The flames were getting stronger as they kept attacking her. The banshee had blood all over and blood splatters all over the ground. Bashira and Genji were sweating like crazy, Bashira's sword was just covered with blood of the banshee and the same with Genji's blade. "This is a battle of an endurance and patience.." Bashira thought. "If I go into fast she would kill me with an ease" She sided stepped out of the flames. Genji thought that one wrong move it would be death waiting for you. He tried his best to dodge until the Banshee stopped for a moment. Her eyes were purple and she had a wicked smile, a flame started to form into a dragon beside her. The dragon rushed at the two in blinding speeds, following them as they continued to move out of the way of the dragon.
The flaming dragon was mainly following Bashira since she was injured. She was jumping back and moving out of the way of the flame dragon. "Jeez, this dragon is really on me.." She said as she moved away from them as fast as she could. Genji looked back worried about Bashira and then rushed at the Banshee
The Banshee threw a flame attack but, then Genji read right through the attack and cut the banshee in half with its neck. The flaming dragon disappeared and the temperature slowly went back to normal. Bashira sighed and put her sword back in her scabbard "You alright" Genji asked, walking over to her. Bashira nodded "Yeah, let's just get this over with.."