
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Sword Art 3

"Long-Spring Yard.

Flowers entwined, a secluded path winds through.

In the courtyard, neatly laid stones cover the ground.

Harry stands in the courtyard of Long-Spring Yard: "Master, I wish to seek your guidance."

Abbas is momentarily surprised: "You seek guidance from me? Although my life span is not long, my combat strength has not suffered much. I am one of The Six Great Swords of the Northern Peak." As he speaks, Abbas seems to emanate an endless Sword's Heart, affecting the nearby plants.

"Your swordsmanship, along with that of your seniors Squary and Round from your generation, could use some practice," Abbas says.

Harry shakes his head, firmly stating: "I still wish to seek guidance from you, Master."

Abbas furrows his brow: "You are too impatient, but very well, make your move and let me see what you've grasped in these past few weeks." Abbas' mood is difficult to discern. Normally lazy, Harry has become diligent due to the upcoming peak competition and the challenges from Aeron and Houk. Abbas is naturally interested in seeing this.

However, swordsmanship is not mastered overnight. Once rushed, one may easily become trapped by their own technique and regress. Harry challenging him in sword practice indicates impatience.

This time, Abbas intends to awaken Harry properly.

Harry is also not holding back. Facing one of The Six Great Swords of the Northern Peak, it wouldn't be appropriate to hold back. His Culti-Me Sword is drawn, its bright blade swirling in his hand. With swift movements akin to the wind, he executes the "Gale's Passage" technique. At this moment, Abbas's expression suddenly changes. Could it be that he sees Sword's Heart, the heart of the wind, within this move? Abbas is taken aback by this revelation.

Could it be possible? His disciple, only sixteen years old, has comprehended the Sword's Heart of the wind. When Abbas himself comprehended the Sword's Heart of the wind, he was one hundred and sixteen years old, which was considered quite good. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been recognized as one of The Six Great Swords of the Northern Peak. Yet now, his disciple seems to have comprehended it?

Regardless of his thoughts, Abbas decides to try again.

Abbas thrusts his sword, and like a gentle breeze, it cuts through the air. It is also the "Gale's Passage" technique.

Gale's Passage against Gale's Passage, both embodying the Sword's Heart of the wind. Wind blends into the Sword's Heart.

Gale's Passage is a fierce move, swift as lightning and incredibly destructive.

The collision of the two techniques causes a loud bang. Countless flowers and plants in the surroundings are affected by the aftermath, as if a real gale had passed through. Sword's Heart infuses the techniques, allowing them to mimic the effects of a natural gale. Apparently, Abbas is using a level of power comparable to Harry's. He doesn't seek to defeat his disciple, but rather to test his skill and technique.

As the two techniques clash, Abbas feels a surge of joy. He didn't expect his disciple to truly master the Sword's Heart of the wind.

Previously, when his disciple grasped the moves, but not the essence of Sword's Heart, and sought guidance, Abbas mentioned Sword's Heart, but didn't believe his disciple could comprehend it. Sword's Heart is incredibly difficult to understand. Once comprehended, with time and practice, one can become a top-notch swordsman.

Abbas only mentioned it to guide his disciple towards a future direction. Yet now, over four months later, Harry has comprehended the Sword's Heart of the "One Hundred and Eight Moves in Wind-cloud".

Abbas cannot help but laugh heartily. Since his injury, he hasn't felt this joyous in a long time.

"This peak competition, I am relieved," Abbas says. With his disciple comprehending the Sword's Heart at sixteen, there's no chance he'll be excluded from the top ten disciples. Aeron's plan is doomed to fail. Just as he finishes speaking, he begins to cough violently. His health is deteriorating rapidly.

Time passes like sand through his fingers.

How much longer does he have?

His previous worries have lessened considerably.

However, Abbas adds, "At your age, mastering Sword's Heart is commendable, but the path of shian is perilous. Do not become complacent because of your achievements."

"Yes, Master," Harry nods, realizing he had been somewhat proud earlier, but now he levels himself.


This peak competition is nothing to worry about anymore.

And thus, Harry returns to his lazy state.

Afterward, he resumes his usual habits: napping, fishing, barbecuing, or buying some wine.

Life goes on leisurely.

One day, Harry lies on the grass.

Beside him, two cold lights flash. These two lights intersect in the air, their swords clashing continuously—Squary and Round, the two close friends.

Squary and Round are actually brothers. Squary is under the tutelage of The Gentle Sword-Squaring, while Round is under The Rounding Sword-Rounding. Their swordsmanship styles differ greatly, although both practice "One Hundred and Eight Moves in Wind-cloud". Squary's style is angular and direct, while Round's is rounded and defensive.

Harry watches without intervening, sensing numerous flaws in their techniques. These flaws, Harry is sure, he could easily exploit.

He has indeed made considerable progress, Harry muses to himself.

Previously, he could barely hold his own against Squary and Round. But now, he feels he could defeat them easily, as their swordsmanship remains at the basic level, focusing on rigid techniques, while Harry has reached the level of Sword's Heart.

Harry lies on the grass, watching the two spar, savoring the wine from the bottle. Four months of training in the wind and willow forest have truly paid off. He has mastered Sword's Heart, feeling content.