
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


Chapter 359: Finding out the Truth

  Together, these medicinal herb gardens were fifty medicinal herb gardens.

  If we add the five from the Thick Earth Sect, it would be fifty-five pill gardens.

  With such a large number of medicinal gardens, He Song's spirit stones would no longer be in short supply, and would even be able to have more spirit stones in his hands.

  With more and more spirit stones in his hand, He Song would not need to worry too much about not having enough spirit stones in his hand after he set up the Jindan Grand Formation in the future.

  Even if he encountered a situation where he needed to use his Jindan Grand Formation to defend himself against the enemy, with the amount of spirit stones in his body, he was afraid that he would be able to hold out for a long time.

  In this way, He Song's battle power would be increased tremendously.

  However, previously, He Song had only just purchased back the materials needed to refine the Jindan Grand Formation Disk and Flag.

  He had yet to refine them into the array disks and flags needed to set up the Jindan Grand Array.

  Therefore, this idea was still in the planning stages and could not be realized for the time being.

  When He Song closed his eyes again and refined all the array disks and flags needed to set up the Jindan Grand Formation.

  When the second, third, or even fourth Jindan Grand Formation could be laid, this idea would naturally become a reality.

  A He Song with a Jindan Grand Formation in his body could be much more terrifying than the He Song who only had four Golden Armored Guards protecting him today.

  If anything.

  If there are four Golden Armor Guards protecting He Song, his combat power can steadily suppress a Foundation Establishment Great Circle Cultivator, and even kill a Foundation Establishment Great Circle Cultivator with his full power, then with the Golden Dan Formation and the Golden Armor Guards, He Song can be much more terrifying.

  Then with the Golden Dan Formation and the four Golden Armored Guards protecting He Song, I am afraid that his battle power can walk horizontally under the Golden Dan.

With such a gap, the Jindan Grand Formation could not be faulted.  

Nowadays, He Song's behavior of opening up a medicinal garden outside and earning a large amount of spirit stones for himself is equally creditable.

  Only with a sufficient amount of spirit stones can one use the Jindan Grand Formation against the enemy.

  Only with enough spirit stones would one be able to maintain the Jindan Grand Formation all the time.

  Only with enough spirit stones could the power of the Jindan Grand Formation be raised to the extreme.

  And when there were truly enough spirit stones, the power of the Jindan Grand Formation would be completely revealed.

  Therefore, He Song's most important thing nowadays was to open up a medicinal garden to earn more spirit stones to maintain the consumption of the Jindan Grand Formation.

  He Song's figure traveled between the mountains and forests.

  The map of Yunzhou was also constantly recalled in his mind.

  Keeping himself traveling towards more remote places.

  After searching for a long time.

  He Song finally found a place where basically no cultivators would pass by and it was very remote.

  Between the mountains, there were many peaks, He Song casually found a rocky mountain between the mountains and started to open up a hidden cave again.

  Just like before, He Song opened the hidden cave thousands of meters underground.

  He also placed some emergency items in the hidden cave.

  However, to be on the safe side, the value of these things was not high.

  When all was said and done, they were only worth thousands of spirit stones.

  Even if the hidden cave here was rummaged through again and the things were taken away, He Song wouldn't be heartbroken.

  Thousands of spirit stones of things, for today's He Song, it was simply one cow and one hair, not worth mentioning.

  After opening up the hidden cave and covering up the entrance to the hidden cave.

  He Song's figure quickly flew up into the sky and began to search for a place to open up a medicinal garden in the surroundings of the hidden cave.

  Not long afterward.

  He Song's figure shot up from within a valley and flew towards the distance.

  And in the valley behind He Song.

  The four formations, the Luo Smoke Formation, the Small Spirit Gathering Formation, the Seven Killing Heavenly Flame Formation, and the Sea Fixing Chaoyuan Formation, had begun to rumble.

  And inside the formation, a short spirit puppet was standing quietly in the valley, waiting for the soil in the valley to be transformed into spirit soil.   

  Only then would it plant the spirit medicine seeds within its core and begin to guard the medicinal garden.

  In the sky, He Song stood within the white jade boat, his robes fluttering in the wind as he gazed ahead, rapidly moving away.

  After leaving his newly opened hidden cave, as well as the medicinal garden, He Song's heart was slightly relieved.

  The destruction of the hidden cave that he had previously opened in this place was something that He Song had not expected.

  However, it was fortunate that he subsequently realized the reason why the cave was destroyed.

  He also understood that the destruction of the cave was not due to a problem with his choice of location.

  It was only an undeserved disaster.

  It also made He Song's heart greatly relieved.


  Thinking of the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop that was suddenly established, He Song still had some doubts in his heart.

  This Wanxiang Immortal Workshop was not built earlier or later, but only after the war between the Righteous Alliance and the Devil's Alliance.

  He also accidentally exposed his hidden cave.

  Such a coincidence inevitably made He Song suspicious.

  However, after thinking about it, He Song, who felt that it would be better to do more than less, quickly dismissed the idea of going to the Wanxiang Immortal Workshop to investigate.

  Nowadays, the most important task for himself is to open up enough medicinal gardens, harvest enough spiritual medicines, refine enough pills, and sell enough spiritual stones.

  Only in this way would he be able to get a huge increase in his battle power.

  As for other things.

  Aside from one's own cultivation breakthrough, they could all be put aside.

  For today's He Song.

  Earn spirit stones.

  Enhancing cultivation.

  These two things are the top priority.

  Everything else was just a side issue.

  For example, the idea of going to the Ten Thousand Elements Immortal Workshop that had flashed through his mind previously was a side issue and was quickly put behind He Song.

  With such thoughts, He Song maneuvered the white jade boat and soon left the sphere of influence of the Yi Yang Sect and entered the sphere of influence of the Qiong Hua Sect, which was located directly north of the Yi Yang Sect.

  The Qionghua Sect.

  It was also considered to have a deep connection with He Song.

  He Song's Seven Fragrant Tracking Technique, the Blood Escape Technique, the Yagami Thorn, and the Foundation Establishment Technique Qi Sinking Dantian Technique all came from Mi Cang's hands.

  That Mi Cang, however, happened to find these things in the remains of a Qionghua Sect Foundation Establishment real person's mansion.

  It could be said that the spells that He Song had in his hands nowadays all came from a Qionghua Sect Foundation Establishment real person.

  However, He Song didn't know the name of the Qionghua Sect's Foundation-Builder.

  The Qionghua Sect's Foundation-Builder also didn't know that his own relics had reached He Song's hands.

  However, due to this connection, He Song was not a stranger to the Qionghua Sect.

  Even now, He Song still had the Qionghua Sect's introductory technique, the Hundred Flowers Technique, in his possession.

  Ever since this technique was obtained by He Song, it had been placed in the storage bag by He Song and had not been shed.

  And He Song had also opened up a hidden cave in the middle of the Qiong Hua Sect's sphere of influence decades ago.


  After entering the sphere of influence of the Qionghua Sect, He Song quickly executed the Seven Fragrant Tracking Technique and began to track the imprint he had left behind in this place decades ago.

  (End of chapter)