
Immortal Cosplayers' Chat Group

A female immortal around the age of 800 decided to join a chat group for cosplayers that had members that are immortals, vampires, hackers, demons, and many more immortal creatures including some fantasy creatures as members. But the only problem is she has almost no experience in cosplaying and only has a year of experience and writes light novels as a job so she barely has anytime to work on her costumes.

SoraNekohime · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 13 [The Confusing Sixth Chapter]

Honoka who is now outside with the other "best selling authors" of the publishing company that she is currently working with along with her own editor Shigure and the others' editors...

How is this supposed to be for inspiration....?

Aren't we just walking around some tourist traps right now?

This trip wasn't exactly what she had been expecting nor is it what would give her any ammount of inspiration for her currently-publishing light novel.

This trip only looked like a vacation to her and not something that could be used for inspiration due to how her and the other people that she was with were just going around the areas where shops were located, like they were actual tourists and not a bunch of authors and editors that work for a publishing company.


A familiar-sounding voice came up from behind the silver-haired girl.

"Uh... C-Can I help you?"

Please don't be someone from home... Please don't be someone from home...

A sudden feeling of nervousness over came her; making her stutter like a nervous young child as she turned around to find out who it was that just called out to her.

"What are you doing here?"

The half-angel with the username "Yuuki" on the chat group was standing behind her with her usual happy face that made her look like she didn't have any worries.

"I was just doing some location scouting, What about you?"

Looks like I forgot to tell her about this trip... But then again, the chance that I'd bump into her here in Kyoto is pretty slim since she's not from this region.

"My publisher sent me and a few other authors and editors here to get some inspiration for writing novels."

"You look pretty annoyed when I spotted you, Are you all right?"

Did it look that obvious? I had no idea...

"Yeah, I'm fine..."

"Ms. Honoka, Let's go. We're about to be left behind!"

As much as Honoka wanted to talk to Yuuki since she was so bored due to the group just going around the area and checking out the shops that was in the local area, with a wave she said goodbye to Yuuki who waved right back to her before walking away.

Location scouting, huh? She's so lucky... Meanwhile I'm gonna be bored again...

Honoka lets out a sigh as she ran back over to her group with her editor in order to catch up with them.


It's finally over... This is why I hate having Yuuki-Onna genes....

Honoka headed straight for the bathroom when she got back to her hotel room to get all of the sweat off of her slim body that could be compared to a models' body by anyone who'd see it.

"Atleast the water is just at the right temperature..."

*Knock, Knock*

A knock on her hotel room door interupting her shower which she could enjoy but couldn't since someone knocked and she had to now answer it after getting some clothes back on.

"Yes? Who is it?"

"It's just me, I have something urgent."

The voice sounding like her editor's slipt through the tiny gap underneath the door making it sound slightly muffled.


Honoka slowly opened the door careful not to accidently hit herself with it as she did so.

"It's about the fifth chapter of your new volume..."

"Lemme guess.... It's the part where the protagonist mysteriously gets lost, right?"

"Yes, It's-- Wait, How did you guess that right?"

"I already know, I wasn't writing novels this whole time for nothing after all..."

The silver-haired girl shrugged already expecting that reaction from her editor.

She started smiling then continued: "You wanna know what the cause of it was, right?"


"Lemme guess once again... You haven't proof read the sixth chapter yet?"

"I actually have, but it just got me confused."

What...? That made her confused? Didn't I explain it properly on that chapter?

Her editor- Shigure who has been friends with Honoka since they were little kids who had the habit of not processing the events in a novel that she reads that quickly couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated at the way Honoka explained the "Mysteriously got lost" part of her new volume, she quickly pulled out a page of the sixth chapter which had the said explaination on it to show to the silver-haired girl.

"Oh... It's that part..." Honoka let out a embarrassed laugh realizing that she made a mistake on her first guess as she read the part that Shigure was asking about.

Since this will probably confuse her even more... But why did she even become a editor in the first place?

Honoka quickly summarized the events of the said chapter- to the point where even the easily-confused elf Shigure could understand what she was trying to convey in her novel.

"So that's why... Ok, I get it now..."

Shigure noded with crossed arms as she finally understood the reason.

"Was that all?"

"No, Actually also about the design of the cover... The artist was asking me about how it should look."

Since this volume is about regaining the long lost memories of one the heroines, I guess I could go for "that"...

"How about having Aoba on the center with closed eyes in a praying pose with a medival castle in the background?"

"Ok... I'll tell her that..."

Shigure noded before slowly walking towards the door to get back to her own room to continue her work.

Man... I can't believe Shigure still hasn't gotten over it...

Honoka lets out a sigh as Shigure closed the door behind her.


Her phone which she hasn't touched ever since she got back started to ring from the many reply notifications from the group chat app...

She quickly picks it up from her bad where she left it before she took a shower.

"Looks like @Honoka is at Kyoto as well right now lol"

Was the first thing that loaded up from the many various new replies that Honoka hasn't seen yet, making her mouth stiffen up from the fact that Yuuki told the other members that she was currently in Kyoto which she forgot to tell Yuuki to not to do.

Damn it! I can't believe I forgot to tell her...

The silver-haired girl who keeps to herself most of the time couldn't help but feel frustrated about forgetting an important detail when it comes to the places that she goes on a trip to since people would just think that she was merely just bragging, aside from nine other rules that she made for herself to try to get along with others.

I'm so stupid! Damn it! That was rule number two as well!

[To be continued..]

For those who haven't noticed yet, I made a new cover for this novel.

UPDATE: Chapter 14 is now being worked on.

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