
Immortal Kingdoms

This is my first book so be a little patient, things do improve after a bit of stumbling around… I recommend checking my other new books if you can’t wait to see the improvement! I especially recommend Clash of Titans Online! —— The God Planes and the Infernal Planes erupted into a massive war. The strongest Godslayer turned his back on the greater picture, almost resulting in the death of his lover and a fate yet worse than death for his son. The son of the Godslayer now going by the name Leonardo Evernight, slowly treads the path of his predecessors as the heavy karma lures him through a preordained path that started from the lowest rugs of the cultivation world. Starting his cultivation path from a futuristic planet Earth and into the unfathomable struggles of immortals, Leonardo slowly grasps the fate of his family in his hands and carries the bloodline to prominence.

CasuallyPolite · Fantasy
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272 Chs

The Next High Elf Lord

"Do you plan on spending your entire cultivation experience from one coma to the next?" 

Leonardo woke up with a slight headache. Who knew how many days later? 

In his imperial chambers, on his bed, Aria was stretching lazily. 

"What happened?" He kneaded his forehead, feeling somewhat on edge after that last attempt at provoking the mysterious black heart in his sea of consciousness. 

Everything was fine, but the sealed memories and the heartbeat seemingly clashed, and the one to suffer from the backlash was apparently him, the host of those opposing powers. 

"Aiya!" Aria sighed exasperatingly, "Things blew out of proportion, and even the realm king came here in person to investigate the source of this chaos." 

"A realm king came in person? What did he do?" Leonardo was alarmed, a bad premonition seeping into his heart.