
A cool breeze blew, giving off a refreshing chill.

In the sky, a silver arc shuttled through the clouds, stirring up thousands of waves. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a rarely seen silver flying carpet.

2 people sat on the flying carpet, one young and one old. Their auras were powerful, shaking the void.

The young man's lips were red, and his teeth were white. His features were delicate and attractive. Occasionally, a domineering look would flash between his eyebrows, proving that he was not simple at all.

On the other hand, the old man's eyes seemed to contain a huge world that was abnormally profound. It was as if he could absorb a person's mind and spirit with just a glance. The aura he released even distorted the space within 33 meters from him. Even the slanting sunlight could not fall and was blocked by an indescribable power.

These 2 people were Ou Yangming and Du Xie, who had left the Shaman Tribe to go to the Rebirth Cave.