children all walked out the house along with Peter, there were others but they were minor. Finally he decided and started walking over with everyone watching her just incase, but Peter held a little feral grin like he wanted something to happen.

Asher had already changed his features slightly since he didn't want to look the same when he came back here in a couple years, reaching into the backpack he kept on himself he pulled out some sage. Lighting it he watched as she got into back with him a small smile on his face, she looked serious but also a little interested not smelling anything supernatural on him.

The show did her perfectly she looked just like the actress only younger, her long black hair reaching her hips. After she got inside the two stared at each other until his driver stepped out knowing he wasn't apart of the conversation to come.

"So you know me but I don't think we have ever met Mr?" Talia said looking at him all over.

"No I haven't been in the states in years so you wouldn't know me personally," it was true since he had an English accent from spending so much time over there, "Anyway, have you heard of the Immortal Warlock?" he asked watching he eyes raise in surprise.

"A little." she admitted looking confused, "But now he is nothing more than a myth in legend since he hasn't been seen in over three hundred years people just say that he called himself that to boast."

"HA!" Asher couldn't help but to laugh hearing that, it was true other people called him that but it was simply because it was true and he also just didn't tell others his name. "Well that would be false I am very much real just didn't tell anyone my name so it was never recorded in any book, But that's not why I am here I just wanted to confirm something before taking off."

"Oh and what is that?" although she was stunned hearing who he was she didn't stay on it since it looked like he wasn't going to say more.

"You do know who your son has been dating right?" he asked looking at the younger Derek Hale who was seventeen but already started his brooding faze.

"Yeah her name is Kate, I know she is from a hunter family but since she hasn't done anything to him I have let it go as long as she doesn't mess with him." She said looking back at her son too.

Asher nodded so she did knw so it was also true that she knew something might happen but isn't doing anything about it meaning either she knows that it is important or she is injured and cant do much anyway. Scanning her with his magic he indeed saw an injury that wasn't healing but at the same time wasn't getting worse so she didn't have much time. Finally knowing why she willing died or at least could be ambushed he looked back to her.

"So I haven't seen a full shift since an old friend more than three hundred years ago mind showing me?" he asked.

She looked at him curiously but nodded she didn't know why but knew that something would come out of this if she just followed along with what he wanted, maybe her kids would be safe. Stepping out she walked to his side of the car and stripped not caring for modesty and making Asher grin since she was a beautiful woman.

Soon a Solid black wolf stood in front of him he rolled down the window to get a better look and smiled, "Truly you are one of the evolved ones, every single one I have met call themselves something with a powerful name before Alpha but you are true to the name and have the grace of a Alpha. Thank you again for letting me see that again Talia, don't fear what it to come I will watch your kids best I can." He then put out the sage that blocked their conversation before telling the driver to send him home.

(Next chapter is rest of time skip and start of plot, it will follow with him changing some things along with going of course since it wont follow it all.)