
144 Feng Xian Valley, using power to oppress people (10K requests for monthly tickets)_1

Translator: 549690339

Hearing this question, Gu Lan showed a slight surprise but after thinking for a moment, she replied, "The so-called Golden Core lineage is the method of refining the Golden Core and the corresponding resources. Different immortal sects have their own unique lineage and methods."

"The lineage of our Land Mansion comes from the ancient immortal sect Heaven Mansion, which is quite ancient and profound. Similarly, it is an orthodox Golden Core lineage of the immortal path."

"According to the history of our Land Mansion, one of our ancestors reached the level of a sevenfold Golden Core through following our Golden Core lineage."

"That ancestor achieved a realm beyond Divided Spirit, embarked on a distant journey and did not return, making him the most exceptional prodigy of our Land Mansion over the years."

"Unfortunately, since that time, we have lost all contact with that ancestor."