
Immoral Agency

We are aiming to be the number one agency in the world! Reaching high above in order to be immortalized! That is what we tell people. But… Right now in my bed. My agency’s talent is sleeping on my right… Her manager, too, is sleeping on my left. What a wild night it was. Wait! What about the shoot? What kind of agency is this? It’s a mess! No NTR! *Read in this site for pictures: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/572892/immoral-agency-illustrated-fiction/

ThanksALot · Realistic
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62 Chs

Don’t mess with the elderly

"Coach, I'll be honest with you. You should forget about gramps. I can't believe you still like him after all this time." I say.

"Like? What like? That's too strong of a word! I'm just a little concerned. He is my friend," says coach.

Uh-huh. 'Friend' she says. I can smell how you feel from a mile away. Plus, I saw them kiss once when I was young. Okay. I admit. That's the main reason I know.

"Why don't you just call or message him, coach?"

"I would if I could…"

"Did gramps really block you?"

Coach turns silent at my statement. Gramps… isn't that too much?

"I'm only asking if Aoi's fine. A simple update from you will be enough," says coach.

Coach… Is she that desperate for news about him? Well, she waited this long for him already. She's dedicated. I will give her that. What do I even tell her? I haven't even been paying attention to gramps. Wait. Am I a bad grandson? Let's not dwell on that.

"Well alright. Coach, what do you want to know?" I say.

"Is Aoi in good health? He's getting older. Is he still drinking a lot? Is he still working on his job? What does he eat? He is maintaining his body, right? So about…" coach doesn't stop asking questions. She doesn't even give me time to answer. Some of her questions I can't even answer.

Simple update? I can sort of understand her but… Sorry coach, I don't notice at what gramps eats. I recognize that he's a healthy old man with a powerful fist. That's all my knowledge.

"… Did he find… someone who… he's close… to?" says coach.

You have my attention, coach. I bet that's what you want to know.

What should I say here? Should I even bother answering the other questions? I glance at coach and she looks tense. Her fists are closed and she's making them bump with each other. There she goes again. I hate this habit of coach if you surprise her even a little while she's doing that a punch will greet you. I back away from her and say.

"Coach, calm down."

"Did he? What if he did? How long has it been?"

Oh, no, she's talking to herself. The sound of knuckles hitting each other grows louder. She's in her own world now. There's no one else around.

I throw a towel at her, hoping it snaps her out of it. She throws a punch at the towel before it even reaches her. The towel stays in her hands. The towel is now in her arms. It didn't snap her out of it. If you look closer, the towel has a hole…

In the hall, there're some plants. I hide behind them. If you can call this hiding.

I then see someone walk towards the coach. His head slumps down and his eyes are red. Isn't this the trash of tennis? Should I warn him? It's kind of awkward though.

"I'm sorry I lost coach. I know you had high expectations of me," says the trash of tennis. He places one of his hands on the coach's shoulders. The brave man speaks once more.

"Do not worry, I will come back! Even stronger! You can hit me for my failure coach!"

Coach fist connects on his gut.

"You're disappointed this much?"

His body bends. He flies in the air and his body rotates. He falls to the ground with a thud.

The trash of tennis collapses on the ground. Out cold. You're my hero pawn of tennis.

"What happened?" says coach.

You just killed a man coach. A brave hero. Forget about him, though.

"It's nothing coach. I was just going to answer you."

She's focused on me now. She didn't even notice the collapsed man on the ground. Don't worry man! I appreciate your sacrifice! Believe it!

"Coach, I'll tell you the truth. Gramps is in the hospital right now."

"What? What's wrong with him? Was it an accident? Is he going to be alright?"

"You should visit him, coach."

I'm even helping with my dear grandfather's love. What a great grandson I am!

"He will probably just shoo me away."

"Coach! Be there! Someone close to gramps is there with him!"

"What? Young Aoi, let's go now!"

Gramps. I didn't forget what you did when I was in the hospital. This is payback. I'm even using Dewey in my plan. Plus, I'm being honest! I'm a genius.

Coach runs ahead and even steps on the man lying on the floor. I move him to the side and follows coach. He's a big boy. He can handle it.

🌟 🎥🥛🎼🎾📚 🌟

Coach and I left the car. She's in a hurry and drags me to Dewey's room. This is bad. I was supposed to watch from afar. I'm not supposed to be part of this mess! She has a vice grip on my arm. I can't escape.

The door to Dewey's room opens. I see gramps kicking Dewey's leg.

"I'm sorry, gramps! Please forgive me!" says Dewey.

"Dumbass kids only learn from pain! This'll teach you not to be stupid!"

"Nurse! Doctor! Mommy! Anyone please my unhinged grandpa is going to kill me!"

Dewey screams in pain. Music to my ears.

"Aoi?" say coach.

Gramps freezes in place. He looks behind him. He shouts at coach.

"Edi? What are you doing here? LEAV—."

Coach runs towards him and gives him a hug.

"Aoi! Don't run me away anymore. Please, I really missed you."

Coach's hug tightens. Her head is in gramps chest. Tears fall on her eyes as it dampens his clothes. He speaks to her.


"Please. Can I at least be your friend again?"

Gramps relaxes. He reciprocates coach's hug.


What a beautiful scene. Is it raining inside? Dewey is also in tears.


We couldn't help it. Seeing gramps like this. We just have to do this.

"Get a room, you two!" I say.

"Grandma and grandpa sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" says Dewey.



They should get together.

Even their fighting is in sync.

My body is hurting all over. Not a wise decision on my part.

Looks like I'm staying in the hospital for a while.

I bump a fist with Dewey next to me.

"Worth it."

"Chapter. Do you want to have sex?"

Chapter almost choked on his sip of coffee.

Think. He had to play this strategically.

If I immediately say no, he'll definitely think I have a MISTAKE. It's too obvious. Would a chapter with a MISTAKE have gay sex? A chapter with a MISTAKE would never let himself be in a position so vulnerable, never mind gay or not.

Though... Would he? A MISTAKE free chapter, albeit drawn from me, is a concept that exists in a divorced state. While I may not jump at the opportunity for sex, someone such as a chapter with a MISTAKE may see it as a show of power.

So if I declined here, Reader may suspect that I don't want to come off as too power-hungry, and accuse me of having a MISTAKE. I have to go through with it. I don't have a good enough reason to reject him. But if I say yes, that still points towards being a MISTAKE laden chapter, who could use the argument that "a hole is a hole" and therefore top.

No, if I suggest topping, he'll definitely think I have a MISTAKE. But wait. That's it. I'll take his dick up my ass, proving that I am neither homophobic nor a chapter with a MISTAKE .

Reader, in the meantime, ate his cake without so much as giving it a second thought.

His trap was well-laid and well-prepared.

If Chapter asks me to top, he definitely has a MISTAKE.

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