
Wolfs Den

The sun had risen more than an hour ago and Lowen had already completed his training, breathing technique, ki circulation, earth energy circulation, Shadow Steps, and Snake Fist. All of his techniques were becoming increasingly sharp, he could tell that he was getting infinitely closer to evolving his Snake Fist into its next form[Snake Rock Fist]. Once he reaches that level, his fist would be able to rend the air apart, causing small explosions.


Even though Lowen repeated the same training every day, still his body poured sweat. Lowen's techniques were the same but every time he came close to plateauing he would increase his regiment until it became challenging again. For many months now it had become very inconvenient with just his body weight. Lowen had to opt to find heavy objects to train with, whether it be logs or small boulders, Lowen would carry them around and push himself to the limit. The downside though was how easily said objects would break, Lowen would then have to find more heavy objects to train with. If you were to look around the village of Sento, you would find most heavy debris completely cleared from the village surroundings. Now though, Lowen held a silver battle hammer in the palm of his hand. With a weight of over 700 pounds, it became a nearly perfect training tool. Wiping the sweat from his brow Lowen loosened his grip and let the hammer fall to the ground.


As the hammer hit the ground a loud heavy thud was heard, attracting the eyes of many. They had witnessed the odd way this young boy trained and had been both surprised and shocked. Even though their commander had told them that Lowen was a genius, they still found it incredibly difficult to believe that a 6-year-old was this capable. Thinking about their own age and experience, many of them wondered if they had wasted many years of their lives with sub-par training. Lowen noticed their gazes of wonder but didn't really seem to care, instead, he headed to a nearby stream to bathe.

After a while, a soldier spotted reinforcements in the distance, soon the sound of heavy hooves came pounding toward the encampment, and the soldiers gathered up excitedly. As the reinforcements arrived, commander Clovis and uncle Bren were already waiting. The leader of these newly arrived soldiers and recruits, upon reaching Clovis, quickly dismounted and gave his commander a respectful salute.

"Sir, I have completed your orders, after rounding up new recruits I have gathered nearly 80 extra men, all capable with a blade."

Clovis hearing this news beamed with joy, patting this soldier on the shoulder, Clovis said.

"Well done Layfon, hahaha, you've outdone my expectations once again. After my uncle retires this year, you will be my new second in command."

Layfon again saluted, this time a huge smile stretched across his face.

"Sir, you honor me, I...I don't have the correct words."

Clovis cut Layfon's words short, interrupting him.

"No need Layfon, your actions speak more than enough for you."

Bren as well spoke a few words of encouragement.

"Layfon, the way you handle yourself, there's not a better man for the job. I offer you an early congratulations but remember, don't let it go to your head. As the saying goes, vigilance first and glory last."

Layfon gave a nod, as well as a respectful salute to Bren before he looked back at his commander.

"Sir, are there any further instructions?"

"Yes dismiss the men for now and let them rest, as soon as the scouts return, we march immediately."

"Sir Yes Sir."

Layfon gave one more salute and left to carry out his orders. On his way to carry out them out, he passed by a young child and grew extremely curious but seeing how no one in the camp seemed surprised he decided to ask later, for now, he had to follow his instructions.

As Breakfast came and went, many wondered how long they'd have to wait for the scout's return but unexpectedly a scream came from the forest. A man broke out of the forest covered in blood, collapsing to his knees he screamed.


Bren, Lowen, and Clovis all arrived at nearly the same time, followed behind was Layfon. Seeing Lowen arrive before him, Layfon was shocked, to say the least, but none of that was important right now. Clovis kneeled down and held this young soldier in his arms. The scout was covered in wounds from head to toe and his body was gushing with blood. Across his back and chest were wounds made from the claws and fangs of a wolf.

The wounds were so bad that some of his bones were exposed, this man made it back on sheer will alone.

A rush of people came upon them and surrounded them in moments. Looking him up and down, everyone knew he didn't have long. The man stared up at his commander and tried with everything he had to raise a hand in salute but his strength had now already left him. With a throat ruined from dehydration and clots of blood, the man spoke with rough and broken words.

"sss...sir, forgive me I..I can't feel my arms."

Clovis shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, ill get you some help, just rest easy."

The man hearing this, for the first time ignored his commander.


*Cough cough*

"My report, you must hear .... hear it."

Clovis grit his teeth and gave the man a nod.

"To the west, only...only 15 miles away, into the mountain. In my pocket, I have a map. Their numbers..."

*Cough cough cough*

"We managed to make it inside their den, their numbers, no more than 80. The alpha is wounded and I..."

*Cough cough cough*

For a brief moment, the man trembled in Clovis's arms, and with a final breath, his body went completely limp, he was dead. The surrounding atmosphere turned bleak. This man, this brave soldier, he had risked his all to make it back with this information in hopes to help his fellow soldiers have a better chance at survival. The amount of suffering and pain he had to be in with all of those wounds, yet he still pushed forward. Even though it was painful, even though the man knew he was going to die, still he pushed himself forward. This man was a true soldier.

After a moment of silence, Clovis's expression hardened and he calmly reached into the man's chest pocket, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper, it was partly covered in blood. Clovis carefully straightened it out but still, it had a few tears. Looking it over he memorized it and then carefully handed it off to someone to copy it. Laying the man down gently, he whispered a few soft words to his uncle that he thought only the two could hear but Lowen very easily picked it up.

"Uncle, when this is all over, make sure you send his wife some compensation, it's the least we can do."

Bren nodded and made a mental note. Clovis looked over the body one last time before coldly giving an order.

"Hurry up and burn the body, we have work to do."

Plenty of the surrounding soldiers were visibly upset with Clovis's seemingly harsh words but Lowen knew the truth. Lowen looked at this commander with a new eye and felt a bit of respect, he was just about to leave when Clovis called out to him.

"Lowen, I need a few words, Roland, you as well."

Lowen gave a nod and both he and Roland followed Clovis, Bren, and Layfon to Clovis's tent. Inside, there was one bed, one chair, a small desk with a few papers on it and a few quill pens with some ink. Clovis sat down and sighed heavily before he gathered his thoughts. Looking around his tent, it was now filled to the brim with people, all powerful in their own right. Clovis knew the clock was ticking and if they didn't head out soon, then the enemy might prepare a counter or possibly even leave, finding a new location to hide. Wasting no time he got right down to it.

"You all heard, the enemy numbers 80 with a possible injured Alpha, I want you to ignore the last part of that. Whether the Alpha is injured or not don't drop your guard, treat him as though he's at 100% or you just might die. Layfon, whats our number?"

Layfon gave a salute an said.

"Sir, after looking at the reports from last night's wolf attack, those that are injured and dead leave us with 210 that are combat ready."

Clovis gave a nod.

"Good, tell the men they have ten minutes to prepare after that we march."

"Sir Yes Sir."

Layfon saluted but he didn't leave, Clovis eyed him up and down and could see he wanted something.

"Layfon, what is it?"

Layfon hesitated for a moment before he looked over at Lowen.

"Sir, this kid here, who is he, why is he allowed to listen in?"

Clovis wondered what it was but it was just this, waving his hand he gave a quick introduction.

"This is Lowen, he may be young but his strength is above yours and his speed is above mine, he's even almost as fast as my uncle. He's a 1st circle earth Mage and his body is incredibly tough, we need him. With him, as well as this man here named Roland, we will wipe these wolfs off the face of the map. Is there anything else?"

Layfon's expression didn't change for a moment which surprised Lowen and Roland with a shake of his head and a salute Layfon turned around and left. Seeing the surprised expressions on the two's faces, it was Bren who answered the question in their minds.

"Layfon is absolutely loyal, as long as Clovis says it, Layfon will have no doubts whatsoever."

For Roland, It was a little hard to believe that someone was that devoted but to Lowen, he understood completely. He too had been that loyal in his previous life and because of that Lowen felt he never truly lived. Now that Lowen was in this new world though he would live entirely differently, trying and experiencing many different things and enjoying life as much as he possibly could.

After the time limit was up, Clovis, lead all 210 of his men into the forest towards the mountains, unfortunately, because of the terrible terrain halfway through the forest the horses could go no further. Clovis was forced to abandon them, seeing as how he couldn't spare a single man to watch over them, he doubted they would be here when they returned.

Several hours later the time had reached noon. Sticking perfectly to the map the men had found the den. Standing a few hundred feet away, Clovis and the others looked at the entrance.

"Roland, there are no guards at the entrance of the wolfs den, let's do as we planned."

Roland nodded and looked at Lowen and Bren and the two nodded in understanding. With Bren protecting his front and Lowen guarding his rear, the three approached the den as quietly as possible. Roland could cast many spells almost instantly to defend himself but his body was neither strong nor fast, so if even one wolf got passed his spells hed be in trouble. Mages at Rolands circle of magic had powerful spells but they weren't invincible, only when they reached the higher circles of magic could they walk the land with no fear of blades or fangs from a beast.

Clovis gave a hand signal and he and Layfon split the army in two. Walking to the left and Layfon to the right, the split forces began to form a perimeter at the entrance of the cave. As the three got closer and closer to the wolfs den, a powerful stench stung their noses. Whether it was because of the smell of rotting meat or blood, shit and animal piss or maybe even the combination of all 4 they didn't know but either way it was gut-wrenching. Lowen especially, with his heightened sense of smell and taste, this made him want to vomit. Controlling a bit of ki in his body, Lowen cut the two senses off completely blocking them, and he was instantly filled with relief. Following behind, although he was still guarding with his utmost, the expression on his face made him seem relaxed.

Standing at the mouth of the cave, Roland didn't hesitate, as he began gathering his magic energy Lowen could feel a huge amount of energy swirling towards Roland. Forcing his magic into his cane, Roland pointed it at the entrance of the cave, aiming into its depths, within Roland's mind, he roared.


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