
Immortal Shopping Mall

Lin Feng was unceremoniously dropped into a new world—a world of immortals and monsters. Luckily, he had a system to help him survive. Founding the Immortal Shopping Mall with the help of his system, Lin Feng is safe inside but he can’t leave without being someone else’s prey. It seems he’ll just have to make it so the Immortal Shopping Mall has everything he could ever want.

Starveling · Eastern
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28 Chs

Senior Lin’s Teachings

Lin Feng didn't know how to begin. Everything he was about to say was just going to be some mixture of different novels. He doubted that actual cultivators would find any value in his words.

Steeling his nerves, Lin Feng started talking.

"Cultivating the martial path is to cultivate the body. Where some cultivate their spirit and others cultivate their soul, martial artists are only concerned with strengthening their physical body to the peak."

Seeing that some people wanted to ask questions, Lin Feng shook his head.

"Please wait until the end if you have questions."

Lin Feng said that, but there was no way he was going to be able to answer questions.

"Generally, martial artists will strengthen their body until they have overflowing vitality, their qi and blood are greater than their body can contain. Then they will begin to hone the body so that it can withstand greater and greater strength.

"Beginning with the bones, which are the foundation of the body, each bone is strengthened one by one. Starting with the bones in the limbs and then the bones in the torso.

"Then the flesh and meridians are honed, followed by the vital organs. First, the five viscera, and then the six organs, so that they can also withstand the extreme vitality of the martial artist.

"The sanjiao should be honed last."

The cultivators all looked thoughtful if a bit confused. A young woman raised her to ask a question and spoke before Lin Feng could figure out a way to avoid it.

"Senior Lin, if one only cultivates their vitality and physical body, doesn't that mean that one will not extend their life?"

Lin Feng paused as he thought about how to answer the young woman.

"A martial artist does not cultivate longevity. A martial artist is only concerned with having the strength to fight and kill."

When Lin Feng said this, many of the cultivators had disappointed looks on their faces. Seeing this, Lin Feng thought it was for the best. They wouldn't look into whatever nonsense he had just spouted if they didn't think there was a future in it.

Just as Lin Feng was getting ready to leave, Zhang Fei spoke up. He had been listening nearby with increasing interest as Lin Feng explained this new cultivation path.

"There is no need to be so disappointed. Even if this cultivation path does not make longevity its goal, it would still have some effect. Such strong vitality would no doubt lengthen one's life. Also, Senior Lin did say that honing the sanjiao is the last step.

"Honing the sanjiao would have much the same effect as cultivating toward longevity. Your life force would no longer be able to escape your body. All paths up the mountain lead to the peak."

The cultivator's expressions brightened as Zhang Fei enlightened them. It wasn't common knowledge that Zhang Fei was a Soul Reformation Sage, but everyone knew that his accomplishments in cultivation were not shallow.

Lin Feng only felt that Zhang Fei was a thorn in his side. Every time he showed up, there would be problems.

"What Mister Zhang said has merit," Lin Feng nodded, "But there is no need to think too deeply. You are cultivators, the path of a martial artist has little relevance to you. It's best not to split your focus."

Most of the cultivators nodded when Lin Feng said that, but the young woman who had asked the question still seemed to be thinking deeply. Seeing this, Lin Feng could only shake his head and wave the group off.

"That will be all I speak about today. Go and enjoy your food. Don't think about this too deeply."

Lin Feng walked away, leaving the group of cultivators to disperse amongst themselves while excitedly chattering about what they had learned.

Lin Feng didn't know whether this counted as a success or not. On one hand, he had gotten a group of customers to stop being so scared of him. On the other hand, he had pretended to be a knowledgeable senior and filled their heads with nonsense.

He felt like he was accumulating grudges and bad karma faster than he could deal with. First, there was the Duke's family. Now, there was a group of people whose cultivation might end up being led astray by him.

Lin Feng had no idea what would happen if they were crazy enough to try out his "teachings". If they were lucky, nothing would happen. If they were unlucky, they might be crippled or die.


Li Qianxue felt like she was in a fog.

"Overflowing vitality?" She muttered to herself.

Zhang Fei was still standing nearby and noticed her whispered question and thoughtful expression. A conflicted feeling arose in Zhang Fei's heart as he looked at the little Qi Gathering Disciple in front of him.

Li Qianxue looked up to see Zhang Fei watching her.

"Senior Zhang, have you ever heard of this cultivation path before?"

Zhang Fei shook his head weakly.

"Normally, you should ignore such tangential paths. It will only damage your cultivation if you obsess over such unproven ideas." Zhang Fei looked down at Li Qianxue's worn and plain clothes as he debated what he was going to say next. It was obvious that Li Qianxie's background was not anything special. Without the shopping mall, it was doubtful that she would ever reach higher than Qi Gathering.

Even with the shopping mall, it was unknown how far she could go. Cultivating from the Nascent Soul Realm and beyond required more than just abundant spiritual energy.

"But perhaps this is your own opportunity." Zhang Fei said helplessly. "I can't tell you whether or not following this path is the right choice, but I can tell you that something Senior Lin has said about cultivation should not be an unfounded theory.

"You can only follow your own heart in this matter."

Li Qianxue still looked troubled as Zhang Fei walked away. Why had Lin Feng chosen to approach her group in particular? Why had he taught them this new martial path?

She looked down at the soup in her hands. It was the food from the vending machine that Lin Feng had given to her. She still remembered what he had said, "I should help my junior's martial cultivation."

Li Qianxue lifted the bowl to her lips and drank it in deep gulps.

It was delicious, but that wasn't what Li Qianxue was focusing on. As the soup entered her stomach, she purposely tried to guide the released energy away from her dantian and meridians. She pushed it into her muscles and bones, trying to get the soup to nourish her physical body.

To her surprise, it was easy. The strong energy in the soup didn't fight her at all as she guided it.

Soon, a burning energy began to fill her body. Her heart rate skyrocketed and her skin flushed red. She grimaced as the burning energy grew hotter and her blood surged. She felt like she had lightning coursing through her veins.

Just as Li Qianxue felt like she would have to give up in order to prevent injury, the energy began to cool. All over her body, smelly black particles and sludge began to exude from her pores. Li Qianxue gasped as she was suddenly overwhelmed with pleasure. It felt like every muscle, tendon, bone, and nerve ending was being massaged, leaving her body more relaxed and comfortable than it had ever been before.

Eventually, the sensation stopped. Li Qianxue panted as she looked down at her hands in shock. Beneath the black grime on her body, her skin was now flushed red. Her qi and blood energy was surging vigorously in her body. Her complexion had become jade-like and beautiful after all the toxins in her body had been expelled.

"It's… It's possible!" Li Qianxue whispered to herself. She could feel the great power in her muscles. She felt like she could jump an unknown number of minor realms to fight above her strength if she relied on her physical body.

Li Qianxue flexed the muscles in her body and watched in awe as a dense red aura of swirling qi and blood energy covered her skin, making her look like she had bathed in blood.

"Overflowing vitality!"

The qi and blood energy died away as Li Qianxue ceased to stimulate her vitality.

"Honing the bones! I have to hone the bones!"

Li Qianxue turned to run towards the back rooms to cultivate before she stopped. Every inch of her body was covered with sticky black grime and her clothes were uncomfortably sticking to her. Li Qianxue's nose wrinkled as she caught a whiff of herself.

"…After I take a bath."

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