
Imagine Us in Heaven

This book follows the journey of a couple who run away to escape the war between their obnoxious and unaccepting families, yearning for love filled with peace and freedom.

Solome · Teen
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

Audrey gets to school the next morning, with a ruined mood and a bored expression. Every day, the desire to leave home grows more and more. Day by day, the regret of agreeing to run away with Elvis wears off. She feels as if her mother wouldn't care since it seems like she already wishes Audrey would get out of her house. Audrey's father is never home and never ever cared to call and check on her therefore, he's also out of the list, leaving her with her grandmother. She doesn't want to worry her grandmother, but leaving this house seems more important considering how toxic it has gotten to stay with the woman Audrey struggles to call her mother anymore.

"You're here, finally!" Elvis exclaims.

Seeing Elvis happy and innocent has always been Audrey's favourite. Unlike Audrey, he doesn't seem worried. Instead, he seems excited.

Audrey smiles, "Yeah, sorry the traffic was pretty bad today and the bus was a bit late,"

"It's okay,"

Elvis carries Audrey through the hallway to her locker room. As much as Audrey hates being carried, as long as it makes Elvis happy, she'll let him carry her.

Elvis puts her down by her locker and waits for her to get the stuff she needs for her first period.

As she's putting her textbook in her bag, a guy that she's never seen before appears behind her.

"Who's that?" She asks,

"I'm Lucas. Elvis' only friend,"

Elvis chuckles, slapping the back of Lucas' head.

'The name sounds familiar' Audrey thinks,

"That's Lucas. We were childhood friends, but he moved to a different city so we kind of fell apart but apparently he's back now. I ran into him yesterday at the store" Elvis explains,

That's when it clicks, "Oh, Lucas? The boy who stole your underwear and swore he didn't steal?"

Lucas narrows his eyes at Elvis, pointing his finger in accusation, "I never stole that underwear, you still blame it on me?" Lucas slaps Elvis, earning a slap back,

"I saw you in it, Luke," Elvis laughs.

Audrey watches them in amusement as they bicker like an old couple.


Lucas spends the whole day with them, suspiciously asking them too many questions, though Audrey brushes it off as if it's nothing and Lucas is just one curious human being.

Apparently, Elvis has told Lucas about their plans to run away. Audrey wonders how much Elvis trusts him to tell him all this. She knows Elvis is the kind of person that spills stuff without thinking twice, but she ever thought he would say anything about this to anyone. Although, as long as he trusts him, then so does Audrey.

Audrey gets home to another scary looking face. She decides it's best to ignore her and go to her room like she has done for the past few days. She packs some more things in the same bag as yesterday and opens her computer, ready to start her assignment. The day she's getting away from home and starting a new, happy life in a new town, as Elvis told her, is nearing, making her excited yet really nervous. The thought of starting a new life with Elvis brings euphoria to her heart, but the thought of leaving a stable home with only limited money and uncertainty makes her nervousness increase.


Her mother never bothers her that night and just as she did yesterday, she texts Elvis 'good night' and goes to sleep.