
Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao

"Master all 999,999 paths of the Grand Dao...Rule the Grand Heavenly Dao...And with the power of the Universe, Dominate all things...I am..." "THE IMMORTAL SUPREME!" --------- In the Grand Multiverse, there are gems that existed before creation they were the tools used for the creation of the multiverse. These gems held limitless power and no one had ever gotten a hold of all of them at once. The highest a person has ever gotten to possess was two of them. But Arthur managed to get three of the most powerful gems in the universe, the Gem of Time, the Gem of Fate, and the Gem of Soul. With this, he enacted a plan that will make him the ruler of the consciousness that rules the Grand Multiverse...the Grand Dao. But he faced an attack he was not ready for and almost died... Years later, he returns from another reality with most of his memories lost and gets reincarnated into the cultivation world again, and this time with one extra gem, the Gem of Space. In this story you will not witness world domination, no...you will bear witness to something much grander. Something that has never occurred since the beginning of time. The grand story of a man who wants to become the Sovereign of the Grand Multiverse. ````````` [Alternate Synopsis] I woke up today with great expectations for my future. But something greater than my expectations happened instead. From almost getting killed in a store robbery, to witnessing something that I would only see in fiction happen before my very eyes. And then getting transported to another world, and suddenly finding out that the dreams I had of myself being a powerful cultivator like the main characters of the cultivation novels I enjoy reading, were actually my past memories... ..to getting reincarnated after almost getting killed by the 999,999 souls that were clones of me? "Yeah, if I wasn't sure before, then I am now." "I am definitely tripping!" >>>> Arthur. ------------ Disclaimer: I have no rights to the art used for this novel's cover. All credit goes to its creator. ----------- "Let's break the Webnovel Algorithm!" >>>> Author: Victor Vaden. Schedule: 2 chapters/day.

Victor_Vaden · Fantasy
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250 Chs

Leaving Blue Crystal Town


A month passed and Arthur was leaving Blue Crystal Town with Helia, along with Kaiser and his men. Like also tagged along of course.

Arthur decided not to travel with their spirit beast, the Golden Scaled Eagle. They left it in Old Man Whitebeard's care.

Their destination is the place located on the treasure map Arthur took from Luke. The map belongs to Arthur now though, since he is currently Luke's boss.

They haven't heard from the scar-faced woman ever since. Arthur thought she might have tried to cause trouble, but he had underestimated her a bit.

A few kilometers away from Blue Crystal City...

"So the treasure is located at a mountain range that is under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Sword Sect," Helia said looking at the map.

Going on foot would take months at their fastest speed, so they would not really travel all through on foot.

"Hmm, that wouldn't be a problem though. The location of the treasure looks a bit familiar..." Arthur said with a thoughtful expression.

"What, you know what is there?" Helia asked and the others looked at Arthur too.

"If I am not wrong, that should be a secret realm, where an inheritance that is very important to the sword Sect is."

"If that is the case, then this whole matter just got a bit complicated," Helia frowned.

The Heavenly Sword Sect...

This sect was situated in the Eastern Continent and was the strongest force there. It didn't rule the land and left such matters to the kingdoms there.

There were many kingdoms on the continent, and many of them covered a large percentage of the land. And even had smaller kings under their rule, yet no of them dared to call themselves an Empire.

There is only one Empire and that is the Hartfield Empire.

The Heavenly Sword Sect was a sect of pure sword cultivators. They only accept disciples who have decided to walk on the path of the sword.

They exalt the sword as the supreme weapon, and the sword Dao is all they pursue. Due to their crazy devotion to the sword, and many powerful sword legacies, they have a powerful standing on the continent.

They were the third most powerful force in the entire Southern Continent. Although Arthur could ask the Emperor to request them to let him enter the secret realm, that might not work out too well.

Besides, he was trying to lay low...

"I guess I will just have to join the sect then," Arthur said suddenly, startling the others.

"Which sect are you referring to, Arthur?" Helia wanted to confirm.

"The Heavenly Sword Sect of course," Arthur grinned cheekily.

"What...how can you join the Heavenly Sword Sect? As a member of the royal family, you should join the Royal Academy instead!" Helia said with a raised voice.

Looking at the girl who had her hands on her waist and speaking in a correcting tone, Arthur smiled and said nothing.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Helia asked seeing as Arthur did not give her a response.

Arthur let out a tired sigh, and turned away from them, letting them see his back. Then he put both of his hands behind him and looked at the clouds in the sky above.

He sighed once more and then said, "A voice Helia...a voice."

"A voice what, Arthur?!" Helia got annoyed because she knew where he was going with this.

"Don't you guys know?" Arthur asked without turning back.

"Know what boss?" Luke asked this time as he and the others were getting confused.

Arthur sighed again as though he found it troublesome to explain his thoughts.

"Listen you all...a voice...don't you know?..."

"...a voice in a sound can not utter a word," said Arthur.

Luke couldn't respond, he was bewildered, Kaiser and number two were the same too.

As for number three...

'What wise words...words so wise I will never comprehend the Dao within,' he thought to himself.

Everyone went silent. Luke, Kaiser, and the other two showed contemplating expressions as though they were comprehending something.

Only the sound of wind could be heard as it blew on Arthur, and the light of the sun suddenly seemed to shine in him alone.

Feeling the effect of his words, Arthur thought to himself, 'The aura of a protago...?!'


"Stop trolling them, you troll!" Helia shouted as she gave Arthur a knock on the head.



After that, Arthur told them his thoughts. He had no plans to join the Royal Academy now, as that would expose the fact that he can now cultivate.

Which would alert his enemies which were everyone in the royal family that wants to become the crown prince.

That would be troublesome so Arthur wanted to face-slap every one of them at once during the Grand Martial Arts Tournament.

"So you have a mask that can change your appearance?"

"Yes, and it's a treasure from ancient times. I had not been able to use it in the past because it needed spirit power to activate. But I can finally put it to good use."

"I see. But how are you going to join the sect, when they aren't currently accepting disciples?" Helia asked.

"That I do not know..." Arthur was unsure of how to proceed

"I can help you with that," a voice was suddenly projected to everyone.

"Who spoke?" Luke asked as he saw no one here except for them.

Kaiser had a look of understanding on his face as he thought, 'As I thought, he has an expert protecting him behind the scenes.'

"Old Man Whitebeard, you have a way?" Arthur was happy since the old man said it, then he could do it.

"An old friend of mine is a high-ranking member of the sect, he can get you in, but..." Old Man Whitebeard disregarded Arthur's disrespectful way of addressing him as he replied.

"There's a catch?" Arthur wondered what he had to do.

"...you would have to become his disciple,"


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----------End of Chapter--------------



~ Eternal Omni-Authority

~ Cosmic Infinity

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