
Imagine Breaker in MHA

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 58: Yaoyorozu Momo

Chapter 58: Yaoyorozu Momo

Author: Geraint

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(3rd Person's POV)

On a large mansion in the middle of the forest, there were several armed rebels heavily guarding the whole place. They possesses heavy weapons like bazooka, different kinds of grenade and machine guns. The mansion was surrounded by tall trees, located deep in the forest and far away from the city.

Along the road to the mansion was a luxurious large gate with a post on the side and two armed rebels are guarding the only entrance. One of them was looking around the area with telescope while the other one was sitting on his side with bored expression.

"Did you hear the news? One of our hideout was taken out by the commission. I thought they already abolished that department from the government after it got exposed of corruption."

"Unfortunately, they didn't. The people lost their trust on heroes but not on All Might. As long as the symbol of peace is still around, that commission will continue to exist. Also, All Might himself was the one who arrested those corrupt officials. The commission now has a new head and the organization was function normally. It's kind of suspicious."


The rebel who was scouting the area saw a silhouette of someone in the distance. He rubbed his eyes and tried to look again in the telescope.

"What the..."

He was completely shock when he saw a guy wearing a black armor suit with helmet in the middle of the day and it is approaching to their location.

"Hey! There's a strange guy walking in the middle of the road!"

"What!? Let me take a look!"

The rebel moved aside and let his companion peek on the telescope. He found no one in the distance,

"Huh? There's nothing there."

"Eh? I saw it clearly! It's a tall guy wearing some black suit!"

The two rebels are very confused until they felt a haunting presence behind them. The two of them froze then slowly turning to their back.

They trembled and sweated profusely, looking up to the face of the black armor. Horrified by his presence, the two of them screamed when the right hand of the black armor swiftly move before they point their guns.



Their scream ended quickly as they fall to the ground lifelessly.

The black armor then glanced to the mansion's direction.


Inside the mansion was a group of rebel leaders with a gun in their arms.

"This is bad! Yaoyorozu was taken to the custody of the commission. The arms that he made was still not enough!"


The rebel leader seems to be pissed off that things wasn't going as plan.

"What are we going to do with his daughter?"

They all turned towards the tall teenage girl in white dress which her wrist was tied in her back then her mouth was covered with packing tape. She has long black hair and thin and dark eyes, accompanied by short eyebrows. She looks thin and malnourished because she hasn't eaten anything for several days. This is due to the rebels being cautious of her quirk.

She felt weak and hopeless since it's been already a week since she was kidnapped. Tears are dried to her face due to the abuse she received and there are some bruises around her body.

"She has no use from us now. Just kill her."

The rebel leader took out his pistol and pointed it at the head of the young girl's head.

"Let's show her father what will happen for not obeying us."


The young girl got frightened and she closed her eyes as she embraced her death.

"Wait, Boss!"

His subordinates stop him.


"It's such a waste if we kill her quickly? Look! Despite being a brat, her body looks mature enough for her age. Can we play with her body first before we kill her? Let's take a video and show it to her father."

"Okay, nice idea. I want to see her father's despair look."

The rebel leader pulled back his gun.

Tears fell from the young girl's eyes as the men surrounds her. They untied her rope then holds her arms and legs.


She tried to struggle but she was powerless.

One of rebels brought out the camera and took a video of her while they started ripping off her beautiful white dress showing her skin.

"Hmmmp! Hmmmp!"

"Yeah, that's good. It's your fault for having such a lewd body, Momo-chan."

"That's right, you're lucky that you'll become a woman before you die."

They groped her around the legs then opened it up in between to expose her pure white underwear. They took off her clothes except her underwear which leaves her wearing only a panties.


"Hahahaha! Let's make her wet first."

One of the rebel took off his pants and when he was about to touch her below, suddenly, he stopped when they heard several explosions outside the building.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

"Huh? What's that?"


In the hallway, there was the black armor standing menacingly as he lights up his red light saber in a dimmed area.

*Heavy Breathing~*


The rebel soldiers who are in position in front of him started to shoot their rifles.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

The black armor walks forward as he parried their bullets with the beam of light.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

Using his telekinesis power, he slammed one of the rebel soldier in the ceiling and falls to the death then he disarmed the others by taking away their weapons.


He slashed one by one as he massacred them until the last rebel soldier ran away in fear.

"Help me!"

The rebel soldier opened the door to the next room but suddenly, it closed back itself and he can't push it to open.


He screamed as he slammed his fist on the door. While trembling, he turned to face the black armor who's already close to him.


He laughed and turned crazy.



The rebel soldier goes down after being cut.


Reaching the room where the rebel leader are hiding,


The black armor kicked and destroyed the door, seeing the remaining rebel soldiers pointed their gun on him.

*Heavy breathing ~*

Looking around the room, he saw a young girl held by one of rebels with a gun pointed at her temple.

"Don't move or we'll kill this girl!" he threatened.

The black armor became furious when saw the young girl without cover in the body and her arms and legs are full of bruises.

Without saying anything, he raised his left hand.


The hostage taker was shock when the gun that he's holding was moving itself and instead, it pointed at his head.

"Go and pull the trigger!"


The rebel leader announced and they rained the black armor with bullets.

The black armor just walked forward as he use force choke on the leader and pulled him closer.

"Ugh... Ack... agh!"

Rebel soldiers stopped shooting as they watches their leader suffocates to death. The rebel leader falls to the ground like a puppet who's strings was cut. They were horrified of what they seen. Learning that bullets doesn't work on him, they have no other choice but ran away given their leader was dead.

The rebel soldier who taken the young girl as a hostage tried to ran away as he drops her down.


The young girl's vision became blurry as she watches the black armor kills the remaining rebel soldiers. After that, she lost her consciousness.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Fixed.)