
IMIS: I Can't Run Out

This is a story about a man taken from his universe while relaxing and playing CODM just to end up in another world connected with a system that allows him to multiply anything in his inventory infinitely every 24 hours, but oh no, don't think that there is no limitation, that shall be the end of a good story as you know it. Come try me if you will This world follows a certain concept from Solo Leveling, which is the dungeons, but they aren't regular dungeons, the dungeons contain certain worlds inside them, be it Marvel or DC Comics, The Emminence in Shadow, or One Piece. [Gura Gura No Mi has been deposited in an inventory box, the count down to being multiplied has started, 24:00:00...} 24hrs later [Gura Gura No Mi has been multiplied by 100x, the inventory box is full, host, please distribute the Gura Gura No Mi to the other inventory boxes to be multiplied in the next 24hrs} ... This Fic isn't fully started, I'm just releasing a sneak peek of what I'm going to do This is an Original Fanfic made by Chibaku_mon (New Pen-name) [DISCLAIMER: THIS FIC IS PURELY PRACTICE]

Chibaku_Monster · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Entering the World of Pokemons


"HAAH! Shut up already," Tevin said as he lazily slammed the alarm on the bedside table to stop its ringing, which almost gave him a migraine. He checked the time and saw it was 11 AM, just an hour away from noon.

Tevin hurriedly jumped out of bed, confused as to why he slept that much. He usually woke up early in the morning no matter how tired he was the previous day.

It didn't take too long for IMIS to pop up and answer his query.

[Good morning, Tevin. To answer your question, we need to go back to when you awoke. The process of integrating took a toll on your body, so you were tired and needed rest to regain energy.]

"Okay, I understand now. But let's forget about that. I need to get ready to go to the Pokémon dungeon."

Tevin immediately went to the bathroom to do his daily life-cleansing rituals and came out feeling like a new man... albeit, he was a new man considering he just got reincarnated. Yohohohoho.

He put on grey cargo pants and a black T-shirt. Tevin admired himself in the mirror, praising his looks and fashion sense. The body he reincarnated into was quite the handsome and gifted one, if you know what I mean (;D).

He was 6 feet 1 inch tall with smooth, silky black hair and blue eyes that would draw anyone in if stared at too long, and a jawline so sharp it could cut cheese. The celebrities from his past life couldn't even come close to his appearance, even with their makeup.

But enough about appearances. Tevin sat on the chair behind his desk and took out a box of pizza from his inventory to eat for breakfast. While doing so, he also checked to make sure he had everything he needed and the items he wanted to be multiplied.

Tevin realized that if he kept putting items in his inventory at random, the time when each item would be multiplied would be very disorganized. So he went to the management function of his inventory and set it so that the countdown for the items to be multiplied would only start at midnight.

This meant the items would only multiply every midnight.

*10 Minutes Later*

Tevin was finished eating and was ready to leave his apartment.

As he was locking the door, he heard footsteps coming from the stairs. He saw that it was the landlord of the apartment complex, a beautiful middle-aged woman with dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a beauty mark below the right side of her cherry-red lips. Her body held curves he had never seen before... well, maybe in hentai, but that's not real life.

She was wearing regular home attire, seeming as if she only came to take a walk and stretch her legs.

Tevin admired her sexy body and beautiful face, but he didn't contemplate it much; he had a mission to undergo, and that came first. However, it was also good that he met her now. He needed to talk to this landlord since he planned to stay in the dungeon for a few months.

"Good morning, Miss Graves. I want to talk to you about something," Tevin said to the landlady who was still walking down the stairs.

The landlady seemed surprised by the voice and looked to see who was talking to her.

"Oh, it's you, the new tenant I rented this apartment to last week. Where have you been? I haven't seen you around much. And what do you want to talk to me about?" Miss Graves asked, a bit curious.

"Well, I've just been keeping to myself, so nobody sees me when I'm going out. And you coming downstairs is like a gift from God himself. Getting to see your beautiful face before I leave is like a gift from heaven. I want to tell you that I'm leaving to enter the dungeon for a few months and I want to give you back the key," Tevin said, flattering Miss Graves and explaining his purpose for calling her.

Miss Graves' face flushed with embarrassment at his compliments. She was a widowed woman in her early thirties. Her husband had died while adventuring in one of the dungeons last year. She was heartbroken because of the incident and had been lonely ever since.

But fortunately, before her husband died, they had been renting apartments they owned. She had managed to get by using this money.

'You sly little boy, you think you can tease me like that and get away. Fufufu, watch how I'll play with you,' she thought to herself while chuckling. Tevin, this new tenant, was quite the handsome fellow. She wondered how a guy this handsome was not snatched up by women. 'I guess he hides quite deeply, but didn't he say he came to give me back his apartment key and that he's leaving to enter a dungeon?'

Tevin walked up to Miss Graves and gave her the apartment key while telling her goodbye and that he would see her again soon. He turned around to walk away when he heard her speak to him.

"Um, you can call me Vivianne. Hearing you call me Miss Graves makes me feel old. And I hope to see you again in a few months. I'll make sure not to rent out your apartment. And also... please be safe, the dungeon is a dangerous place even if they appear ordinary," Miss Graves, now called Vivianne, said to Tevin, feeling inexplicably attracted to him. She didn't know the cause of such sudden feelings. Had it been because she hadn't felt the love of a man for so long?

"Okay, Vivianne, thanks for the warning. I'll see you soon then," Tevin smiled while saying this to her but soon began walking once again.

Vivianne looked at Tevin's handsome figure as he walked away, thinking about the next time they'd meet. After a bit of daydreaming, she snapped out of it and continued what she was doing before Tevin interrupted her.


As Tevin waited at the bus stop for a bus to arrive that would take him to Gander City, he pondered on the conversation between Vivianne and himself. He wondered if he had a chance to take her on a date.

But before his thoughts could get any deeper, a bus arrived that was going to Gander City.

Tevin entered the bus, paid the driver, and found an empty seat.

The bus began driving once again, heading to its final destination. On the way to Gander City, Tevin saw various 'bizarre' spectacles. Men and women flying in the sky using various means, animals that seemed to come out of a fairy tale book, and even an argument that almost broke out into a fight between two men, one of whom seemed to emanate electricity from his body.

'Wow, why didn't I see these things in my neighborhood? Could it be that nobody in my neighborhood possesses such magical abilities?' Tevin pondered inwardly. 'No matter, soon enough I'll be the most powerful person in this dimension.'

Unknown to Tevin, the amount of time it would take for him to reach the pinnacle was way more than he could have ever imagined.

Tevin entered Gander City, and such sights became even more frequent. Upon nearing the Pokémon dungeon, he began seeing people and animals that he could only describe as Pokémon.

The Pokémon were of all kinds. Some were ground types, some were flying types, and some were fire types. He even saw the famed Pikachu from the anime series... well, it was not the same, but they came from the same species.

Tevin got off the bus and looked around. He had to say that Gander City was large. He wondered why and received his answer from IMIS.

-5 Minutes Ago-

"Why is this city so large?" Tevin asked nobody in particular while checking the map in his system.

[Host, the explanation for this is because, as explained before, when a dungeon connects to the main world, the main world gets stronger. But that was not the only advantage. With the energy provided by the dungeons, the main world also grows in size to accommodate the inhabitants from the dungeons. So with the land area expanding, society expands with it. That's the reason for larger cities.]

[There is also another important piece of information you should know. Because the land is expanding, new dungeons are appearing outside the jurisdiction of mankind. So certain places in the outside world are like what you would read in novels... Apocalypse, Hell on Earth, etc. Host, I advise you to avoid such places until you have sufficient strength.]


"Haha, to think I would be surprised by such things. Guess I'll have to adopt a mentality of whatever comes, it just comes," Tevin deliberated to himself while chuckling.

The Pokémon dungeon was located in a very large park. You could see the swirling blue space-time portal in the center of the park, waiting for someone to step through it.

Tevin began walking toward the portal while admiring the Pokémon he saw. He had already decided on which Pokémon he was going to capture, and absolutely none would be weak.

And if you're expecting him to capture legendary Pokémon, forget about it. Those Pokémon were needed to balance the Pokémon world. Without them, disaster would engulf the whole world.

Tevin finally reached the dungeon. He took one final look around, steeled himself, and entered the portal. As quickly as he entered the portal, he was also ejected.

There was no feeling of discomfort, nor did he feel nauseous as he had initially imagined.

Tevin sensed the change in the environment and realized he was in a building with an interior colored white and blue. He guessed this was the World Organization branch located in the dungeon.

This organization is made up of all the countries in the world, similar to the UN from Tevin's previous world. This organization serves as a middleman and a protector

 for the inhabitants of Earth.

They are located in all the dungeons that are under human civilization. This is to facilitate the migration of inhabitants from both worlds and also to defend the portal from dangerous beings entering the main world.

The World Organization is also one of the biggest trading hubs known. It is the best place to buy and sell items people collect from the dungeons.

'Such a huge building. I guess it's because of the number of people entering and leaving the dungeon every day,' Tevin said to himself.

Walking over to a person who seemed to be an employee of the World Organization, Tevin asked, "Uhm, hello, if I may inquire, do you know which region we are in and where I could get a map?"

"Hello, sir. We are currently in the Kanto region near Pallet Town. Since you're new here, you can get a map and the Adventure Rules book distributed by the Pokémon League to all upcoming Pokémon trainers. Just go to the front desk to sign some papers and you'll receive the items," the employee answered courteously.

"Thank you for the information, but how did you know I was going to become a trainer and not just a regular tourist?" Tevin asked, a bit amused.

"Well, it has become a common occurrence that anyone who came from the main world would want to become a Pokémon trainer, regardless of age."

"Hahahaha, is that so? Then I guess I'm not that different from the rest... at least not yet," Tevin said to the employee, but said the last part under his breath.

Tevin thanked the employee once more and went to the front desk to sign his papers. It wasn't anything too hard, just a few papers to confirm his identity and register it in the system of this world so he wouldn't be mistaken for a criminal or such.

Tevin collected the map and rule book from the clerk at the front desk and decided to exit the building so he could finally see the outside world.

Tevin came out of the building with items in hand and was amazed at the sight before him. Maybe because this was his first time seeing such a scene, he was stunned and baffled.

There was grassland in all directions with a forest in the distance where he could hear the faint sounds of Pokémon howling out their names. Tevin could see purple furry creatures racing through the grassland, chasing and playing with each other. He knew those were the fabled thieves of beginner trainers, Rattata.

"I guess I'm here now... so let's begin the game," Tevin smiled while envisioning what he would do in the future.