
Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Su Changsheng traveled through the Fantasy world for six thousand years, practiced hard, wanted to reach the top, but failed at the breakthrough Saint, disheartened, when he wanted to lose... The system was accidentally activated. As long as you marry a wife and have children, and develop your family, you can continue to get rewards and resources. Su Changsheng suddenly realized. [You married the destiny empress Gu Qingge, she gave birth to your first daughter, Talent: Eternal Demon Indestructible Body, Talent: Peerless in the world! 】 [You get a reward: the indestructible body of the first demon of all calamities, the universe star emperor scripture! 】 [You vigorously developed the family and successfully promoted to the ancient family! 】 [You get a reward: a large gift bag from the ancient clan, a golden dragon of luck, and an imperial soldier from the town clan] 【You marry the ancient king...】 【You married the Celestial Immortals quintuplets...】 "I can have such achievements in my life, all thanks to my own hard work!" A few years later, Su Changsheng, who is the lord of the highest immortal clan in the heavens and revered as the Heavenly Emperor of Changsheng, humbled himself. ...

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Wedding Night, Su Changsheng, I Hate You

In the bridal chamber, the candlelight flickered."Qingge!"Su Changsheng slowly lifted the red veil, revealing Gu Qingge's exquisite and beautiful face. Her narrow and enchanting eyes were adorned with delicate makeup, adding a touch of charm to her.A hint of crimson on her lips made her even more enchanting.Under the dim light, the woman in red stood alone, her gaze cold and her lips slightly bitten, stubbornly looking at Su Changsheng.In her eyes, there was hatred, anger, humiliation, and even a hint of complicated affection."Come, Qingge, let's drink the ceremonial wine!"Su Changsheng smiled and poured the spiritual wine from the table next to him, handing it to Gu Qingge."..."Gu Qingge's expression was cold, and although she was unwilling, she still accepted it."I will never forgive you!"Gu Qingge raised her head, her gaze icy as she spoke in a cold tone to Su Changsheng."I will make you remember me for a lifetime, even if it's with hatred!"Su Changsheng chuckled.He had known the consequences of his actions from the beginning, but since he had made the decision, he would not regret it.Now, even without the system, he would still do the same!"Dang!"With a light sound, the ceremonial wine cups collided, and after finishing the drink, a blush quickly appeared on Gu Qingge's delicate face, her eyes watery and enchanting.Her mind was a bit dizzy.This spiritual wine was of extremely high quality, and even ordinary Law Manifestation Realm experts dared not drink too much. Although Gu Qingge was the Heavenly Empress, she had just been reborn and was only at the Qi Sea Realm, naturally unable to resist it."Su Changsheng!"Perhaps it was due to drinking alcohol, Gu Qingge became bold and courageous, as if she had regained the grace of an empress from a previous life. She embraced Su Changsheng and pulled him down."I am the empress, so it should be me who takes the initiative!"With redness in the corners of her eyes, Gu Qingge muttered fiercely and then passionately kissed him without hesitation."Mmm!"Su Changsheng was slightly surprised, his eyes widened as he looked at Gu Qingge, who had tightly closed eyes and trembling eyelashes, with a nervous expression. He secretly smiled to himself.Indeed, she is still quite naive!"Poof!"With a light flick of his finger, the candle flame extinguished.Gu Qingge's delicate body was pressed against the bed, her red clothes removed, revealing skin as white as jade, as if it were the most exquisite ivory, captivatingly beautiful."Mmm!"Soon, accompanied by a suppressed moan, Gu Qingge cried out with a sobbing tone."Su Changsheng, I hate you!"It really hurts!In her two lifetimes, this was the first time she had experienced such pain, as if it was even more agonizing than bone extraction. But within this pain, there was also a hint of sweetness.Next, three days and three nights passed....Just as Su Changsheng fell into a state of bliss, the entire True Saint Continent was already in a storm because of him.Countless forces were shaken.The top powers, first-class forces, including the lofty Tai Shi Sect and the unruly Scarlet Forging Demon Palace that caused chaos in the world, all cast their gazes.Because, the headquarters of the Myriad Beast Sect, which once ruled over millions of miles of land, had been destroyed.The entire headquarters, spanning tens of thousands of miles, had been leveled.One-third of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range disappeared as a result.The land turned into ruins, filled with terrifying craters. Within these craters, remnants of pure star power remained, as if a tremendously powerful Stellar Divine Ability had been left behind.All the forces that had dispatched powerful individuals to investigate fell silent at this moment.In the entire True Saint Continent, there was only one person who could unleash such a powerful Stellar Divine Ability and destroy the Myriad Beast Sect, and that was Su Changsheng!Although it was hard to believe, after numerous investigations by top forces, the conclusion was finally reached.The Myriad Beast Sect was destroyed by Su Changsheng!And it only took about fifteen minutes to completely level the entire Myriad Beast Sect.For a while, the True Saint Continent was shaken. Not only that, many forces from nearby continents also cast their attention and focused on this matter!"It's unbelievable, truly unbelievable. That was the Myriad Beast Sect, even though they had lost a Saint Ancestor beforehand, they still had a stronger one, plus the foundation of the Myriad Beast Sect. Even a normal Sixth Heaven Saint wouldn't dare to claim they could wipe them out, but Su Changsheng did!""Is this still a newly ascended Saint? This level of strength is too terrifying!""Su Changsheng is definitely more than an ordinary Saint. He is at least a Sixth Heaven Saint and possesses a top-grade Saint Weapon. That is his true strength!""That's right. Now that I think about it, Su Changsheng must have obtained a great opportunity; otherwise, he wouldn't be this strong. The Myriad Beast Sect went there so eagerly, probably because they discovered some secret and wanted to seize it, but Su Changsheng silenced them!""I wonder what secret it is that even Saints are tempted by!""It's truly frightening. Su Changsheng's current strength is probably close to the pinnacle of the True Saint Continent. Apart from the two overlords, is there any Saint Ancestor in the major top forces who can surpass him?"In the following days, the entire True Saint Continent was in an uproar. Countless forces were discussing Su Changsheng, and the sect masters and powerful Saints from all sides were shocked by him.There were also many powerful individuals speculating about Su Changsheng's strength."The major forces are hiding very deep. Perhaps there are Saint Ancestors who can surpass Su Changsheng, but at least on the surface, Su Changsheng is the number one among the Saint Ancestors of the major top forces in the True Saint Continent!""The number one person in the True Saint Continent!""Wow, the Su Family has truly risen. Although they only have one Saint Ancestor, just this one Longevity Saint is enough to rank among the strongest top forces, comparable to the Towering Void Sword Sect!""It's too heaven-defying!"Countless cultivators were amazed and shocked.Even the two dominant forces, the Tai Shi Sect and the Scarlet Forging Demon Palace, had powerful figures paying attention, their eyes filled with indiscernible meaning, and the runes of the Great Dao surging and rumbling.They were focusing on Su Changsheng and deciding how to deal with him."Do not offend!""This Su Changsheng has risen to the sky. True Saint Continent may no longer be able to suppress him. We must establish a good relationship with him!""Although we are not afraid, we should still avoid offending him!"The reactions of the Saint ancestors from the Wang Family, Primordial Origin Sect, and Towering Void Sword Sect varied. Even the strongest Towering Void Sword Sect, although not afraid of Su Changsheng's power, did not want to easily offend him."Quick, mobilize the troops and plunder the resources of the Myriad Beast Sect!""With such a top power falling, the vast resources will be enough to make a sect expand!""But aren't they afraid of offending Su Changsheng?""Hmph, although Su Changsheng is strong, it is impossible for him to swallow the Myriad Beast Sect alone. In this operation, all the top powers will take action. He cannot stop them alone!"One top power after another moved out, plundering the territory and resources of the Myriad Beast Sect, including many first-rate powers who wanted to benefit from it.In response to this, the Su Family also took action, mobilizing their troops to plunder. With three thousand Law Manifestation Realm cultivators and thirty nearly Semi-Saint-level Everlasting Realm experts, they were also an extremely powerful force.Coupled with Su Changsheng's power, many top powers chose to retreat, allowing the Su Family to seize nearly one-third of the resources and occupy a significant amount of territory.The resources of the Su Family suddenly expanded by more than double."Hmph, these top powers are truly hateful. It was clearly the Immortal Ancestor who destroyed the Myriad Beast Sect, yet they dare to come and snatch the spoils, taking away more than half of the resources!"In the main hall, the elders of the Su Family spoke resentfully.