
Immortal Bond With You

Anna Green lived her life as a human without knowing the kind of power she possessed but everything changed the day she met Derek Hunter, a demon lord who was also living in the human world. Derek and Anna became sworn enemies the first day they met. Derek did all he could to make Anna beg for his mercy and ended up getting married to her. "I love you," Anna confessed, but Derek brought out divorce papers instead. "The marriage is over," Derek muttered and dropped the papers on the bed. He turned to walk out, but Anna held his clothes and threw him a questioning look. "Why?" She asked with a shaky voice. "We are worlds apart. We are not from the same world," Derek said, looking into her eyes unblinkingly. "What do you mean?" "I am a demon," He confessed and Anna let go of his clothes. What will her next action be? Will she continue to love him? What is going to happen when she discovers she is also a supernatural being?

Hannahray · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Derek, please don't go


I opened my eyes slowly and a heavy bang on my head made me close my eyes back. I hissed as I sat up on the bed in pain. Yes! Bed. I opened my eyes at once and checked my surroundings. I thought I was kidnapped by some men in suits. What am I doing here and where am I?

I stood up, wore my slippers, and tried to take a step but the heavy headache came back again and this time around, it came with dizziness. I lost my balance and was about to fall when a strong hand grabbed me by the waist, restraining me from falling. I opened my eyes slowly but everywhere was blurry. I closed my eyes and lose consciousness. I was sure I heard someone call out my name worriedly. The voice sounds so concerned and worried but I was too tired to open my eyes to see who was so worried about me.


I was surprised when my men brought her home unconscious. I asked if they did anything to her but they denied it. They lied it was the shock that made her faint. She was taken to the room I specifically prepared for her. I didn't dare to leave her alone. Though, I wasn't in the room with her. I don't want her to start throwing tantrums when she realized I was the one who got her kidnapped, I sat on the floor by the door of her room and placed my ear on the door. Without doing that, I can hear her breath. That's the advantage of being a demon but I was too worried. I feared I might miss her breath if I don't place my ear on the door.

After sitting on the floor for two hours, I heard her hiss and she stepped out of the bed. I stood up and opened the door a bit, wide enough to peep in. She wore her slippers and tried to take the first step but she staggered instead. Without thinking twice, I dashed into her room and grabbed her waist, preventing her from falling and she fainted again. For the first time after 500 years, my heart skipped in panic. My heart wrenched as I watched her hiss in pain. I called out her name with so much fear. Yes, I was worried I will lose this woman. I don't want to imagine a day without fighting with her.

Sorry, don't try to misquote me. I am only afraid I might not find somebody as stubborn as her if she dies. It is not love.

I placed her on the bed gently, making sure I don't hurt her. I was touching her as if she was an egg, she might break if I hold her tightly. The door opened and my father, Mr. Hunter walked in hurriedly. He was curious and also worried.

"Call the doctor and tell him he has 10 minutes to get here," I commanded and he did as I said. I sat beside her and surveyed her with my eyes. I held her hand and breathed heavily when I felt her pulse. I wasn't aware I have been holding my breath for a long time. My father, who has been watching my moves closely placed his hands on my shoulder, I placed Anna's hand on the bed carefully and raised my head, looking at him with questioning eyes.

"Are you okay, Derek? You are acting strange," He said and I removed his hands from my shoulder.

"Leave us alone," I commanded. He stared at me surprisingly before heaving. He tucked his hands into his pocket and headed out and I added before he shut the door behind him, "Don't forget to call the doctor and tell him I won't hesitate to kill him if anything happens to her," I threatened. The bedroom was already getting cold. It wasn't the effect of the weather. The coldness was coming from me. I pitied my guard if they did anything to Anna while bringing her here because I am not going to spare anyone of them.

My father got to the sitting room, sat on the couch, and placed a call to the doctor, he delivered my message and hung up without waiting for his response. He flung his phone on the table and rested his head on the couch. "I hope it isn't what I am thinking, Derek," He muttered and closed his eyes.

The doctor rushed in b0 minutes.

"Good morning, Mr. Derek," He greeted but I wasn't in the mood. All I needed is for Anna to recover.

"Keep the greetings and attend to my wife," I ordered in a hoarse voice and the doctor paused. He furrowed his brows and stared at me, astounded.

"Don't forget I can destroy you the same way I made you if anything happens to her," I threatened and he gulped her, blinking and concentrating on her. He wouldn't take the risk of making any mistake. He has the biggest hospital in America but I am the biggest shareholder in his hospital. He will be losing a whole lot if I decided to give out my shares to the greedy ones who are after owning the hospital.

I only became aware of what I called her after some minutes and I pinched myself secretly. "Stop this nonsense, Derek," I chided and watched as the doctor took care of her.

I tiptoed to the ball chair at the side of the room and sat gently, trying my best not to make a single noise. I am scared I might wake her up when the doctor hasn't finished taking care of her.

The doctor raised his head after some minutes and gave me an assuring smile. "She is fine now. It was just the effect of a force on her head. Ask her if she hit her head when she woke up. These are the drugs she has to take after lunch and dinner," He said professionally, placing a paper bag of drugs in my hands. He carried his suitcase and headed out, he stopped by the doorway and added, "Please, she needs a lot of rest. Let her relax tonight. You can disturb her another day," He winked and closed the door.

I didn't understand what the doctor said on time. I placed the drugs on the side shelf and sat beside her. My eyes almost removed out of the socket when I eventually deciphered what he said. I gulped hard and wiped the unseen sweat off my forehead, awkwardly. "What is he talking about?" I asked rhetorically, shaking my head to clear the naughty thoughts off my head.

I heaved a sigh of relief after touching her and realizing her temperature is back to normal and her breathing is better. I scrutinized for the last time with my eyes and was about to stand up when she heard my hand.

"Derek, please don't. Derek!" She called and before I could assimilate what was going on, she sat up and heaved heavily, terrified. I was also shocked and I embraced her. A drop of her tears fell on my shoulders. I wondered what could make this fearless woman so afraid. And why was she calling my name?