

Become a space pirate.

Become the commander of the army.

Become the ruler of the intergalactic world.

Others might have such ideas but that isn't for me.

So what if I became super powerful? Would I not spend all day trying to manage my territory? That's just way too troublesome.

I rather stay home all day and do nothing.

My parents are rich; the richest ones on this planet in fact. As for managing the family business, my elder brother's got it covered.

Considering how much they dote on me, I can live my life in luxury. Who cares about being an intergalactic ruler and such?

That is what I thought until the commit came.

First, let me clarify one thing. No, the commit did not destroy the planet. We did not have to flee. In fact, there were no casualties at all.

By the time it landed on the ground, it had burned up and was no larger than a baby's fist.

The next day it was auctioned off by the first person who found it.

Out of curiosity, I decided to bid for it and won. Though it would look a bit dull compared to the sapphires and rubies next to it, it was a good addition to my collection.

After I finished carefully cleaning the remaining dirt off the rock, I noticed something weird. The was a faint line that circled around the rock. Now that I considered things, it looked more like a container than a commit. The edges were too well defined as if it was man-made.

Thinking back, I wish that I had not noticed such details and took the initiative to open the container.

Having read many novels, I thought that I would have to use a drop of my blood to make it open. Who knew that a simple twist was all it took.

Inside was a cute little fairy-like creature that was peacefully sleeping. Next to her was a pale blue crystal. Shocked and afraid, I panicked and dropped the container. This caused the fairy to wake up.

It stood and said in a mechanical voice, "AI #199323781 rebooting. Insufficient energy detected. Please provide an energy source."

The fairy was an AI?! But she looks so real!

Looking at the blue crystal, I picked it up and cautiously placed it in the AI's outstretched arms.

"Energy source detected. Absorbing energy." With that, the crystal started to slowly decompose as its energy was taken away. In the end, all the remained was ashes.

"Energy requirement reached. Rebooting AI 199323781."

A good 5 minutes passed and nothing happened. I had just calmed down when suddenly the fairy started moving.

It opened its eyes and smiled sweetly at me. "Hi, I'm Fia. Nice to meet you."

She does not seem that bad. Just as I was about to introduce myself she started talking again.

"Let's have fun destroying this universe together." Then she gave me a bright cheerful smile.