
Immortal Fire

A generation of flame emperors was killed and fell, and ten thousand years later he was reborn in a young man named Li Jianzhou. Awaken the supreme martial soul, cultivate the supreme martial arts, and fight with countless Tianjiao from now on, and all the heavens and realms will tremble because of his return!

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"Grandpa, overnight our Li family's industry was suppressed! " Li Xiong had a furious face.

Because of Li Jianzhou's letter of repudiation, they had expected the Wang family's backlash, but they just didn't expect it to come so fiercely, and the Li family's industry had been decimated as a result.

"Those wallflowers, when Jane Zhou was in the ascendant were attached to my Li family, now that the Wang family has a Wang Jingjing, they can't wait to go to the Wang family." Li Zhen gave a cold hum.

"Second brother is too impulsive, if there is no that letter of repudiation, our two families still have room to maneuver, but now it is already torn face, the Wang family is powerful, our Li family has been forced to a desperate situation!" Li Xiong gave a bitter laugh.

Li Xiong is the eldest grandson of the Li family, superb talent, at the age of 18 awakened the third-grade martial soul Fire Lion Martial Spirit, is already the best among the descendants of Tianxuan City, but compared with Wang Jingjing, still a notch behind.

"Don't mention this matter again, try not to disturb Jane Zhou in these two days, the continuous blows have exhausted him." Li Zhen lamented.

"Master, bad, young master Jane Zhou is out! " suddenly the household servant rushed to report the news, which came back to his senses.

"What, nonsense, he didn't even rest properly, why did he go out! "Li Zhen's face changed.

Today's Tianxuan City is no longer his Li family's world, the Wang family is dominant, because of the letter of repudiation, the people in Tianxuan City who just want to please the Wang family want Li Jianzhou's life, at this moment he left the Li family is tantamount to looking for death.

"Grandpa, I'll go and bring my second brother back!" Li Xiong said.

"Good, make sure to protect Jianzhou well, and when you encounter the Wang family's people, avoid them if you can. "Li Zhen nodded his head repeatedly.

Li Jianzhou and Li Xinai were walking on the street, the little girl was happily holding a lot of snacks with her mouth full.

"Li Jianzhou, leaving the Li family, do you still have the guts?" "A group of people fiercely surrounded Jane Zhou.

Li Jianzhou swept a glance at the person who spoke: "So it's the Xue family's dog, it's been a while since I saw it, the barking is getting louder.""

"Hahahaha, what are you, Li Jianzhou, do you still think you are that Tianxuan City's first heavenly pride, now you are just a wastrel, with closed martial veins, unable to cultivate, while the little master has awakened the martial soul, the first grade martial soul, the Barbarian Bull Martial Soul!" Xue Mingyuan laughed openly and wildly.

Xue Mingyuan is already twenty years old this year, two years older than Li Jianzhou, until this year to reach the fourth level of the open pulse realm, barely awakened the martial soul, and is only a first-grade martial soul Brute Bull Martial Soul, which is really not worth showing off.

But the first-grade martial soul also depends on who to compare with, he naturally can not compare with those geniuses, but with a waste than, that is a full advantage!

A few years ago, he was not even qualified to interact with Li Jianzhou, and was even humiliated by him, but today, he is above him.

Li Jianzhou smiled heatedly: "So, you're here to show off, right?""

"No, I've come to kill you! " Xue Mingyuan laughed loudly, and with a stomp of his right foot, the green stone slab under his foot actually cracked open a slit.

Although the Brute Bull Martial Spirit was only a first-grade martial spirit, the power of a martial artist could be greatly increased after awakening.

Xue Mingyuan's four veins had been opened, and with the awakening of the Barbarian Bull Martial Spirit, his strength had far surpassed that of Li Jianzhou, and a casual punch could kill Li Jianzhou.

If he killed Li Jianzhou and made friends with the Wang family, his Xue family could even prosper and become one of the top families in Tianxuan City.


Suddenly a stick fell from the sky and hit Xue Mingyuan's head.

Xue Mingyuan's head buzzed and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Brother Li Jianzhou is awesome!" "Li Xin'ai who clapped her hands and shouted at the side.

Li Jianzhou, however, frowned unhappily, although he was already at the first level of the Pulse Opening Realm, his body strength was still too weak, and a sugar cane went down without knocking this foolish man's head off.

Xue Mingyuan was furious, he was actually beaten down by an invalid, roared and rushed up again.




Li Jianzhou was able to anticipate the enemy every time, Xue Mingyuan was played like a fool by him, and every time he smashed Xue Mingyuan's head viciously.

Xue Mingyuan was knocked to the ground by Li Jianzhou, barely able to stand, the people around him looked at the half of the sugar cane in his hand, but also was amazed.

A ruined man with closed veins and no cultivation at all, but with half a sugar cane, he beat a martial artist with awakened martial soul like a fool.

Li Jianzhou threw away the beaten sugar cane in his hand, pulled Li Xinai and pushed through the crowd, disappearing into the street.

Not a single person brought by Xue Mingyuan dared to stop him, even Xue Mingyuan who had awakened his martial soul was beaten into a dog by Li Jianzhou, how could they, the subordinates who hadn't even awakened their martial souls, be Li Jianzhou's opponent?

"Impossible, impossible, I have awakened my martial soul, I am the pride of heaven, there is no way I can lose to a loser, it's impossible!" Xue Mingyuan was knocked out of his mind by Li Jianzhou and roared in the street.

"Young master, why does it feel like you hit the top yourself? " the Xue family's servant stated.

Xue Mingyuan slapped over and the servant was jerked straight away and crashed into the wall, "Nonsense, do you think I, the young master, am an idiot?" ""

"Wang Qing Shu, what do you think?" "In the attic of the Wind and Moon Building, two teenagers were watching Xue Mingyuan go crazy in the street.

"Waste is waste after all, Brother Yunlong is gifted in the sky, but this younger brother of yours is untalented." Wang Qingshu laughed.

Xue Daniu is not annoyed: "My brother's qualifications are dull this everyone knows, but this Li Jianzhou is not as simple as we thought ah, martial pulse closed can casually defeat my brother!"

Hearing Xue Daniu say so, Wang Qingshu face smile disappeared, just that scene they all saw in the eyes.

Even if Xue Mingyuan is a loser, he is still a martial artist with fully opened martial veins and an awakened martial soul.

Although the brute bull martial soul is only a first-grade martial soul, but the addition of strength is extremely high, it can be said that it is effortless to defeat a sealed in the martial pulse of the waste.

But the result of this battle was completely different from what they thought, Li Jianzhou played Xue Mingyuan like a fool.

"Wang Qing Shu, this Li Jian Zhou's martial vein wouldn't be closed, right?" Xue Daniu asked.

"The result from the joint consultation of dozens of doctors in Tianxuan City, you think there will be a mistake?" Wang Qing Shu hummed.

"But this Li Jianzhou's performance is really bizarre, that godly stick" Xue Daniu was a little worried.

Wang Qing Shu glanced at Xue Daniu: "What? Still want to curry favor with the Li family, want to be a wallflower on both sides?"

"Do not dare, just think this person can not stay! "Xue Daniu eyes to the neck gestures.

Wang Qing Shu nodded: "This matter to your Xue family to do, if it is done well, the ice river valley quota will have your Xue family a!""

Xue Daniu was overjoyed: "Wang Qing Shu don't worry, this matter is for the brother package!""

Wang Qing Shu looked at the end of the street: "I don't care what ulterior motives you have, blocking the path of my Wang family, then you have to die.""

"Brother Li Jianzhou, that Xue Mingyuan is really not bad, must beat you up!" "Li Xin'ai muttered.

Li Jianzhou shook his head: "That idiot is just being used as a gun, the one who really wants me dead is still another person.""

"The Wang family! " Li Xin'ai said casually.

"Clever," it seems you not only know how to eat, your head is quite good." Li Jianzhou nodded his head repeatedly.

"Hee hee, people are already very smart, just a little bit worse than brother Li Jianzhou. "Li Xin'ai who got praised was very happy.

"The Wang family is really stingy, it's just a letter of repudiation, it has to be Li Jianzhou's brother's life!" "Li Xin'ai began to count on the Wang family.

Li Jianzhou smiled lightly: "If a dog kept barking at you, how would you be?"

"Hurry up and go, scare him loudly, hurry up!" "Li Xinai cocked her head and thought about it.

Li Jianzhou shook his head: "Barking against the dog is degrading, we should pick up a wooden stick and beat the dog to death with a single blow, both quiet and to deter other crazy dogs.""

"What a big mouth, Li Jianzhou your mouth is getting bigger and bigger after your cultivation has been abolished!" "Xue Daniu grunted.

"The younger brother was beaten, and the older brother is ready to step up, or are you ready to be killed by me?" Li Jianzhou pulled Xin Ai into the middle of a store.

"You" Xue Daniu just about to strike, see the store into which Li Jianzhou walked, forced to hold back, deep breath followed in, he would like to see what a waste of time ready to do.

Li Xin'ai curiously surveyed the store, she has never been inside before, some nervous tugging Li Jianzhou's sleeve not to let go.

"Li Jianzhou, you're a waste to enter the Thousand Gold Pavilion is to make a fool of yourself, you can't afford to buy anything here." Xue Daniu sneered and walked over.

Li Jianzhou looked at Xue Daniu, then took out a piece of sugar cane from Li Xinai's bag and clutched it in his hand.

Xue Daniu's face changed slightly: "Li Jianzhou what are you doing, the Thousand Gold Pavilion is right here, and you still dare to make trouble here?"

Although the whole Tianxuan City know that Li Jianzhou is a ruined man, but Li Jianzhou violently beat his brother that scene he really saw, even he could not see how Li Jianzhou did it, he had to be careful ah.

"Then get lost to me!" "Li Jianzhou said.

"The fire is so big, young master Li is here, sorry to welcome you!" "A woman dressed in purple, about eighteen or nineteen years old.

"Boss Ji, this Li Jianzhou is ready to make trouble in the Thousand Gold Pavilion!" Xue Daniu hurriedly explained when he saw this person.

Ji Ruxue smiled sweetly: "Young Master Li, I wonder if I can give face to my slave, this Thousand Gold Pavilion is not allowed to use force.""

Li Jianzhou swept a glance at Xue Daniu: "I am a person who likes rules and likes to follow them, but if there is a dog barking in my ear, I will not be able to help but beat it to death.""

"Oh? The rumor in the city is that Young Master Li's martial vein is closed and his cultivation is lost, it seems that the rumor is not broken! Ji Ru Xue laughed and with a casual wave of his hand, Xue Daniu was actually racked out by two warriors.

"This is much cleaner, so we can talk business!" "Li Jianzhou settled down and put a bottle of pulse-opening liquid on the table.

Ji Ru Xue frowned slightly, the Thousand Gold Pavilion sells all kinds of pills, but this medicinal liquid is something that has never been seen before.

"Mr. Li, can you explain what this is?" "Ji Ru Xue said.

"Pulse opening liquid, can help people open their veins, a bottle of white silver 10,000 taels!" "Li Jianzhou said casually.

Ji Ruxue's pupils shrank, not by the price of 10,000 taels of silver, a mere 10,000 was not in her eyes, she was rather shocked by the effect of the medicinal liquid.

"Open the pulse ah!" Is this not a joke, Mr. Li? "Ji Ru Xue pulled off the cork of the bottle, judging from the taste there is nothing special, at least no special elixir.

Can open the pulse of at least are spirit medicine level, 10,000 taels of silver can not buy spirit medicine.

"This pulse-opening liquid heard never heard of anything, where did young master Li get it from?" "Ji Ru Xue asked rhetorically.

"When did the Thousand Gold Pavilion inquire about the origin of the goods?" "Li Jianzhou narrowed his eyes and asked.