
Immortal Order

niXcole2408 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Weird Dream

It was a quiet morning in a far away kingdom, where different kinds of people was seen there; People with pale skins wearing all black hiding from the sun. People with scales that's changes color pending on the angle of the light. People who was crawling on the walls. And people who are walking around holding an egg as if it was a baby.

The place was happy and quiet, when they saw a beautiful woman walking towards the castle like building, with different kinds of guards marching on it's court yard. They greeted the woman with respect, giving her flowers and just raining her with love and support. Of course there are occasional banters, which people ignores. When an old woman walked towards her and held her hand tightly, "You must evacuate the people." The old woman said. She was confused and the people slightly pushing her making her loose sight of the old woman.

When she got back to the castle it ran through her mind like a marathon, knowing it was something she should be worried about. That's when her back hurt like it was on fire, making the servants rushed towards her, "Queen are you alright?" One asked. She looked at them and saw worried in their eyes. She smiled and nodded her head, Quickly went to her chamber where a group of people was there having a joyous time. Laughing, singing and most importantly they are having a time of their life. A mix people of powerful people inside the chamber. As she looked and watch them all laugh, it felt like it was the best say that ever happened in all of years.

That's when her senses picked up someone that doesn't belong to the kingdom, and one by one sensed that there are disturbance in the peaceful place. The room went from a party room to everyone waiting on the thing they picked up with individual senses. One sensed that people are distressed, one sensed that the earth is calling out to them, one was sensing disturbance on the waters and the marine life was calling out for help, but one ringed out the best, One sensed that souls was being taken away from it's vessel.

People were screaming. Trees, houses, and people burning. As the order was trying to evacuate as much people as they could, that did not change the fact that they are failing on saving everyone. Children were separated from their parents, parents searching for their sons or daughters, people all bloody on the floor. As loud crash and explosion were heard everywhere, they are loosing hope. Until one big flash of light shined covering the night sky with nothing but illuminating light. One bright, yet quick light. As fast the light shined it quickly faded away, along with the sound of chaos. Everything was quiet and peaceful.

"You are all safe now. Good bye my people, and to all of my dearest friends." A woman was heard. "Wake up." all at the same time five friends awaken.

"I was telling you it was the strangest dream I have ever dreamed, I know and out of all of us I have the weirdest dreams." A woman with colored skin said a bit panicking. Five woman was sitting on a stone table outside the restaurant, they are just doing their daily routine. "It wasn't that strange. It was just the movie we just saw the other day." Said with a tank top that's showing her sports bra on the side.

"Jane's right Julie, maybe it's just the movie we saw. Specially you were the one was moved by the Queen dying." Next to her said.

"But Jean, it felt real." Julie said looking down at the table.

"You have the most imaginative one here. Maybe it's just that." Jean said again.

"You know dreams are the sub-conscious mind trying to tell you something." Said by the one with a full bangs and long hair.

"Eunice might be right on this one guys." Next to Eunice said, she has short hair and two long red strands on the side of her full bangs.

"Either way, I forgot my dream this morning maybe you should too." Jean said but looking a bit bothered by the dream. As they all went their separate ways because they are at different field of studies, Jean went to the University's Library to search and see what dream could have been. To begin with she has no idea where's to start. She was searching the web for weird dreams of different kind of people, abnormal looking people, until she got to a stop when she searched, 'Pale people with red eyes.' A lot was shown. Yet one thing did caught her attention. 'Vampires.' was there when she clicked the link she was brought to a site where the first thing you'd see is an old family portrait. She was not amused, because the vampires she does know doesn't show reflection nor pictures. And this is no where near the Twilight era. She was intrigue when one of the woman in the picture has her face scratched out by something like not wanting her in the portrait. She read the article, it wasn't a picture portrait it was a family and the image was painted. It was dated way back before photographs was invented. Yet, something is off about the woman that had her face scratched off the portrait. She was stating and this strange feeling stirring inside her. Until a guy spooked her behind the monitor.

"Boo mother Fucker!" He said making her scream and got them both told off by the librarian.

"Ivan what the actual fuck do you want?!" she whispered yelled.

"You where focusing too hard on that creepy picture, and told myself what the hell to spook you." He replied getting a chair next to her and looking at the article she was so intrigue about. "Ahh, the Von Caelum family." He said.

"So, you know the dude?" She asked jokingly.

"Yeah, I made a report on the murder of them. Of course as a future police and someday Detective." He said pushing her a little on the side so that she was facing him.

"Do you mind? If you're here to gloat that you got in the force then you can leave." She said crossing her arm.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry. Do you want to know the story or not?" he said looking at the woman, she sigh and just listened. "The Von Caelum family was a rich and powerful family. They have the highest rank in the circle. They are powerful but they had a dark secret that no one needs to know. Until the First daughter of their highest 'leader', as they called it, threatened to expose them and ending up all of them killed. Of course that's not the real story and the professor would asked a lot of question because of this, they are not really real. They are just ghost of the painter. Which no one knows who, many believed that the painter was the daughter and how she saw the family. All prim and prime, yet, they hide some terrible secrets. Only the main two heads know the secret behind their power. That's why one day, someone wanted them dead, and did a great job. Not only the Von Caelum died but the whole blood line. Ending their era there, Rumor has it that the girl on the picture with a scratched face survived and was never seen and heard after the murder. The people called it witch trial and made the case closed and ruling them as guilty and punishment death making their murder legal." Ivan stopped and looked at the picture and Jean just looked at the guy with amazement in her eyes.

"Wow, Mr. Hotshot you got, not just only, the looks you now have a brain my good sir." Jean joked going back to the computer and printed out the whole article for her to read later.

Jane and Julie are in the medical field, talking about the strange creatures in their dreams. "Yeah, I don't know girl. Mine got weird things in mine, like the whole body temperature thing." Jane said looking at the class schedule if the professor is going to attend or not.

"What? You can't see temperature." Julie said all confused.

"On the contrary, yes you can. For example snakes sees body heat so they can pray specially at night." Jane said looking at the board and searching for Zoology. Yet, they still can not see the subject, "Damn it still no Zoology.

"Really? Is it that hard to find a professor about that?" Julie said walking next to her and searched as well.

"Hey, pretty lady." A man walked next to Julie and kissed her on her cheeks whilst holding her hips.

"Hi baby, how was Chemistry?" Julie greeting her boyfriend.

"Same as always it was basic as fuck!" Said another man. Looking at Jane with a little wink, "hey snob." he continued and teased Jane.

"Sup nerd, still planning on blowing up the University you psychopath?" She asked strongly punching the guy's arm.

"There you are King! Brian!" As another guy said this one with glasses and looking like a what others called it a nerd.

"Yow! Christian!" King said giving him a bro hug and they just talked.

"So how's the class?" Jane asked.

"Oh you know Zoology is amazing, did you know that snakes are partially blind because they only see body heat so they know it's alive." Christian said walking towards them. Jane looked at Julie and she looked at Jane and puts both of her hands up at the woman.

"That's body heat not body temperature reading. It's two way different things! You can't tell a person's temperature just by looking at it." Julie said.

"On the contrary you can, you have to know their body movement. An average person's body can only handle a certain body heat before the body totally collapse." Jane said making Julie a little disturb by the known fact by her friend. The three boys was amazing by the this fact though.

"You scare me sometimes." Julie said getting her back picked up by her boyfriend Brian.

"That's what you get if you stay close with this clown." Brian said pointing at her friend King who was watching a video about scary facts.

"And not to mention my sister loves true crime." Jane said as they all walked back to the stone table they usually sit. There they are greeting by their three friends, and a new one to their eyes.

"Whose the new meat?" Jane said seeing their old friend.

"Hey! This is Tyler. Tyler this is the half of the gang, Jane, Julie, Brian, Christian, and King. Be careful of King he bites." Ivan said making Jean chuckle while still reading and analyzing the picture.

"So, what you girls up to?" Jane asked sitting next to Tyler.

"Nothing much, until Miss curious here was curious about the case of Von Caelmun murder." Ivan said receiving a hard punch on the shoulder.

"Why so interested with that myth, it's just internet hoax." Jane said trying to see what the article was all about.

"It's actually not, people in that place actually believed the story and angry at the person posted or even made that site about the murderous family. Well that's what the people said." Tyler said getting a look for the paper.

"Come on, don't tell me you believe the internet fables that's used for late night scares and nothing but imaginative creations of the people all over the world." Jane said not believing on what they are saying.

They talked about it for hours and completely missing some of their subjects because of the story they got to hear. That's until King was the one who got to tell them about the real things that happened around the world and about the serial killers he come to love. King was a hard core fan of Horror, Thrillers, and even real documentaries about serial killers, or mentally ill-ed patients. At the beginning they are skeptic about it, that's when King went from fiction killers to comparing the real horror of life. From movie serial killers to real life killers, and showed them what they looked like, what they did and what they get for a sentence.

"Why am I not surprised about you telling us this King." said Julie with complete horror in her face.

"What can I say, if I am passionate about something I go for it." He replied receiving more scared faces from the girls and chuckles and snickers from the guys who lives with the crazy psychopath.

"No wonder people are afraid of you when you are quite." Rose said nervously laughing.

"Oh, that's not all you should see him at bar fights. He doesn't get any scratch from anyone." They heard someone from behind walking towards them. It was King's best friend Jedi, with one of the girl's best friend. Nathalie, Lee for short.

"Lee, Jedi, what took you guys so long?" King asked.

"I should ask the same question what are you guys doing out? You missed first day of classes." Lee said looking at all of them.

"It's the first day, the professor doesn't do anything at the first day only introducing ourselves. We are not high school anymore okay?" Jean said still reading and highlighting important stuff about the family and wanting to know what happened to them. They are all laughing and telling stories about the dream. Jean was the only one who isn't paying attention and Jane was still not convinced.