
Immortal master Karan

Karan is the main character in this story, and the plot mostly surrounds his personality. He is one of the greatest Scientist from Earth. He is a very skillful and educated individual with vast experience and knowledge on different matters including Yoga , Ayurveda and has been a Wrestler However ,During an Experiment which could have opened a new door for Science . But due to some obvious reason an accident happend during the Procedure causing , Earth’s top Scientist’s soul crossed over to an alternate world, where Strength is everything ,Spiritual Energy are much more abundant compared to Earth .Here Strong prays on weak ,reborn as his 14 year old self, Karan was given a second chance at life. A second chance to change everything and save his beloved wife and friends . Later he merged with Great Thief God’s memories, cultivating Three Dragon Clone Technique, sweeping through all opposition with invincible might! Able to refine medicine, capable of crafting weapons, and knows the art of inscription&h.e.l.lip;. Being skilled in all professions is the way of kings! “Since I’m back, then in this lifetime, I shall become the King of the G.o.ds that dominate everything. Let everything else tremble beneath my feet!”

Twilight_RainGod0 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter-11(Maternal Love)

"Success!" The young woman in the green skirt screamed. As soon as the rocket talisman came out, she no longer had a back hand, and neither side had any room for maneuver.


Hundreds of rockets shot through the air at the black-robed old man, and the little green ants that stood in front of the rocket symbols were burned to death by the flames, and fell to the ground in groups, emitting a stinky smell.

The old man in black robes shot four or five first-order earth shield amulets one after another, with earth shields in front of him.

Boom..... Rockets fired on the earth shield one after another. Among the five element spells, although the earth defense is the strongest, the low-level earth shield is the tortoise shell among the spells of the same tier, but the level of the two charms is different. is too big. In a blink of an eye, after four or five heavy earth shields were hit by a rocket, they exploded into countless pieces of earth.

The black-robed old man looked ugly. Unexpectedly, the power of the rocket talisman was so powerful. He quickly took out a small blue umbrella from the storage bag and opened the umbrella without letting it happen. A blue blue screen suddenly fell, and the black-robed old man The whole body is covered within a five-foot range.

When the rocket hits the blue light curtain, it is as if it is shot in the mud, and its speed drops sharply. Although half of the rocket pierced the light mask, the other half was stuck outside the blue light mask. Then the rocket was eroded by the blue light circulating. There were bursts of white mist of water vapor.

However, as the rocket behind it swelled up, the blue light mask became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was an explosion, and several holes were exploded in the small blue umbrella.

The remaining twenty or thirty rockets fired at the black-robed old man again without letting go.

There was a pain in the face of the black-robed old man. This spiritual umbrella is the best spiritual weapon. After following him for many years, this defensive spiritual weapon is very rare, but after all, it is still no better than the third-order spiritual talisman that is quite a base-building cultivator. Only supported for a few moments, it was completely destroyed.

But this Tier 3 magic talisman is still the end of the battle. The black-robed old man gritted his teeth and controlled the rocket that was shot by the black sword magic weapon.

The rocket fired by the black sword magic weapon one after another exploded in the air with a large number of sporadic flames. It's just that no matter how fast the black robe old man is, the black sword magic weapon still takes care of one another, and after smashing most of the rockets, there are still two head-on shots. There was a sharp pain in the abdomen and thigh. The black-robed old man looked shocked, and quickly mobilized the vitality in his body to wrap the two rockets.

Bang Bang! When it was too late, the black-robed old man screamed, his left leg was directly blown off, and the air was filled with a smell of flesh and blood. Although the sharp arrow in the abdomen was blocked by the vitality of the body, it also exploded a thick blood hole.

The young woman in the green skirt turned around and fled when she saw that these third-order charms hadn't killed the black robe old man.

The black robe old man's complexion was extremely stern, and a death word was bit between his teeth, the black sword and magic weapon turned into a black light, and he chased the young woman in the green dress.

The young woman in the green skirt didn't escape much before she felt a bitter murderous intent coming from behind. In a hurry, the sleeves were swung, and the purple silk flew out and entangled the black sword magic weapon. The black sword magic weapon squeezed in the air and cut the purple silk into several pieces. In the incredible eyes of the young woman in the green dress, she cut diagonally down from the left shoulder of the young woman in the green dress.

The black-robed old man recalled the sword and collapsed on the ground and gasped for breath. Enduring the severe pain to stop the bleeding, but the injuries on his body have exceeded his expectations. With regard to the shadow ants that had already dispersed, there was no time to recall them ,So all those shadow ants died .After the purple ginseng was collected with great effort, In his state, he couldn't get involved. Let's go back to the Dongfu for a good life and cultivate for a period of time.

Old Geng picked up the new born Mammoth ,exausted the last of mana remaining in his body to seal the portal of the Hidden Space Realm . Lets return to dongfu for period of time cultivate and heal himself ,then he will Return to see what type of Hidden Space Realm this portal will lead to...

When Old Gang came out of the cave Karan wanted to attack and kill him as it seems that Old Geng was heavily injured ,he even lost one of his Hand and leg .But Karan controled himself ,because even if tiger is old and weak ,it is better than a dog. He was in quite a difficult situation ,whether to take this oportunities to kill the bastard and free himself .

Just then Old Gang went to the Male Mammoth body to extract its Soul . He took his sword out and started to use it as butcher knife to cut a hole in its skull to take out the Mammoth sole .

Demonic Soles are produced only in few Beast by chance and more often Beast with Ancient origin ,They are quite expensive and are often in demand . Warriors fuse with these souls ,which boost Their cultivation speed ,Strength and other aspects of body .These warriors are often known as soul warrior.

Just when he reached out to pick the Demonic Soul Orb ,He spurted out blood from his mouth and a look of fear orginated from his face .He saw a tooth came out of his chest . He was not able to see what hapaned and fell down dead.

Karan was shocked by this sudden event ,Originally like several of these people he thought female Mammoth was dead but who know How see stood up again and killed the Old Gang .Until the Old Gang body fell there lifeless, only then did the Mother Mammoth's enormous body again drop heavily on the ground, its eyes emitting a sense of sorrow and love toward its baby .

New born Mammoth ran happily toward his parents after seeing his mother and father ,He went to his father but Their was No response ,he again came to his mother to play but Her mother can only lift his trunk to pat the body of child . He started to show tantrums like a small child but Their was no response from his parents . He started to cry as if asking ,why are you not playing with me . Do you no longer like me . He went to his mother and tried to cuddle around her to make her happy as if asking for forgiveness for any mistake he did as a Human child does , Their was tear in Mother Elephant eyes and even Karan was moved by the love relation between mother and child . In previous life ,i was not able to get my parents love but in this I got my father . when ,I return home ,I must ask about my mother from her . He came down from the tree branch .

Whoos.h.!.+ Whoos.h.!.+

At this moment, Karan noticed the Mother Mammoth raise its head and gaze at him. Its piercing eyes were actually emitting a begging expression.


Karan was stupefied.

The Mammoth suddenly raised its head and turned to look at the child cuddling near her stomach it. She shook its head as if it were begging for something.

Some feeling doesn't have any language barrier Karan said don't worry ,I will take care of you child . I will take Care of him as my own family and protect it .

As if understand his words ,She said something to the child and passed away . The baby behmoth came toward him with some hesitation and shook his small trunk at him as a friendship sign . Karan showed his Pet bag and asked him to come inside as it is not safe here . Unlike other Beast ,baby Mammoth I.Q. was quite high compared to an Intelligent Human child ,which.was quite shicking to him . Baby Mammoth went in to his Pet bag .

Karan looked toward the two Mammoth Beast , Took out the Beast Soul for safe keeping with a belief that if possible ,I may try to bring them back to life .

Finally performed the rituals which was written in Vedas as a form of utmost Respect to the dead . Burned their dead bodies into ashes giving them his reapect....and collected Those ashes in a clean copper pot . Then he collected the spiritual bag of the Old Gang .

Lets go back to the cave may be I can find the way ..

aa...ah " Their are still 7 days Left before the family meeting . No...hurry .

He just rememberd ,that These people were talking about a portal may be leading to a Undiscovered Space Realm . Lets try my luck first ,I will enter first ,if it is too dangerous . I will return imiadiately .

Karan went inside the cave ....removed the prohibition placed by Old Gang and then went inside the portal , He felt dizziness all of a sudden , when Karan returned to normal he found himself in a beautiful Dongfu . Their were many palaces in it ,on one it look like a fairyland with many precious herb present and many elixirs which, he was not even able to recognize but by looking at the Earth and Heaven vision ,it must be even more precious herb .

" Woo...ooo...o ,

What a luck ,Sudenly he recognised a Black Origin Fruit ,a rare plant if consumed a mortal man will become a peak order Nadi Realm cultivator .

Their is even a chance to cross the catastrophe and become Marrow level cultivator . Karan ran toward the fruit and picked it , fruit turned into ashes . What a pity , He tried to peek other fruits , what a pity , time can really destroy everything . These Immortal herbs should have been a part of this place long time ago . Now Their spiritual energy has long vanished away and They have long been destroyed ,even slight breeze is enough to convert them into ashes .

"Time is eternal ,it can destroy anything ,ah ...Child what is your name ? How did you arrived to this place " a sigh came to Karan's ear .

Karan was frightened , and was full of shock . How can someone come So close to him and he was not even able to feel his presence ,Until just now when the person spoked .

Karan looked at the person warily to face any attack from the person . It must be an Immortal person .

The person suddenly released an unprecedented aura ,almoat made Karan fall to the ground . The man said ," Do I a Great Immortal Saint will even ambush an ant ,If I wanted to kill you ,"I would have killed you long ago " . Don't worry ,my body has long been destroyed and this is just some remanent of my soul . You are quite lucky ,to have come here just at this time . If you would have came even a decade later , you wouldn't even be able to see this soul . Come with me ,I wanted to find a person who could take forward my inheritance and wealth .I don't want to let my work vanish with me.

Karan was quite surprised to hear it ,but it didn't affect his vigilance toward the person .He replied his name is Karan. He came to this place by mistake.

He asked,"Senior is a Great Immortal Saint ,who has the power to obliterate you ?" .

Who can kill me ,if it were not for those shameless bastards . Those Great Immortal set up a trap and attached me in group . If Golden Lion had not sacrificed his life to save himself ,It wouldn't even be possible to save even this soul and find a inheritor for my inheritance .

I have already answerd your question ,Now stop talking and come with me , Your cultivation talent is one of the worst , I have seen till now .To be honest , If it would have been before, I wouldn't want to accept you as an apprentice, but now, I'm at my end, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long. I still have to find someone to pass it on.

Are you willing to be my disciple. "The Immortal man's face flashed with a different color, and he squeezed Karan's wrist, and said pleasantly with the color.

"Accept me as a disciple?"

Karan looked surprised. Previously ,Old Gang forced him to be his disciple without his will .In addition to instructing him to do some chores before, the old man in black robes was reluctant to say a word to him, but now he met a Great Immortal Saint Soul ,who want him to be accepted as a disciple. While joyful in his heart, there was also a hint of doubt.

"Yes, I won't live long. If I don't accept apprentices at this time, wouldn't it be possible to bring all my treasures and skills into coffin ".

Karan was quite moved and his vigilance droped a lot.

"Yes, the master, the disciple saw the master." Karan was inexplicably excited. He did not expect that a Great Immortal Saint was willing to accept him as a disciple at this time, so he leaned over and wanted to worship.

"Fine, nothing, some lavish gifts will be forgiven, you quickly come with your teacher to the Inheritance hall, there is not much time for your teacher, if you don't hurry, I'm afraid it's too late to teach you anything." The man grabbed Karan's wrist and said Don't let him worship.

Before he could say anything, Karan felt that there was a soft wind pushing behind him. The Immortal saint's walking stick was on the ground, and he floated a few feet away with him, his movements were extremely light and agile.

Karan was surprised secretly that the master was really powerful. He was able to take about half a foot in one step with his vitality. However, the master took him with him when he was his weakest state and the distance was about half a mile in one step. Now that he has applauded the teacher, he feels that the relationship between the two is much closer than before, so he asked aloud,

"Master, what is your name and what kind of magic do you use? It's amazing, can I learn it later?"

Well my name is Sakuni "In the future, you can learn it slowly through my inheritance, don't talk." Sakuni breathed heavily.

Listening to the master's voice with a heavy voice, Karan closed his mouth quickly and kept silent.

The distance of five or six miles, under such a hurry, was not far, and after a while, the Inheritance hall appeared in front of him.

Sakuni waved his hand, a whirlwind blew by, and the stones in front of the cave were blown away. Karan looked very excited, just about to speak, thinking of what the master had confessed, quickly swallowed the words back into his stomach.

"Go, boil a bucket of water, and when the water is hot, pour this bottle of medicine into the water." The man handed Karan a small medicine bottle and took a drop of Red liquid .

Karan nodded quickly and did what he said. There was water in the Palace before. Soon, he burned a bucket of water as Sakuni said, and re-moved the stone to block the entrance of the Inheritance Hall, as Sakuni said.