
Immortal Lily Soul

Reina Marigold was abducted at a young age by the Holy Daemon Cult, whom were eager to find a new Saintess for their order. At the age of 16, she managed to slip away and enroll into Acacia academy with dreams of adventure and freedom. There she meets a girl, colder then ice, who only had one goal: Revenge. This is my first time writing, so please bear with me as i learn many lessons along the way. I hope you will enjoy the story of one girl slowly thawing the heart of another, and the adventures and trials they go through together.

TropicalPenguinn · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 - Onwards to Acacia!

Reina watched as people went back and forth loading supplies onto the carriages, fiddling with her hair while various emotions went through her heart. "It really is this easy huh..."

[Did you want to fight your way out?]

"Of course not, but when you dream about leaving the city and gaining freedom for years, the fact that the actual event is pretty clear cut does feel...underwhelming".

[I don't understand]

"Understanding the human heart is a rather difficult task, but I'm surprised, you are a daemon after all. Isn't understanding the human heart one of the priorities of your kind? Tempting their downfall with false promises and taking their mind and bodies?"

[I have no interest in such things]

"I think you've just gotten lazy, ten years spent with me I can't recall a single time you tried to tempt me in the past 3 years. Even before then your attempts were pretty half hearted"

[I think most daemon's would think deem you a lost cause after spending enough time with you]

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

[It's a compliment], Shadow sighed as he observed the girl puff her cheeks out while starring at nothing. There was a time when he would spend day and night whispering offers of power and methods of revenge into the girls ear, but she was simply too soft hearted. She didn't want to get back at people who wronged her, didn't want to crush others with her strength, the only time she acted was to help others. It was a miracle upon miracles that the girl had managed to live to the age of 16.

"Daisy? what's wrong?"

Reina looked up at one of the men who would be escorting their caravan, Braun. The leader of their merry courtesan band's protectors, Braun was very popular amongst his men and employees due to his outgoing nature. He would regularly check in on his men and those transporting supplies, where his booming laughter could be heard from across the courtyard. For most interactions, she only had to tilt her head up slightly to meet their gaze, Braun exceeded the height of every person she's ever met, and likely will meet. Craning her head up to see past his massive beard, she met his gentle gaze with a smile.

"I'm fine sir, just a little nervous. This will be the first time I've ever left the city afterall"

"Ha Ha Ha! Don't worry girl, I swear that this journey will be a smooth one. So relax and enjoy it!"

Reina could only nod in response, a little stunned by how loud his laugh truly was. She had heard stories of a man who had could kill using just his voice and dismissed them as fantasy, but it looks like the proof that those stories were true were starting right in front of her!

"Daisy, go ahead and board one of the carriages, we're about to set off", The carriages could seat 4 people, with Braun and company escorting a total of 5. The

"Ok!", Reina shot towards one of the carriages at a baffling speed, all the nervous energy she had stored finally got put to use!

Once inside, Reina leaned back and tried to relax.


[What is it?]

'This feels like a dream'

[Hmph, if you want to keep living in your dream, get stronger. Just because you avoided the ceremony doesn't mean that target on your back is gone]

'I have no intention of ever participating in that hellish fight of succession, why would they target this little old candidate who never even cast her name into the pot?'

[Because they don't know you, while some will ignore you, others will think you are trying to play them. By abstaining from throwing your name in the pot, you might have some favor in the cult that will allow you to join at a later date after you safely cultivated your strength while avoiding any conflict]

'But that's not what-'

[I know, but others do not. Besides, the majority will take your intentions of forfeiting your place in the competition as genuine at best, and cowardly and deserving of death to wipe the stain off the cult at worst]


[Like I said, get stronger. Or do you intend for me to drag you back from the gates of hell every time a cult member clashes with you? I tolerated your lifestyle before because you were not worthy of others attention and whatever trouble you did attract were offered as meals to me, but I will not suffer a weakling remaining weak because they can cheat death. I will gladly follow you into hell if that is the path you choose]

Reina silently slide the jade bracelet on, starring out the window as she clenched her fists. Her thoughts were disturbed when the carriage was filled by 3 other women were merrily conversing with each other. When the others saw her they introduced themselves, to which Reina smiled and exchanged pleasantries before her gaze returned to the window. Seeing that she wasn't in the mood to speak, the others ignored her and returned to their previous conversation as the carriage started to move. Reina idly watched the familiar buildings pass by until she saw the familiar jade boar mounted on the wall of the restaurant, she twitched uncomfortably when she remembered that she had broken her word.

'I'll make it up to her when I see her again, and ask about the bracelet'. Comforted by the thought, Reina sat and idly watched as the buildings transitioned into the scenery of the surrounding mountains as the carriage convey made it's way out of the city.

Reina yawned as the carriage rocked her body, there was a long road ahead of her, she wouldn't miss anything if she took back her missing hours of sleep.


Meanwhile, inside the Jade Boar

"Jack..... pour me another drink"

"Are you sure master? You've already had a dozen...."

"Shut up and pour my drink, my cute little sister broke her word, I can feel her getting farther and farther away..."

"Please calm down master, she looks like quite the forgetful type so it's understanda-EECH" Jack ducked down as the glass cup whizzed over his head.

"You dare insult my little sister in front of me?!"

"M-my apologies master! I forgot myself, I swear to watch my tongue in the future else I cut it off myself!"

"Hmph, you better not let it happen again. Now, pour me my drink!"

"...Yes master"

".....Hey Jack, do you think if I drink enough, my feelings will reach Reina and she'll beg for forgiveness? I can feel her emotions after all".

"That's because you marked her master, and it is a one way connection. You'd need to have her do to y-" Jack clapped a hand over his mouth, realizing too late what he had said. Placing a mark on another person could be done through various methods, but they were all rather intimate.....

Jack looked at his master's flushed face that had broken into a lecherous grin, "Jack, I'll be heading to Acacia soon, make the preparations".

"As you wish master" Jack replied while apologizing in his heart.

I'm sorry little sheep, I've sent a big bad wolf your way!

I was going to originally have Fang wallow in sadness for a little bit before having Reina progress along her journey a little more. But I had fun with the scenario and decided it was a good place to stop.

Anyways the next chapter will likely introduce the other female lead!

Eh? Fang isn't the other lead? Nope! As an apology I will make her the big boss of love rivals!

TropicalPenguinncreators' thoughts