
Immortal Nexus

In a world transformed by a glitch in a gaming universe, Adrian awakens as an overlord with an entourage of loyal vampire subordinates. As he navigates this altered reality, his pursuit of understanding leads to a clash with existing powers. With unstoppable powers at his command and a kingdom's fate hanging in the balance, Adrian faces a choice: wield his dominance or seek a path to unravel the mysteries of this new realm. A gripping tale of power, loyalty, and the quest for identity. Leave your suggestions and reviews in the comments.

LucasAllencourt · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: The Inauguration

Adrian stood at the heart of the chosen land in Emberspire, his gaze fixed upon the intricate holographic blueprint hovering before him. With a firm directive, he beckoned forth the lead Engineer, signaling the commencement of the construction for 'The Helios Academy.'

The lead engineer, an otherworldly being whose form bore the amalgamation of insectoid and humanoid features, stepped into the center of the holographic projection. A profound stillness settled as the engineer's form glowed with an ethereal luminescence, a manifestation of their connection with the arcane forces pulsating through Emberspire's soil.

In an awe-inspiring display, the engineer's figure began to multiply, each replication exhibiting an uncanny precision as they replicated into multiple iterations. They dispersed across the holographic blueprint, each engineer assuming its designated section, a synchronized dance of creation underway.

The construction commenced with an almost mesmerizing precision and harmony. The engineers worked with a grace that mirrored a harmonious symphony, each movement purposeful and calculated. The sheer perfection with which they wielded their craft was a testament to their proficiency—a dance of efficiency that unfolded with almost supernatural nuance.

With every stroke of their hands, the blueprint transformed into reality. The foundations rose with an ethereal swiftness, the structures forming in immaculate alignment with the holographic design. Each section unfolded flawlessly, intricate enchantments woven seamlessly into the very fabric of the architecture.

While some engineers traversed the ground, weaving enchantments into the foundation, others took to the skies with wings resembling those of majestic insects. They soared above the structure, their movements an ethereal ballet against the backdrop of Emberspire's breathtaking landscape.

These flying engineers utilized their innate abilities, sculpting the upper echelons of the academy with an otherworldly finesse. Their wings, shimmering in iridescent hues, carried them effortlessly through the air as they crafted the grand spires and enchanting domes that graced the apex of the academy.

The building style of the engineers was a mesmerizing blend of magic and meticulous craftsmanship. Enchanted materials manifested at their touch, forming walls that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the land. Towers spiraled into the sky, their contours an exquisite fusion of ancient aesthetics and contemporary design.

Intricate patterns adorned the facades, reminiscent of arcane symbols that pulsated with a gentle glow, infusing the structure with a mystical aura. Gardens, cultivated by their deft hands, bloomed with flora that possessed a celestial luminescence, intertwining the natural world with the architecture in a breathtaking union.

The amalgamation of their efforts birthed a structure that defied mortal craftsmanship, a testament to the sheer magnificence of the academy rising from the verdant embrace of Emberspire. The academy's form embodied a harmony between magic and artistry, a resplendent monument to knowledge and arcane prowess—a beacon of enlightenment destined to shape the future of Avaloria.


With the crescendo of construction reaching its zenith, the Helios Academy emerged from the mystical embrace of Emberspire, a testament to the engineers' mesmerizing craftsmanship. The grand edifice stood as a pinnacle of artistry and arcane finesse, its spires soaring toward the heavens, catching the sun's first light in a symphony of colors that danced across its enchanted walls.

Adrian surveyed the completed academy, a reverent awe reflected in his eyes. The structure stood as a testament to unity—where magic and architectural marvel intertwined in perfect harmony. The gardens surrounding the academy exuded a serene luminescence, their flora radiating an ethereal glow that pulsed in tandem with the beating heart of Emberspire.

As the last few architectural flourishes were put into place, Maelis and Helena, eminent enchantresses among the Nexus, stepped forward, their presence resonating with celestial grace and profound mastery of arcane arts.

Helena, her eyes shimmering with a celestial luminescence, began her enchantments at the entrance of the academy. She traced intricate patterns upon the colossal doors, each stroke weaving a story of protection and wisdom. Arcane symbols interwove with ancient runes, their glow imbuing the entrance with an enchanting aura of security and enlightenment.

Meanwhile, Maelis infused the academy's foundation with ethereal resilience. With each gesture, an invisible shield formed, blending seamlessly into the structure. The walls hummed with a faint, otherworldly resonance, signifying the enchantments woven into their very fabric—a shield that would withstand the test of time and the ebb of arcane energies coursing through the academy.

Their enchantments flowed like a symphony, each stroke of magic painting an intricate tapestry upon the academy. They moved with fluid grace, their every movement a testament to their mastery, infusing the edifice with layers of protective wards and enhancing its magical sanctums.

Adrian watched in awe as Maelis and Helena worked their enchantments, their prowess elevating the academy's grandeur to unparalleled heights. The magical wards shimmered in iridescent hues, intertwining with the architectural marvel that stood as the Helios Academy—a sanctuary of knowledge and enlightenment, guarded by the arcane mastery of its enchantresses.


Thyra, standing tall amidst the grandeur of the completed Helios Academy, stepped forward, her voice carrying across the gathered crowds. Her authoritative tone echoed with an unwavering resolve, addressing the multitude of onlookers and emissaries who had gathered from across the kingdom.

"People of Avaloria," Thyra's voice resonated with unwavering conviction, "let it be known that the Helios Academy is poised to usher in an era of unparalleled enlightenment and magical prowess. Our quest for knowledge shall transcend boundaries."

She gestured gracefully, her commanding presence captivating the attention of the assembled crowd. "Spread word to every corner of our kingdom. We seek scholars, researchers, and professors who embody not only wisdom but a thirst for innovation."

As her words echoed, emissaries departed, carrying the message of opportunity and enlightenment to the farthest reaches of Avaloria. They disseminated the call for minds curious and eager, those willing to contribute to the expanse of knowledge and the advancement of magical arts within the Helios Academy.

Thyra's vision was not just to beckon scholars and mentors from within the kingdom but to extend an invitation far beyond, promising a haven where minds from diverse realms could converge and share their expertise.

The selection of professors and researchers for the academy bore a distinct methodology, aligning with the visionary approach of the Nexus. Prospective mentors underwent a series of tests and evaluations, not merely to gauge their knowledge but to assess their innovative thinking and dedication to nurturing budding talents.

Unique to the Helios Academy was its method of student selection—a multifaceted entrance examination that tested not just magical aptitude but also embraced holistic learning. The examination encompassed practical magical prowess, logical reasoning, ethical dilemmas, and creativity. It was designed to not only identify potential but also to recognize individuals capable of harmonizing magical proficiency with ethical responsibility and innovation.

As the news spread far and wide, students from across the kingdom yearned for the chance to partake in the academy's inaugural entry examination. Their dreams and aspirations took flight, setting the stage for an influx of prodigious talents, each eager to showcase their potential in the distinctive assessment set forth by the Helios Academy.


As the sun rose on the momentous day of the academy's inauguration, the grandeur of the Helios Academy shimmered in the morning light. The meticulously constructed structure stood as a beacon of knowledge, its spires reaching toward the heavens, an architectural marvel born from dreams and dedication.

Adrian, flanked by the members of the Nexus, walked purposefully toward the podium, the air humming with anticipation. His gaze met Thyra's, their conversation veering toward the kingdom's defenses—an imperative in the realm's safeguarding and advancement.

"Thyra," Adrian's voice, resolute yet contemplative, conveyed his strategic vision, "the time has come to fortify our kingdom's defenses. Establish defensive and offensive magical towers along the perimeter, amplifying our protection and asserting our readiness."

Thyra nodded in agreement, her unwavering dedication to Avaloria reflected in her demeanor. "Indeed, my Lord. The establishment of these towers shall serve as a testament to our preparedness and vigilance. It will bolster our defenses while signaling our intent to safeguard our realm."

Adrian's expression held a blend of determination and farsightedness. "Additionally, initiate the creation of a magical shield enveloping our kingdom. Let it resonate with impenetrable magic, a shield that stands impervious to any threat that dares to challenge Avaloria's sovereignty."

Thyra's eyes gleamed with understanding as she absorbed Adrian's directive. "Understood, my Lord. The magical shield will serve as an impenetrable barrier, warding off any potential dangers and ensuring our realm's safety."

The Lord and Thyra continued their discourse, contemplating the intricate intricacies of magical defenses, a testament to their dedication in fortifying Avaloria against any future adversities.

As Adrian ascended the podium, his gaze swept across the assembled crowd—a congregation of professors, researchers, dignitaries, and citizens gathered to witness the historic moment. The Nexus stood at his side, their presence a testament to unity and dedication.

"Today marks a momentous occasion," Adrian's voice, imbued with solemnity and resolve, resonated through the air. "The inauguration of the Helios Academy signifies not just the pursuit of knowledge but the forging of a legacy—a legacy of enlightenment, progress, and safeguarding our kingdom's future."

The crowd hushed in reverence as Adrian's words echoed across the courtyard, each syllable carrying the weight of the kingdom's aspirations.

"The assembled minds—professors, researchers, and mentors—are the guardians of this legacy," Adrian proclaimed, his voice carrying an air of solemn reverence. "Their dedication shall shape the minds of generations, fostering wisdom and innovation within the hallowed halls of this academy."

With a gesture, Adrian invited the chosen dignitaries and members of the Nexus to initiate the ceremonial activation of the academy—a symbolic gesture that marked the commencement of its noble purpose.

The Nexus, adorned in ceremonial attire, each bearing a mystical insignia representing their respective expertise, stepped forward. Their collective energies intertwined, channeling arcane forces that surged through the academy, awakening its dormant enchantments.

The building shimmered with an ethereal luminescence, its spires emitting a radiant glow that illuminated the surroundings, signifying the awakening of the academy's magical essence.

The inauguration concluded amidst an atmosphere charged with anticipation and reverence, marking the beginning of the Helios Academy's profound journey in shaping the future of Avaloria.

As the gathered crowd soaked in the significance of the moment, the serene ambiance was disrupted by an unexpected arrival.

A cavalry, bearing an insignia of a majestic winged-lion, thundered into the courtyard. The crowd parted in a mix of curiosity and pride, recognizing the emblem of Duke Leonhart—a name steeped in history and lineage within the kingdom.

The leader of the cavalry, adorned in regal attire bearing the lion insignia, stepped forward. His voice echoed with authority and defiance, disrupting the solemnity of the occasion.

"People of Alaris," the leader declared, his voice resonating with fervor and conviction, "know this—Adrian Van Helios is an enemy to our kingdom. He has usurped the throne from its rightful heirs, and I, Duke Antoine Leonhart vow to reclaim what is rightfully ours!"

The Nexus, incensed by the audacity of the declaration, bristled with anger. Their loyalty to Adrian and the kingdom surged forth, their expressions a mix of determination and disdain toward the bold assertion.

Adrian, upon hearing the name "Leonhart," was struck by a flicker of recognition—a fleeting memory that eluded precise recall. The mention of the name invoked a sense of familiarity, yet the details remained shrouded in the recesses of his mind.

His expression remained composed, betraying no hint of agitation or uncertainty, though his thoughts raced to place the puzzle pieces of memory.

"Your claims are baseless, Duke Leonhart," Adrian's voice, laced with an unwavering resolve, countered the accusation. "The throne of Avaloria was claimed through rightful ascendancy, and any insinuation otherwise is unfounded."

The commotion escalated, tensions rising within the courtyard. The Nexus stood unwaveringly by Adrian's side, ready to defend the honor of their Lord and the kingdom against any unwarranted threats.