
Chapter 5 Divine Skills: Bond between Father and Son [Thanks to the generous support of the Silver League 'sfqk'!]

Translator: 549690339


Although Li Dazhi had arrived with the Vice Sect Leader of the Wanyun Sect present, Minister Weiyen of the outer court of Liuyun Pavilion was still somewhat uneasy.

After Li Dazhi left, Minister Weiyen went out of his way to make inquiries; not until he reached several of the outer elders did he finally receive a definite reply:

'The revered founder Daoist Kongming has indeed recently taken a common merchant as his disciple.'

'This common merchant possesses supremely auspicious fortune and is deeply favored by the elder Daoist Kongming.'

That settled it.

Although Minister Weiyen also learned that several Heavenly Immortals within the sect were quite dissatisfied with how this common merchant had won the favor of the ancestral master Kongming;

it couldn't at all affect Minister Weiyen's 'affection' for Li Ping'an.

No matter whether Li Ping'an would be able to achieve anything notable in cultivation in the future, with his father around, Li Ping'an was destined to be a number one figure within the Wanyun Sect!

Thus, Minister Weiyen's cordiality towards Li Ping'an grew even more.

Several times, Minister Weiyen suggested that Li Ping'an move to the front courtyard, but Li Ping'an simply smiled and declined, saying he was more at ease living in the back courtyard.

Of course, Minister Weiyen wouldn't force Li Ping'an.

If Li Ping'an wouldn't come to him, then he would take the initiative to go to Li Ping'an.

With a great wave of his hand, Minister Weiyen renovated the little courtyard where Li Ping'an's lodgings were situated, building a two-story pavilion. The bamboo bed was replaced with a soft couch, the stone cushions became silk-filled ones, and the desk, screen, ornaments, and floor tiles—all things necessary for living—lacked nothing.

The young boys and girls around were surprised, yet they did not ask further.

Li Ping'an felt a bit embarrassed, but he did not turn down Minister Weiyen's kindness. After all, he needed to practice cultivation at Liuyun Pavilion, and maintaining a good relationship with Minister Weiyen was purely beneficial and harmless.

Minister Weiyen knew he might seem opportunistic.

He was only half a step away from the realm of Immortality, but this half-step was like a chasm, one that had thwarted countless Qi Cultivators.

If he could come to an understanding, he could step into the carefree realm of Elemental Immortality;

If not, even three to five hundred more years of life would just result in his body returning to the soil and his soul to the underworld.

What else was there to look forward to in Minister Weiyan's remaining life?

Didn't he just want to advance his position within the sect by a step, to turn his title of 'outer court minister' into 'senior outer court minister'?

Minister Weiyen, having guarded Liuyun Pavilion for hundreds of years, befriended and favored disciples with promising aptitudes, thus laying a foundation of good relations, hoping that if any of these disciples soared high one day, they would lend him a hand.

Unfortunately, a few hundred years was still too short, and the disciples from Liuyun Pavilion were still just disciples within the sect.

But Li Ping'an's father—that was a different story!

He was the leading disciple of Daoist Kongming, nominally the Junior Brother of the Current Sect Leader, and in actuality, even his seniority preceded the Current Sect Leader!

If Li Dazhi spoke a few good words for him, Minister Weiyan, then the position of a senior minister would be easily within reach, wouldn't it?

After that day, every few days Minister Weiyen brought some spiritually rich game from the mountains for Li Ping'an, supplying him with all the cultivation resources at the highest configuration of Liuyun Pavilion.

During one casual conversation, Minister Weiyen provided Li Ping'an with a few pointers.

Minister Weiyan had thought that since Li Ping'an had been cultivating for only a short time and had begun cultivation as an adult, slight guidance wouldn't have much impact;

Yet, following those few pointers, Li Ping'an seemed to have an epiphany and stepped right onto the threshold of Qi Cultivation, creating a strand of exceptionally pure primal energy within his body.

This was the beginning of cultivation.

Subsequently, Li Ping'an meditated for three days and directly advanced to the third stage of Qi Cultivation. The primal energy in his body flowed like a babbling brook, being able to circulate the Minor Heavenly Circuit.

An initial understanding of the Dao!

This stunned Minister Weiyen.

Not everyone has an initial understanding of the Dao. It either comes from astounding innate fortune or an actual realization, which opens one's mind like a floodgate, allowing inspiration to surge forth.

Clearly, Li Ping'an belonged to the latter.

After his initial understanding of the Dao, Li Ping'an offered his thanks with a Daoist bow to Minister Weiyen, who had been keeping vigil during his practice;

Minister Weiyen stepped aside slightly, accepting only half of the bow.

Deeply pondering, Minister Weiyen thought if Li Ping'an were between eleven or twelve years old and the trace of Innate Energy within him hadn't dissipated, this initial understanding of the Dao would likely push him directly to the sixth or seventh stage of Qi Cultivation!

'My, this youngster has some incredible abilities!'

Consequently, Minister Weiyen took even greater care of Li Ping'an, fulfilling his every request.

However, Minister Weiyen soon realized…

Li Ping'an never took the initiative to ask him for anything.

Every day, Li Ping'an just practiced cultivation in his own courtyard, seeking nothing beyond cultivation, even sometimes forgetting to collect more Five Grains Pills when he ran out.

The only thing that could make Li Ping'an leave his courtyard was the thrice-monthly lessons from the Immortals.

After carefully observing Li Ping'an for three months, Minister Weiyen mentioned Li Ping'an to other outer court ministers while drinking and chatting, and couldn't help praising:

"This child truly devotes himself fanatically, showing excellent mental fortitude and astonishing understanding.

"Should he truly grasp the chance of becoming an Immortal, shaping an Immortal's spiritual body, I fear he could rise abruptly!"

The other ministers just laughed without saying a word.

Adults embarking on cultivation, without the aid of Innate Energy, find achieving Immortality immensely difficult.

Eventually, a hundred days after Li Ping'an's initial understanding of the Dao, Minister Weiyen received Li Ping'an's first 'request'.

"Minister, is the introductory verse only applicable to the stage of Qi Cultivation?"

Minister Weiyen immediately nodded: "Yes, that is the Qi Cultivation chapter of our Wanyun Sect's fundamental practice."

"I feel that I have initially grasped its essence," Li Ping'an pondered for a moment, then spoke solemnly:

"I wonder if the Minister could examine me, to help check for any oversights. If there's anything I've misunderstood, it can also be corrected in time."

Minister Weiyen's spirits lifted, and he seated himself cross-legged on the bed, smiling:

"You're actually actively seeking examination? Those little disciples all dread it deeply."

Li Ping'an nodded earnestly, sitting upright opposite Minister Weiyen.

"Thank you, Minister."

"Very well, let me test you!"

Minister Weiyen cleared his throat, recalling the initial verses of the sect's junior mantra, and slowly said:

"What is 'Mystery'?"

'A basic test question.'

Li Ping'an smiled, saying:

"Mystery is the beginning of heaven and earth, also the progenitor of nature. In chaos, it is called Law; in heaven and earth, it is called Principles; in the vastness, it is called Pangu; in the present world, it is called the Great Dao. We, as Qi Cultivators, are all in pursuit of the door to these profound mysteries.

"The sect's verse provides a detailed introduction — where Mystery resides, wonders are endless; where Mystery departs, the vessel decays, and the spirit perishes.


"Disciple observes that in this mantra, fully half of the text does not describe cultivation, but rather how a Qi Cultivator should experience the mystery within.

"Cultivating the Dao is not simply about taking the elements of heaven and earth for personal use, but also about cultivating virtuous behavior, aligning words and deeds, following nature, and reaching a realm where one is united with nature, only then can one harness the divine essence, spirit, qi, soul, and body within oneself."

"You've answered well, but now I'm going to truly test you!"

Minister Weiyen's eyes gradually lit up as he looked at Li Ping'an and softly asked, "The matters of life longevity are not dependent on the heavens and the earth. How so?"

'More difficult questions.'

Li Ping'an answered:

"All things sense the Spiritual Energy and are thus natural, each itself a part of heaven and earth.

"Great as the heaven and earth are, and small as the myriad things may be, the myriad things are encompassed by heaven and earth; hence it is usual to reason that the myriad things are born of heaven and earth. Yet, aren't heaven and earth also part of the myriad things?

"Thus, the span and fortune of my life are determined by the resonation with the myriad things and the profound mysteries of the Dao, unrelated to heaven and earth.

"However, heaven and earth are where we find abode, and how to live in harmony with them, to reach the ultimate unity of body and soul with heaven and earth, is also a constant contemplation on the path of cultivation."

Minister Weiyen leaned back and gazed at Li Ping'an before asking, "What is the virtue of heaven and earth?"

Li Ping'an blinked.

'This question is beyond the syllabus.'

However, he had glimpsed phrases in the books that Minister Weiyen had given him, and thus he replied after careful thought:

"Heavenly Dao operates but accumulates nothing, hence all things come into being.

"Heaven and earth, the cosmos, yin and yang, activity and passivity, are all part of the same principle.

"The virtue of heaven and earth lies in selflessness and non-action, not moving for personal interest, nor acting upon sentiment. As Qi Cultivators, we seek such a state, living in the Dao and depending on heaven and earth, thus known as being still and uninvolved.

"A person lives a lifetime, just as grass and trees have one spring. If we stubbornly pursue the virtue of heaven and earth and forget the human virtues, we become nothing more than a part of heaven and earth, no different from the birds and beasts, insects and grass.

"Therefore, the virtue of heaven and earth is not my virtue..."

Unable to help himself, Minister Weiyen slowly nodded, then sighed a few times before continuing with his questions.

The queries he posed had surpassed what Li Ping'an had so far studied, but after reflecting for a moment, Li Ping'an could always offer some insights.

An hour later.

"Ping'an," Minister Weiyen spoke earnestly, "are you planning to go into seclusion soon?"

Li Ping'an smiled and said, "You know the pace of my cultivation; barely faster than a snail, but fortunately, steady and secure, the way forward is clear. Spending a little more time on honing is all I need."


Minister Weiyen nodded with a smile:

"I have had a revelation and am going into seclusion for cultivation... This is my ministerial token. I entrust the care of Liuyun Taoist Temple to you for now. It may be three to five days at the soonest or three to five months at the latest before I leave seclusion.

"You just need to keep an eye on these youngsters, make sure they don't cause any trouble. Here is different from the outer gate admission; not many young disciples come along throughout the year."


Li Ping'an was somewhat hesitant.

It wasn't anything else; mainly, he worried it would waste his own cultivation time.

Every day he spent reading, squeezing out two hours, wishing he could use every moment for meditation to maintain the circulation of Qi and Mana in his body.

Well, it's time to ponder how to make the body's mana circulate cyclically naturally.

"Yes, disciple obeys the orders, wishing the minister a smooth seclusion."

Li Ping'an took the ministerial token with both hands, bowed, and turned to leave.

Minister Weiyen suddenly inhaled sharply, stuck his head out to watch Li Ping'an's retreating figure, then hastily set up a Formation to cover the abode, muttering "Integration of knowledge and action" and "All things are natural", gripping the spark of inspiration in his heart, quickly sinking into the profound mysteries of cultivation.


In the bamboo grove hidden behind several grand Formations in the back mountain of Wanyun Sect.

Li Dazhi, wearing a grayish white hemp Daoist robe, sat upright before a huge character signifying "Dao".

Below the character, there was a small statue of a goddess.

Li Dazhi's master, Daoist Kongming, one of the three Golden Immortals of Wanyun Sect, paced slowly behind him.

The old Daoist held a jade ruler in his hand, waving it gently before Li Dazhi's forehead while chanting, as the light of divinity filled every corner of the forest.

"Dazhi, you have been cultivating for some time and have stepped into the Condensed Light Realm. Today, your teacher will open up the ancient bloodline of the Human Race for you.

"Our Human Race has proliferated across heaven and earth since ancient times, blessed by the Holy Mother Nüwa. Born with the Innate Dao Body, yet the Innate Divine Skills were sealed. You have Great Fortune, and with all five elements complete and an exceptional talent, your teacher has striven to deplete a hundred years of cultivation to open your perception to the light and to condense the strength of the Human Race bloodline.

"Remember, the Divine Skills granted by the Holy Mother are a protection over our Human Race, varying in strength. If the skill you receive is of no use, there's no need for regret or distress.

"Contemplate the statue of Holy Mother Nüwa, calm your heart and focus your spirit!"

Li Dazhi took a deep breath.

Daoist Kongming shouted loudly, "May the Holy Mother bestow blessings!"

The green light surged around him, and with a heavy tap of the jade ruler on Li Dazhi's forehead:


Li Dazhi's eyes suddenly shot open, the formation of the Big Dipper appeared behind his head, and whirlwinds of Qi surged around him.

An extremely pure Spiritual Energy surged in all directions.

Daoist Kongming was overjoyed at the sight.

Although he didn't know what Divine Skill his disciple had received, such a phenomenon likely indicated a useful skill.

However, Daoist Kongming's expression shifted slightly after that.

The Big Dipper behind Li Dazhi began to rotate slightly, within it, the silhouette of a larger star appeared—it was the Emperor Star guarded by the Big Dipper, but this star was faint and not Li Dazhi's own.

About ten percent of Li Dazhi's mana surged in the direction of the Emperor Star, disappearing in a flash.

What is this?

Daoist Kongming was somewhat perplexed, while Li Dazhi frowned in thought.

Meanwhile, in Liuyun Taoist Temple at the front mountain, Li Ping'an, who had been meditating, opened his eyes, looking at his swollen meridians with some bewilderment.

What's going on?

Why had his Qi and Mana suddenly increased so much?

No, the mana was still coming out of thin air, continuously pouring into his frail meridians!

With a pained grunt, Li Ping'an's veins bulged, feeling as if his life was about to be lost at any moment; every part of his body, including his heart meridian, seemed on the verge of bursting!


(Note: The enlightening sentences in this book are mostly taken from "The Book of the Master Who Embraces Simplicity". Enjoy the read without overthinking.)