
Xu Feiyu turned around and said, "Brother Bai, I set the task for the first round, so it's your turn now."

Bai Zhiyi nodded and looked at Ou Yangming, then he asked after some thought, "Lil' Ou, what are you skilled in?"

Ou Yangming was stunned. He glanced at the elder and could not help but laugh. "I don't have anything that I'm skilled in, so you can arrange as you seem fit."

The elder furrowed his eyebrows as he was displeased. "Lil' Ou, this is a serious matter, so don't joke around."

"I'm really not specifically good at anything…" Ou Yangming responded honestly and scratched his head as he felt troubled. In actuality, after the young fellow fully incorporated his mental power into his Military Fire and activated his spiritual world, smithing processes became transparent to him. As a result, he could almost perfect every step in a process.