

a normal man has to do immoral act's to survive

Lordofme · Fantasy
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8 Chs

mission 2

Now it's 10 pm even at night the city is bright

I drove my car to the Selena's home and left it there

After that I took taxi

i took off from the taxi near the power station

30 min off walk to power station

There is security camera everywhere

Think think how do I shut down the power station without getting caught

"It's impossible I cant think of anything"

System "this is why I hate mortals. Here buy this"

What showed on the screen wall

: invisibility potion 50 point

- Become invisible for 30 min

That's like 50 thousand dollar I cant buy such a think. it's too expensive

System "you know where you will go after you die right make the right decision "

My many years of hard work. My heart Is aching

i'll buy it

System "how are you going to buy?"

"You have to lend it to me"

system "there is interest of 20% are you sure "

"Yah I will also buy time bomb"

System "time bomb is 5 point it will be 25 point you'll have to pay me 30 point"

"Lets get started then"


how to get pass these electric metal net

just when I was thinking borrowing points from the system again a car come. It looks like it's going to enter

A perfect opportunity to get inside

Automatic door opened

I manage to make it in time

Now just have to blow up the generator

" where is the generator "

I found the map of the power station room just when I enter trough the first door

"I see it's in the second floor"

But I just feel it likely to be locked

Security guard was siting behind me I have to get the door keys

The keys are beside his left pocket

He is not sleeping so it will be hard

I quietly as I could

Please don't notice

i closed my eye's . My hands where stretching toward the key

When I opened my eye the key's where already in my hand

i have to get out of here fast

I ran

"Whose there hmm there is no one was I imagining "

He almost got me

Why there is so many keys here I started inserting keys one by one

Finally opened the door

Set the time of explosion to 30 min

I placed the bomb somewhere no one would notice

Now I have to get out of here as fast as I could

I run toward the place I got off from taxi the effect of potion was already out

There was already taxi waiting for me I called it while I was running

" to zondaim district "



Im in from of a Selenas house powers are already out no one can see me in this dark

System buy me the laser cutter

System "alright it's 8 point "

Using the laser cutter I cut the place where there Is lock

Door opened smoothly I quietly walked tower her room

She is sleeping soundlessly

I'm sorry Selena

I taped her mouth

Blind folded her

Used the rope to tie her body

But in the process she woke up she was struggling so much that it was really hard for me to tie her up

But still manage to do it

"Stop moving around so much " I said in harsh tone

she is screaming with all her might

I lifted her up from the bed and carried her to the car

Everything is finished the power is still not up


i trowed her to the bed

Now I have to lock here for month sh1t it's too long I will be arrested till then

She is moving around so much and its very noisy

"What have I done"

system "it's too late to regret now "

I tied her hand and feet but she still manage to stand up

But she will fall at this state so I hagged her

Her body is warm and smooth

She is still in her pajamas

"I won't hurt you I promise"

She calmed down a little

Did she figure out who I am from my voice?

I have to check

"Selena do you know who I am "

She nodded

"I'm fcked"

There is no use in blind fold anymore I'll tell her everything she might cooperate with me

System "don't tell her it be boring that way. If you tell her the interest will double you hear me"

"Fine then"

"Selena listen there was a croup of terrorist. They had gun's and bombs. I accidentally heard their conversation. They said if I commit a crime they will let me go so until they get captured please stay here for me. I'm begging you"

System "don't play the victim idiot"

i took the eye fold and bought tape

selena "is it true? What is the terrorist plan"

"They said they will blow up the power station. I didn't hear anything else"

selena "when?"

"They already did it "

Selena "give me your phone I will call the police"

what should I do make uppitiest story yes

"They have cameras in every one of my room is they see me calling someone they said they will kill me "

"Untie me. I never knew you where a coward. Let me call the police"

system "plan B then"

Mission #2

Rape Selena pithing 3 hour

Mission reward

1000 point

Penalty death

I looked at the screen. My rage averflowed

"Marko if you don't untie me now I will scream"

hearing her say scream my hand moved instinctively.

My hand was on her mouth now she cant scream

I taped her mouth again

"Would you just shut up!!!"

i down if it cause of overflowing emotion my tears won't stop.

to not let Selena see my miserable state I got out of thee room

System "little mortal is now crying did it hurt your feeling?"

"It's all you "