
Immortal souls

SherlyWaterson · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

I couldn't see who was so impudent who dared to say this to me! I was in so much pain as if a stone had fallen on my head and split it in two..

"Won't you give me your hand? Well, as you wish" - He pulled his hand after leaving it in the air for a while -

Well I needed help getting up but my dignity is more important than Anything, at least let him apologize to me was the cause of my downfall!

Lying on the floor while holding my head until I removed my hand..Wait what!

"DDD..Blood! Is that blood!"

"Oh my God, sir, I made her bleed! Madam, go ahead with that handkerchief" - he rises wiping the blood -

"Give me your hand now"

Oh my god who is this, is it an angel? He was kind unlike his clumsy master.. Apparently he was a child or something..

"Thank you for helping me" - she smiles shyly -

- She suddenly looks up at the man she bumped into and looks sharply -

" Isn't it rude To call me mean when you didn't apologize for bringing me down, mister.."

Wait? What is this.. Distinctive red hair like blood, blue eyes as clear as the sky, is it possible that he is from the "Alan Poe" family!

The family of "Alan Poe" is one of the richest and most famous families in the region, not only in the region, but also in the world. This fame of theirs came from behind several things: their vast trade, their important role in the Senate, and their diversity in all fields, and we do not forget the common features and form between them. Maybe I'm re-thinking it's one of them~ *smiles mockingly*

While I was wandering in my thoughts, all the strings of my thoughts were suddenly snapped with sarcastic laughter..

"Yes, you're right.. I apologize miss.. I apologize again, I don't know your name" - He finishes with a smile -

"My name?..my name is Marisa Arturo"

"Arturo! Why didn't you say that from the beginning?..Sorry for being rude to you, nice to meet you, Miss Arturo" -He holds her hand and kisses it -

* Marisa looks at him With disgust and bewilderment *

" What nonsense I forgot to introduce myself.. With you is the loyal and headquarters servant "Atticus Allan Poe" .." - he bows -

I feel something strange that I can't describe the feeling.. but it's strange, I stayed frozen in my place without He moved like a petrified statue while he was in front of me.. He only smiled mockingly, as if he were a wolf that had caught its prey!

I really have to get out of here..

" Lucas.. "

" What what? "

" That's the name of my knight who just helped you fix my rudeness just now.. "

Shut up..

" Now I have to go in a hurry, I hope we meet again but without anyone falling apart, goodbye Miss Arturo" *ends it with a wry smile*

- kisses her hand -


- walks down the hall -

what just happened ? Why do I feel uncomfortable and disgusted at the same time..

"Damn it!"

I forgot what I was in such a hurry about! That clumsy Alain Poe made me forget what I was in a hurry about because of his rudeness and suspicious behavior!!