
Immortal in The Apocalypse

Born as a true god, Zhu Lin shoulders heavy responsibilities throughout her life. After her tribulation failed, she fell into a small world --- a world where zombies and mutants were rampant. Coming to this new world, she tried to find a way to return to the Six Realms, but discovered a long-forgotten truth instead. Faced with reality, she is forced to make a choice, where one wrong choice could destroy the entire world...

ColorfulAutumnWind · Fantasy
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339 Chs


After a long silence, Xiu Wu looked at the other two and said, "You guys will watch the first half of the night, and I will watch the second half of the night. Wake me up at midnight."

Tan Wei still stared at the rabbit and answered: "Alright."

Ji Yang took out Xiu Wu's sleeping bag and handed it to him. Opening the sleeping bag, Xiu Wu took another look at the snoring rabbit, then closed his eyes and went to sleep. Five hours later, Ji Yang woke him up.

Seeing Tan Wei sleeping in his sleeping bag, Xiu Wu didn't say anything. He sat around the bonfire and looked at Zhu Lin through the firelight. Time passed slowly as his gaze stayed on her beautiful face, and before he knew it, it was already dawn.

Just before the first ray of sunlight shone out through the east horizon, Zhu Lin opened her eyes.

Seeing her open her eyes, Xiu Wu felt an urge to talk to her, so he softly said, "Good morning."

Hearing his gentle and magnetic voice, Zhu Lin lifted her eyes. Looking at the slight smile on the corner of his lips, she thought for a moment, and hesitantly said, "Good morning."

Receiving her morning greeting, Xiu Wu was overjoyed and asked, "Are you hungry? Would you like to have breakfast together?"

Thinking of the delicious fried rice last night, Zhu Lin wanted to nod, but she was too embarrassed to eat his food for free, so she shook her head in the end. After she refused, both of them fell silent.

After a long silence, Zhu Lin hugged the sleeping Tu Tu, got up and said, "Thank you for the meal last night."

Leaving this sentence, she turned around and left. Seeing her walking away, Xiu Wu glanced at his two friends who were still sound asleep, and then at Zhu Lin's back. He was so anxious that he chased after her without thinking.

Zhu Lin heard footsteps approaching her from behind, turned her head and saw Xiu Wu coming. She tilted her head slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

Because he is not good at talking, Xiu Wu was stuck at that moment and didn't know what to say. Zhu Lin waited for a while patiently.

Seeing that he was just staring at her, she politely said, "If there is nothing else, then I will take my leave first."

She has only three weeks to collect medical supplies and report back to the base. Because she also needs to find her to the hospital, she has a very tight schedule to complete this mission. She has no time to waste with him now.

Before she could take a step, Xiu Wu reached out and held her hand. "Wait!"

Noticing her eyes rest on their hands, he quickly let go of her hand and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you"

Zhu Lin looked at his flustered expression thoughtfully, and asked, "Do you have anything to tell me?"

Even though he thinks he is crazy, Xiu Wu looked into her eyes and asked, "Do you want to go to the hospital together? We also want to collect medical supplies at the hospital. It's best to go with more people when you go to dangerous places."

"Why do you want to go with me?" Zhu Lin asked, because she knew that what he just said was not the real reason for his invitation.

Xiu Wu thought she was asking why she needed to join them, so he said, "The last report we got about the hospital was that there were at least fifty second rank zombies around the hospital. Going alone is tantamount to suicide. Since we have the same destination, why not go together? We can help and keep each other safe along the way."

Zhu Lin's eyes lit up when she heard that there were at least fifty second rank zombies in the vicinity of the hospital. She thought about it, and knew that with her current strength and injuries, it was indeed dangerous to go there alone. Besides, she didn't know the way, and she just walked so far by instinct.

Thinking of the delicious fried rice last night, she was very moved and thought: 'If I join his team, will I be able to eat delicious food every day?'

After comparing the pros and cons, and under the temptation of delicious food, she finally nodded and said, "All right. But I want half of the crystal nucleus."

Xiu Wu and his two friends did not lack crystal nucleus. So when he heard that what she wanted was only half of the crystal nucleus, he agreed without thinking.

With a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Let's go back and wake them up."

The two of them walked back together, and when they arrived, Ji Yang and Tan Wei had already woken up. Tan Wei looked at the two of them coming together with raised eyebrows, and asked, "Lao Xiu, where are you going?"

Xiu Wu didn't answer his questions but said, "I invited her to join us and she said yes. She is part of our team from now on."

Hearing his words, Ji Yang and Tan Wei exchanged a look. Ji Yang looked at Zhu Lin with a smile, and said, "My name is Ji Yang. You can call me Lao Yang."

"My name is Tan Wei, and you can call me Xiao Wei." Tan Wei introduced himself with a smile.

Xiu Wu looked at Zhu Lin and said, "My name is Xiu Wu. I know your name, and you can call me Elder Brother Wu."

As soon as he finished speaking, three pairs of eyes looked at him at the same time with different expressions. Xiu Wu actually wanted to ask Zhu Lin to call him with a more intimate nickname, but he thought he was crazy, so he chose the second best nickname shamelessly.