
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

Power play

Adam's annoyance was palpable, his face hardening into a stern mask. Melissa quickly let go of Zara and apologized, her voice a whisper.

Zara shook her head, signaling it was okay. Her gaze, however, didn't leave the older woman standing by the edge of the room. She turned to Adam, her voice clear and crisp as she asked, "Adam, how are you related to this woman?"

Adam paused, choosing his words carefully. "That's my maternal grandmother, Matriarch Emmanuel."

Zara locked eyes with Matriarch Emmanuel, her gaze cold and unyielding. "Matriarch Emmanuel," she said, her voice sharp as she processed the revelation of Adam's relation to the woman. "I must tell you, I find your presence... distasteful."

Matriarch Emmanuel held her gaze, but her demeanor was more reserved. "Oh?" she asked, a faint edge to her voice. "And here I was, under the impression that age brought a certain level of respect."

Zara's expression turned into a grim smile. "Respect, Matriarch, is earned. It isn't something bestowed by age and certainly not to someone who is vastly younger than me," she retorted, her words a clear challenge. "Let me clarify my position: this is my domain, my hive. You would do well to remember that."

Zara paused for effect before continuing, her words carrying an icy threat. "I have a particular method of dealing with my enemies, Matriarch. I implant them with a parasite that turns them into one of my hive units. They lose all individuality, all free will. They become a part of my swarm, my loyal drones. Do you understand?"

Matriarch Emmanuel's gaze hardened, but she maintained her decorum. "An intriguing... and disturbing method," she admitted, not a hint of fear in her voice. "A method befitting a queen, I presume."

Zara's grim smile remained, her eyes icy. "No. One befitting an empress. For Adam's sake, I'll show some leniency this once. But make no mistake, Matriarch Emmanuel, if you ever dare to overstep your boundaries again, if you dare to disrespect me in my hive... I will not hesitate to remind you of your place."

With a stern gaze, Matriarch Emmanuel responded, "I appreciate your candor. And I see your point. It seems that I've overstepped my boundaries as a guest. My apologies. We wouldn't want any misunderstandings, after all."

Their exchange marked the stark contrast between them. Zara, powerful and imposing, laying down her law. Matriarch Emmanuel, restrained yet resilient, conceding with a measure of grace. The tension hung heavy in the air - a silent testament to their power play.

Sensing the brewing conflict, Adam decided to intervene, "This isn't the time."

He could feel a headache coming from his grandmother's antics, 'Is she deliberately provoking Zara, trying to measure what she can get away with? Regardless, I think it's time to ask Aunt Annabelle to keep a close eye on her.'

He turned to address the rest of his family, his voice steady, "The Hive units around will help familiarize you all with the way things work here. I'll assist as much as I can, but I'll need to go to a place more suited for me to level up soon. Mom, you're up first..."

Zara watched Adam take control of the situation, her stern expression softening into a small, approving smile.


As the last rays of sunlight pierced through the clouds, Adam found himself standing on the rugged terrain of the Ventcroft mountains. The mighty mountains loomed high, reaching out towards the heavens, their icy peaks glistening in the waning sunlight. The mountains, strewn with boulders and patches of emerald green vegetation, created a stunning contrast against the sapphire skies. The sparse clusters of trees, standing tall against the wind, further enhanced the beauty of the mountain range.

Adam leapt from the back of the airborne Hive unit, descending onto the uneven stones below. The jarring impact sent a ripple of agony up his legs, but he gritted his teeth and endured it - his attributes acting as a buffer against serious injury. He found himself in uncharted territory, deviating from his previous landing spot. With alert eyes, he swept his surroundings for any lurking threats.

'The area appears clear of danger,' he assessed, a wave of relief washing over him. After experiencing an ambush on his previous night's arrival, he remained on high alert, especially given his decision to venture slightly deeper into the mountain range.

Dropping to a crouch, his hand skimmed over the coarse terrain, fingertips tracing the cool, hard mountain stone. For the moment, solitude was his only company, presenting an ideal opportunity to allocate his skill upgrade point and scrutinize any new abilities he might acquire.

Adam successfully completed his skill upgrade missions for [Soul-piercing strike I] and [Soul Severance I], advancing them to their II variants. Achieving these milestones—dealing spiritual damage to 10 unique souls and incapacitating three enemies—brought a satisfying sense of accomplishment. Progress had been made towards the next upgrade missions as well; he knew that accomplishing the requirements for the V skills would elevate the rarity of the skills, resetting them back to their I state.

'It's unfortunate,' Adam mused, 'that the hive units I killed didn't count towards the skill upgrade missions. If they had, I might have raised the rarity of my skills by now. The Ritual Mastery upgrade, though, is going to be a challenge. I need to perform a sacred sacrifice, and the resources required are immense.'

The sheer magnitude of materials needed for a sacred sacrifice was daunting; besides the eccentric actions often needed, the resources required varied based on the creature being sacrificed. 'Perhaps I could gather materials for a specific species and perform a series of sacred sacrifices?' He quickly brushed away the thought, opting to concentrate on his abilities instead.

Although the upgrades hadn't dramatically altered his abilities, [Soul-piercing strike II] inflicted a bit more spiritual damage, draining slightly more resolve, and [Soul Severance II] immobilized enemies for a longer duration while requiring slightly less energy. These incremental improvements brought him closer to his target, bit by bit.

Up until this point, Adam had focused on improving his combat and movement skills. However, he was now keen on bolstering his defenses. After some deliberation, he decided to upgrade his [Light Armor Proficiency] skill.

Adam checked the description.

[Faithforged Armor I] (Common) (Tier 1): In the heat of battle, your unwavering faith manifests as ethereal armor, shielding you from harm. Strengthened by the devotion of your followers, Faithforged Armor provides resilience against both physical and magical attacks. With Sacrificial Points, you reinforce its protective might, standing as an unyielding bastion on the battlefield. Your charisma and authority empower this divine defense, inspiring allies and striking fear into the hearts of foes.

Skill upgrade mission: (0/1) Defend yourself against one powerful blow. Reward: [Faithforged Armor II]

He frowned slightly, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. It wasn't that the ability was bad; in fact, it was quite good, especially considering how it interacted with his sacrificial points. It was currently the first ability to do so, and he was looking forward to seeing how the skill changed when he used some of his sacrificial points on it.

'Followers. That's the tricky part,' Adam mused. Currently, he had a mere 10 sacrificial points, and no immediate means to obtain more sacrifices. As he understood, his armor's defensive capabilities would greatly improve with more followers, but for now, he'd need to use it sparingly.

As he activated the skill, an ethereal armor manifested around his body. It was an odd sensation; the armor felt weightless yet provided a comforting sense of protection. He noted its insubstantial, ghostlike appearance, and how it shone with a divine light. Despite its ethereal nature, he could tell it was sturdier than it appeared.

At first, the skill demanded minimal mana to activate, but it drained his reserves continuously once in use. With wisdom being one of his most invested attributes, sustaining the skill indefinitely would still prove challenging. For optimal use, he'd have to be strategic, deploying it sparingly and swiftly ending fights once it was activated.

As he stood there, encased in his [Faithforged Armor I], he noticed a new mission for the skill in his system window. The vagueness of "powerful blow" caused a frown to form on his face. Timing the skill usage just right was going to be key, and identifying the strength of the enemy's attack was crucial.

'One powerful blow, huh? It's not going to be easy to get the timing just right, but it's a start,' he pondered. As he deactivated the armor, it disappeared as though it had never existed. 'Brief, but useful,' he concluded, noting how little mana it required to manifest.

Now, his priority was gaining experience and leveling up. The tasks were clear: reach level 15 before the day ended, find more sacrifices, and keep upgrading his skills. He was eager to test his new armor in actual combat and was even more motivated to see his skills evolve to their higher rarity equivalents.

With a determined gleam in his eyes, he embarked on his journey deeper into the Ventcroft mountains, ready to find an unfortunate beast or even beasts to test his skills on.


In the harsh, jagged peaks of the Ventcroft Mountains, among the sparse tree coverage and shadowy caves, Adam held his position. Three figures glared back at him.

Perched on a gnarled branch were three unusual Macaques, their bodies ablaze with fire. Their burning gazes met Adam's, a silent declaration of an impending skirmish.

Adam used [Inspect].

[Flaming Macaque, Level 13 (Tier 1)] x3

Suddenly, the air turned foul. Adam's eyes widened, recognizing the incoming threat. With a swift motion, he sidestepped, avoiding the revolting attack. His face twisted in a scowl as he glared at the creatures, "Filthy animals," he muttered, his grip on the Immortal Dream's Blade tightening, anger surging through his veins.

This was his first encounter with such repulsive tactics, and the mocking laughter of the macaques only fueled his disgust. Spotting one of the creatures inching closer for a surprise attack, he braced himself.

The first Macaque sprang forward, its body enveloped in a fiery aura. Adam engaged [Aura of Alacracy I]. A nearly imperceptible field encircled him, subtly augmenting his reflexes and speed. His perception heightened, the world around him seemed to slow down.

With his sacrificial knife pulsing with [Soul-Piercing Strike II], he met the macaque's charge. The blade phased through the beast's physical defenses, leaving a wound on its soul. The macaque howled in agony, its once graceful leap devolving into a clumsy stumble, echoing throughout the desolate mountains.

Circumventing the reeling creature, Adam prepared for the remaining two. One rushed from the front while the other attempted to flank him. With a thought, he summoned [Faithforged Armor I], wrapping him in a ghostly shroud of protection. Despite its intangible appearance, it provided a sturdy defense.

He parried the frontal attack, the spiritual armor absorbing most of the impact. However, the encircling macaque seized the moment, launching itself towards him. Adam, reacting swiftly, used his blade to deflect the sneak attack, leaving a spiritual scar on its soul.

The unfamiliar weight of the knife was still an issue, throwing him off-balance slightly. Yet, with each swing, he was becoming more adept at handling it.

Seizing his opportunity, Adam used [Soul Severance II] on the disoriented macaque. It trembled as its spiritual tether was severed, leaving it vulnerable. In a fluid motion, Adam plunged the Immortal Dream's Blade into the creature, ending its torment.

'One down, two to go.'

Undeterred by the loss of their ally, the remaining Macaques redoubled their efforts. Fortified by his Faithforged Armor, Adam squared off against them. His blade darted through the air, carving a path of ethereal light as it delivered blow after crippling blow.

The battle was a whirlwind, Adam skillfully chipping away at his adversaries. Each Soul-Piercing Strike further dimmed the Macaques' fiery auras. One Macaque, its strength sapped, crumpled, succumbing to Adam's final soul-searing attack.

The last Macaque, desperation ablaze in its eyes, lunged wildly at Adam. But with deft maneuvering and a lethal strike, Adam silenced its struggle. Its body slumped, lifeless amidst the mountain's cold embrace.

Adam, catching his breath, stood amidst the fallen macaques. He surveyed the ethereal armor still shimmering around him, its glow softly illuminating the lifeless bodies of the macques. The fallen foes at his feet served as a silent testament to his triumph—a testament to the might of a Soul Sovereign.

This was him without followers, he couldn't wait to see what he would become with them.

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