
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 4

While the protagonist was dozing peacefully, his parents had a heated discussion about the future and what they should do with their pathetic son.

The father, a man with an arrogant face and sharp teeth, long hair that made him look effeminate, nothing like Uchiha Madara, one of the few men who looked good on long hair, another character could be Saitama...

Jokes aside, the father did not like having such a weak son, he has always been a supremacist of blood and strength.

It's all due to his lack of confidence and sense of inferiority, he still held grudges from his past and the ninja school, they always humiliated him.

At school he was always last in everything, very different from his beloved wife.

The woman who gave birth to the protagonist, unlike the father, had a soft and gentle look, every act was graceful like a high-class aristocrat, not to mention her beauty, which seemed to outshine the most beautiful woman in the land.

What did you expect! Uchiha women have always been the most beautiful, it's like a natural talent they are born with.

Another aspect that greatly differentiated them is strength.

She possesses three Tomoe Sharingans and the degree of an elite Jonin, in addition, in school she was always the first in all the exams, graduating in first place.

The wife looked at the child with pity and sighed sadly.

"Husband, what should we do, the boy is blind, and his body is very weak"

The system removed Izumo's eyes, giving false ones for now.

His parents noticed the oddity while Izumo was sleeping. Leaving them in a precarious situation, a blind Uchiha is a dead Uchiha.

In addition, if others find out, it can cause serious repercussions for the family, and the clan.

People would take advantage of the fact to make fun of them, as parents, they could put up with it, but as part of the clan, it's hard to accept.

The town has serious conflicts with the clan, and the third Hokage does not stop putting pressure on them, trying to diminish their achievements and giving them almost suicidal missions.

If the conflicts increase, it is possible that they will be isolated within Konoha, and Izumo's parents do not want such a case to happen, they are part of the peace faction and they are in favor of staying in konoha, it is safer and it is their home.

"Hard to say"

Izumo's father stared at the ceiling, considering the best option.

That boy is a disgrace for the Uchiha and for me, I must find a way to eliminate him. I'm not cruel, it's better that he dies, his life will be miserable in the future, everyone will mock and look down on him. thought the father.

He didn't hate his son, although if he despised him, if it was another time or from another family he could stay with him, however, he is from the Uchiha clan and the war is in full swing, they cannot show weakness as a family.

Izumo's mother frowned, his first child was a great blessing, he was born in perfect condition and with great talent.

She could not understand that he went wrong with the second one, if he took the corresponding security measures during her pregnancy.

I could only blame bad luck, his son's fate is miserable! Even if he cares for him with love, it doesn't ensure that he can live a pleasant life.

Despite everything, she loved him! She was still his flesh and blood, on the other hand, she doubted that his son would get very far, except find a wife, nobody wants a useless husband!

She looked at hers, and sighed helplessly, she knows the problems that a useless husband brings at home, she still didn't understand how such a waste of a husband is.

Young love! She cannot deny that I love him with all her heart, but the last few years have been inharmonious, apart from her son, who was the only redeemable thing, likewise, she is her husband and she respected him for it.

She had no choice, she was already married and had children, nobody wants divorced women in this world, they are very frowned upon.

Leaving those redundant thoughts, which were useless at the moment, she looked at her son and then at her husband.

Thus, both parents came to the same conclusion, they must eliminate the child.

"My wife, we can't let him live, I know my decision is cruel, but I do it for the child. The world is dangerous, living alone would be torture for him. What do you think?"

Izumo's mother clutched her chest in pain, and tears did not hesitate to flow "Even though it hurts, I agree with my husband, we must end his suffering. Just..."

"I'll do it, you don't need to get your hands dirty, as a man of the family, it's my duty to bear our sorrows" Izumo's father replied sadly.

Izumo's mother agreed, with tears in her eyes, anyway, she is her son, but she has no choice, it's either that or live suffering. Not even the best medical Ninjutso could save her son, he was so thin, like a leaf, it seemed that with the slightest wind he would break.

It even looks like he broke a bone when he was patted because he didn't cry. They had to use Medical Ninjutsu to heal him slightly, the nurse wasn't the best of all.

"Should we tell the patriarch?"


Before speaking, the entrance door rang softly, but as ninjas, it wasn't hard to hear it, but they were surprised not to notice the person's presence until he knocked on the door. As ninjas, they are always aware of their surroundings.

"I hope not to disturb you."

The person entered without permission as if it were his house, his voice is soft yet powerful, but they didn't dare to say anything either, the person in front of them was a living legend, Uchiha Kagami, the current patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

Although he looked like a kind old man, his eyes were steady and gave off a sinister aura filled with blood.

"Patriarch! It's good to see you" Izumo's father and his mother bowed, welcoming, not daring to neglect their etiquette before the clan chief.

"I won't take much of your time, I'm visiting to see his son" The patriarch answered, with a cryptic smile.

"It is our honor..., the problem is that he sleeps peacefully"

Kagami waved his hands, relaxed. "It doesn't matter, when they sleep they are cuter"


Silence settled in the room, he did not want to show his son to the patriarch, his wife was the same. Noticing the awkward silence and lack of will, he was able to verify the situation that had come to his attention.

The parents forgot an important detail, the sick woman and the midwife, when they left, they ran to the patriarch to tell the whole story.

"What are you waiting for?"

At the patriarch's oppressive voice, both parents trembled slightly, the old man was very scary, he could finish them both off with a single move.

"I accompany you patriarch."

Kagami accepted the lead, walking behind them with her hands behind her back.

"He's in the Cradle"

Kagami nodded walking over to the crib to check on the little one. His forehead wrinkled and he activated the Sharingan to look at the boy in greater detail, he looked thin and a little malnourished. There was no chakra in his body.

He moved a little closer, and opened her eyelids. A look of surprise crossed his face, it was the first time he had seen a blind Uchiha baby, he couldn't believe it!

The father humbly bowed and asked: "Patriarch, we don't know what to do, we await his advice."

Kagami touched her chin, and replied calmly.

"Don't do anything for now, I'll bring some doctors to check his condition, everything will be kept secret, don't let him die and feed him properly"

"Thank you patriarch for your guidance!" Both parents responded with a smile of relief.

Kagami nodded and disappeared from the room, he would like to contact his Tsunade known as the best medical ninja in Konoha, however, she was not to be trusted, Senju and Uchiha have never passed.

Not to mention princess Tsunade, she hated the Uchiha, maybe in the future the topic could be different.

However, she is now nothing more than a reckless and immature girl, nothing to do with fifth generation Hokage from the future.

On the other hand, she was the student of her old friend Hiruzen, and for now the Uchiha-konoha relationship is not good.

Less now, when the second world war was about to take place, they cannot show weakness, they are the great Uchiha clan!, and in the next war they must demonstrate how useful they are and that they deserve the position of the fourth Hokage.

Although, all of us who have seen Naruto already know that it is impossible.

Both parents gave each other a complicated look, and sighed in relief for his son, having to kill him with their bare hands would still hurt too much for them, but if the decision is made by the patriarch, the weight on his heart will be less.


Izumo was sleeping peacefully, not knowing what was happening with his parents, unaware that he was about to die.

Event that would not happen, not with Esdeath as a guarantee, once he mastered the chakra and his new body, he would easily reach kage level and a bit more.

Enough to take care of him, for now. With beings like kaguya on the moon, and Madara who can throw meteorites, a kage level is not enough, you must be stronger, until you can control time and life itself.

It is the only way to feel completely safe.

Hours passed, Izumo was already awake, a baby's body is too weak, he can barely stay awake, not to mention how hungry he is.

-System, it is safe to use the serum. Didn't you mention that the pain could kill me?

-I would die if I used it!

Izumo frowned, and yelled annoyed inside his mind -I knew it! So why did you recommend me to buy it!? If I can't use it?

-It is only the first step, the second step.

-I haven't even taken the first step and you want me to move on to the second?!

Izumo is a patient, cold and calculating man, the problem is his body and new circumstances, such as age, and especially being an Uchiha, who are emotionally and mentally unstable beings.

The system responded immediately ignoring the host's outburst -Of course. Now, the second step is to buy a body upgrade.

-Like the body of the sage?

-Too much of a cliché host, and you don't have the money to buy it! I have a better option.

Izumo didn't say more, he doubts that the system wants to fuck him, if it were so, he wouldn't reach this new world and he wouldn't have another chance to live.

-Show me!

[Garuo's Physique: As the strongest human monster, he can constantly evolve. No matter how hard the battle is or how weak he is, he will rise again, and stronger.]

[Price: 10 million]

[Reminder, it's the physical, not the template]

-It's the right thing for you, Garuo is good at coming back from death's door. Not only that, his body adapts to the damage caused, repairing it and increasing his defenses. Until reaching an optimal and unique level.

Izumo nodded, Garuo was beaten hundreds of times, almost to death, and never died. Instead, he stood up stronger than ever, his bones healed, and his wounds healed easily.

Although there was a problem, it seems that he wouldn't get the experiences from him, just the body value from him.

-Will I win your fighting methods? I ask, just in case, but the system shot down his faint dream.

-No, only his capacity for evolution and learning. If you want your experiences, the price would increase by up to 100 times more, although this will depend on the character.

It doesn't matter, I'll still reach the top, the rest can be learned over time. Or buy it, I won't be a poor man forever, all I need is time!

-Buy it!

[-10 million points, item purchased.]

Izumo closed his eyes, feeling a wave of heat that flooded his being, every cell of his body seemed to jump with joy. This is how Superman feels when he sunbathes, I come to think.

He felt safe and peaceful, as in the breast of a loving mother, who wishes the best for his son. He is sorry that his mother wanted to kill him.

I feel like I'm healthier, but not stronger.

-It's obvious, he's just beginning, and he can't gain strength with that body, he must grow first.

While he was exploring his new body, the door to his room opened, four people were looking towards his crib. His two parents, an old man he didn't know, and a pretty girl, black hair and eyes, typical of an Uchiha.

In any case, he didn't know her either, surely another cannon fodder he thought.

-Girl, go and check his health.

The girl, who is a medical ninja, walked over to Izumo and looked at him for a bit. There was a hint of sadness in her eyes, as a doctor she adores children and taking care of sick people is her vocation.

Touching the boy's abdomen, her palm turned blue, the injected chakra would circulate through the boy's body, found the abnormalities. For a minute she was silent, checking every part of the boy.

To his heart, a bead of sweat ran down his face, he had never tried so hard before, apart from checking the body, looking for any damage and trying to heal it.

It took a lot of concentration and chakra control to pull it off.

Another 5 minutes passed, the parents were anxiously awaiting the speedy recovery of his son, the problem was his blindness.

The patriarch was the same, thinking that if the boy healed, he could give the eyes of a dead Uchiha.

However, he must be healthy and have adequate talent, otherwise he can just be thrown away, in time of war weakness is not an option.

Wiping her forehead, the medical Kunoichi smirked, proudly looking at her work, it was not easy to cure the child.

And it wasn't, it was all thanks to Izumo's new physique, otherwise it would take her up to 30 times longer to heal him.

"Ha, My efforts paid off, he's better now! His problems were due to him being a premature child. For now he should drink more breast milk, he'll be as good as new in a year."

The patriarch nodded, thanking him for his hard work, and asked the most important thing.

"He is good, and the eyes?"

The girl was a little saddened and responded with the kindest tone possible, to calm the parents down before the bad news: "He is from birth, no matter how hard he tries to cure him, he won't be able to get them back."

"When he gets older, will he suffer sequelae due to his premature birth?"

Hesitating a little, she replied, she was afraid they would do something to the boy, she was a medic-nin for years, she knew the darkness of the medic-nin world: "No... should"

The patriarch gave the medic-nin a steady look, and asked again, "Are you sure?"

Kagami wasn't a bad person, but she should make sure to take care of the clan, sacrificing a child for the clan should be an honor for the parents and the child. Everything is for the clan.

"He could live a relatively normal life, although it's impossible to be a ninja in his life" She answered with all sincerity, her medical knowledge is high, that's why she understood, that in these cases the body would always have sequelae as an adult.

Especially in managing chakra, a ninja without chakra is not a ninja. Ignoring the Might Guy and the eight gate from her, that blue beast is unparalleled.

With her hands behind her back, Kagami closed her eyes with her head bowed, thinking of the best possibility. Izumo's parents were silent, waiting for the answer, the doctor girl looking at the boy with affection and longing.

She couldn't understand why she wanted to take care of the child, it was like an omen, something she told her was what she should do.

Shaking her head, she put the thought aside, she didn't have the time to do it, it is said that the war will start soon and she will have to go to the front. Bad luck for her, she would die on the second day, Izumo didn't know that, and he didn't care either.

"They will take care of him for 3 months, then they give him up for adoption, it is the best we can do. Living as a civilian is the best for him, and for you, so it is not necessary to sacrifice the child."

Kagami would give anything for the clan, even killing innocent children, however, she found it unnecessary, a talentless and blind being would not be a problem in the future.

If she only knew about the future, and how her grandson and much of the clan would be used as slaves by the innocent child in the cradle, she would surely regret it.

"Thank you patriarch."

With everything said, the fate of Izumo was already given.

He heard what was happening, he thought it was for the best, this way Esdeath could adopt him.

First, he needed a private house, no annoying people around so he could do whatever he wants, he just has to buy anti-surveillance spells, he doesn't want to be seen by old crooks.

I've got you in my sights Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Although he obviously didn't intend to kill him, for now, Hiruzen is a good business partner for the future, but it's history for later.