
Immortal Swordsman Reincarnated

Born in the Roman army as their greatest general to be killed off by his own people he discovered his immortality, he swore to make the world a better place, and for thousands and thousands of years he did until the day he was finally put to rest but did he? "This time I'm going to live for myself!" Said the Immortal.

HeroIroa · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Hostile Takeover

I looked at the city, the gate was destroyed and a huge hole was made in the basalt walls that protected it, creatures, bears, boars, wolves fought for food inside the city, scraps of grains and even human bones and flesh, the fire that raged in the city before was long extinguished leaving behind only ashes and coal of what were once houses, the sound of banging and fighting was still heard on the inner parts of the city in the castle, Blackrock city was build in a very peculiar way, this place made originally to be just a fort for defense but the attack that was supposed to come never came so the people who built the castle settled around it, the city wall was a lot thinner than the castle walls, while the castle walls were easily 5 meters thick, the city walls was barely 2, that is the only reason that the city fell, if the wall wasn't so thin the monsters could never have entered in the first place.

"Everybody, Forward!" I screamed, looking at my soldiers, the wolf rider units following from behind as the infantry led the charge, all of them armed with pikes, iron boar leather armor, and some other weapons, none of them were able to use Qi yet but they were already trice as strong as they were 3 months ago, plus with me leading the group there's nothing to fear from the beasts.

"Formation!" I screamed as the front soldiers holding shields and pikes marched forward, beasts started to charge at us from different places within the city but were stopped at the shield wall and stabbed to death by the pikes, I smiled this was good it has been how many thousands of years since I spoke those words, but even better was that after mixing different training methods from modern and ancient times I was able to create the perfect method to train soldiers!

Took a little over an hour for us to create a fortified position after the fallen gate to use as a sieging base.

"What now Mistress?" I looked at Rodrik who went forward.

"We ask politely to be let in the castle if they refuse I will bring down the gate and well invade, after that we will fortify the castle and use it as a safe haven for the people, there are freshwater and food inside, but hunting the monsters for extra food is easy and their numbers seem to be increasing instead of diminishing so we won't go hungry even if we don't have workable farms."

"Yes, I will prepare the troops." I nodded my head and looked forward at the castle, various Ballistas on the walls were installed but they weren't cocked and no arrows were ready to shoot they probably blew all their ammo already considering the number of arrows littering the ground around the castle.

"Prepare to move!" I heard his scream as I took another sip of my tea and looked at Camille that was sitting right across me with furrowed brows, looking towards the castle.

"Anything in your mind?" I asked her.

"My cousin's house was burned but there was no dead body inside so maybe she's inside the castle..."

"We'll find out soon enough, are you scared?" I asked her but she shook her head.

"It would be a shame if she died we were really close but because of some problems our family's drifted apart." I nodded my head and got up, jumping on top of my newly tamed wolf, it was still a little weird to ride a giant wolf but I liked it it feels like I'm riding Rhea herself! putting on my helmet, Carved With Minerva herself in the sides and smiled.

"Onward!" I screamed as we approached the castle little by little as we approached the density of monsters increased and fights became harder boars charged and wolfs jumped but we were able to fend them off soon we were upon the Iron gates of the castle.

"Halt, are you reinforcements from the capital?!" I heard a scream and a man showed himself from atop the wall, his complexion was pale and he seemed tired, bandaged wounds all over his body.

"No we are refugees who survived outside, let us in!"

"refugees? What kind of refugee is fully armed with armor spears and ride giant wolves?!" He screamed incredulously."

"Believe it or not we are, after so much time-fighting in the forest we learned to tame the wolves and there's a small house that we were able to fortify and use the forge to create weapons, we have a blacksmith with us!"

"The blacksmith and the wolf riders can come in! we won't accept the rest of the refugees!" Another voice spoke, this one colder and the person didn't even bother to show his face.

"Why!?" The people screamed, most of the refugees around here weren't soldiers but helped in other ways inside my cabin."

"More mouths to feed, out grain sources are already low, and we won't take more peasants it's already a bother to see the faces of the ones currently here right now..." The voice spoke with scorn in his voice, I could see the faces of the people.

"See what I mean now people, they are nobles, they don't care about their people even though they only have their wealth because of our work!" I spoke out loud towards the people.

"You are right we don't need a ruler like that!" I don't know who was the one who spoke that but I thank you I smiled wickedly under my Hanya mask.

"Who are you to question my orders woman!" The face finally showed himself, a fat man using silvery armor, with a thin mustache and a wide face, I knew exactly who he was as the description was perfect.

"Me Sir Wellington, I'm the humble general of this force!" I spoke politely and his face changed a little while he stared at me.

"A woman, general? Hump doesn't make me laugh."

"If it wasn't for me then all of these people would be dead, what makes you think that I can't lead them."

"And what is there so good about saving a group of a peasant? born a peasant always a peasant." He spat on the ground with a mocking grin on his face, I noticed that the air around changed, the people who were before filled with hope in their lord was now shineless and now I just need to swoop in...

"Well, we need to get in one way or another, now tell me, Wellington will you open the gates now, or do we need to bring it down, you already committed so many crimes against your people, will you add another one to the list?"

"Crimes? Crimes! HAHAHAHA what crimes could I commit against a bunch of inferior peasants whether they die or not I decide! And you, threatening a noble I will have your head! Guards shoot her and those peasants down!"

"B-But sir?"

"Are you questioning my orders?"

"N-No, sir..." The guard lowered his head in fear.

"The har way it is..." I jumped down from my wolf under the gaze of all the people Kori in hands I moved forward, my sword in hands I unsheeted it and pointed at the Noble up the wall.

"Wellington, In the name of Justice, I will take your head today!" I spoke aloud, filling my sword With Qi I Swung towards the gate, using a third of my total Qi pool I heard my blade creak, and an Ether blade flashed cutting the gate cleanly in 2, both parts falling on the ground.

"Charge!" I screamed and the wolf riders were the first to charge led by Elaine the infantry was following closely behind, there was no time for the garrison to react, the gate was already down and they didn't even take our threat serious as they were thinking what a bunch of peasants can do against a steel gate.

"Stop them!" Wellington screamed taking most of the guards of their stupor, but it was too late, my soldiers were already inside the walls.

"Avoid killing, take them down!" I spoke aloud and looked at the group of refugees who were now looking at me with a new light in their eyes.

[Leadership Lv.1 > lv.2] (the effect of courage was reinforced)

[You gained the title (Hero Of Justice) (Current believers: 709)]

The fight was one-sided, the soldiers on the wall sure were skilled bu their level was lower than my soldiers, not to count that they were tired and under-equipped compared to our soldiers, the bodies outside of the walls were untouched so how could they know that the hide of the monsters outside was as effective as chain mail when turned into leather? their more elite soldiers or should I say the level 2 soldiers were quickly taken down by my disciples, they had about 1500 people in the garrison most of them were refugees forced to fight and they quickly dropped their weapons seeing the powerful soldiers mounted atop monsters.

"So were you saying, sir Wellington?" I asked him, my sword touching his neck as his face was covered in sweat.

"You are not going to end well-woman, this is considered treason and insurgence, the king's army will take you down!" He spoke with clenched teeth.

"Take me down?" I smiled under my mask as I spoke with an innocent voice.

"Will they even be able to? I mean are they stronger than a steel gate?" I asked him and his face became somber.

"Doesn't matter how strong you are the royal army has thousands of soldiers..."

"I know but I don't care It's because of people like you that the lives of most people in this country Are the same as slaves I'm going to change that."

"You think you can? impossible you are just a peasant!"

"Am I?" I asked him puling my mask aside, his eyes widened.

"I-Impossible you should be dead!"

"well, a shame I'm not isn't it?"

"W-Wait what are you doing you can't!" I hit him in the head with the pommel of my blade making him blackout and from atop of the wall I watched as my soldiers wreaked havoc inside the castle, most of the peasants and servants were already rounded up in the center of the castle, after a couple of hours fighting we were able to take every one of Wellington soldiers and the refugees were now in the castle square.

"It is time." I dragged Wellington to the top of the stage that was there, putting him on his knees I looked at the crowd, the mix of fear and worship of some people, I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, images and memories in my mind, it has been only 3 days since those memories showed up, maybe because of the thousands of years of accumulated memories I had, it took some time for them to settle, the memories of Amelia Drake, the princess of the Kingdom of Malav...

"I know what you are all wondering, what is happening, who am I and why am I doing this." I looked at the crowd that was looking at me with different emotions.

"I will keep things short... My name is Amelia Drake! Daughter of Draugur the II and I was incriminated with my father's death, but most important of all, I'm here to judge Sir Wellington for all the crimes he committed against the people!" I Spoke out loud and gasps could be heard from the crowd, I pulled Wellington's face-up and hit it making him squirm and wake up, looking confusedly at the crowd in front of him.

Pulling a piece of parchment that I received from one of my soldiers, ignoring the murmurs and whispers I red from the parchment.

"His crimes are, Murder, Torture, Kidnapping, Rape, Human Trafficking, Abuse of Power, and many more, I turned the parchment to the people, most of them won't be able to read anything from it but that didn't matter it was solid evidence.

"This is the list that he himself kept of the victims, many of those names are family members, lovers, wives, and more of the people in the city, those disappearances were his deeds!" Once again the crowd gasped in surprise, and most of the eyes that looked at Wellington turned into disgust.

"Now I will speak this clearly, I'm not the one who will judge him."

"Y-you will not?" The crowd spoke and I nodded my head.

"The crimes were committed against you all, the common people the citizens of this city, so it is clear that you all will be the one to judge him! whether he lives or dies is in your hands!" I spoke aloud and nodded, jumping off stage My soldiers started to distribute stones to the people, they looked at the man tied in the stage still confused and the first rock was thrown.

"This is for my sister, She was only 15!" The kid who threw the rock looked to be around 10 years old!" After that, it was an old man whose granddaughter was killed for standing on the noble's way, a 6 years old child, the rocks hitting his body quickly woke him from the confused state he was.

"How dare you peasants throw rocks at me, I will have your heads!"

"look at it, Not even acknowledging his own crimes, such a disgusting person!" I spoke out loud and more rocks started to fly, I smiled wickedly.

"Stop, yall will pay..." His screams of pain were soon filling the castle square, I looked at the scene with indifferent eyes and moved out of the way, meeting with Camille on the way who was talking to a girl.

"Amy!" I heard Camille call me joyously.

"You are actually a princess!" She asked me incredulously I smiled at her.

"surprised?" She could only nod her head but quickly changed the subject and spoke cheerfully.

"Amy this here is my cousin Sherlie she was working as a maid in the castle when the city was invaded by monsters so she was safe... mostly..." She spoke while looking at the brown-haired woman.

"Nice to meet you I'm Amelia"

"Y-Your highness!" She bowed fearfully and I just laughed.

"You don't need formalities with me, I'm technically not a princess anymore as my uncle decided to put my father's death on my head to usurp the throne," I spoke smiling, and she seemed surprised.

"W-Well than you for avenging my family!" she bowed once again and I lifted an eyebrow.

"When the monsters invaded, my family was outside of the castle, Wellington didn't let them in and the life in the castle during these months was hell..." She held her arm, I could see some bruises on them.

"Most of the women were forced to serve sir wellington's knights, some even killed themselves, we barely got any food to pass by the day, I just hope that you will be different..."

"Don't worry, if you live under my rule you will never go hungry." I smiled and give her a pat on the shoulder, feeling the tension diminish a little, I looked outside of the castle window, the sun was starting to set, I approached Camille.

"How about we test our new resting chambers?" I whispered in her ear and her face went red but she nodded her head.

"well if you excuse me Sherlie I will borrow Camille." She nodded her head and moved towards the castle square, tomorrow will be a big day and a lot of changes need to be made... But this time I'm not alone anymore, I smiled calmly as I took Camille in a princess carry towards my new chambers.