
Imagine Breaker in MHA

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 11: The End of Captain Falcon

Chapter 11: The End of Captain Falcon

Author: Geraint

(MC's POV)

All Might and I sneaked behind the old warehouse while checking the GPS on my phone.

"It's around here."

Looking at the wall made of concrete then touch it with my palm. All Might looks angry behind me and being impatient.

"I know you can sense the greater evil inside this building, All Might. But our priority right now is to rescue the kidnapped children and get them out of here as quickly as possible. There will be a big fight later but there will nothing holding us back." I whispered.

All Might just silently nodded at me.

"Here's the plan... Since, there's already a high chance that they're aware of our arrival but we won't make a big entrance. We'll broke through this wall and immediately take out those villains who's watching over the kidnapped children. We have to do this quickly."

"Hmm." All might agreed to my plan.

"Okay, let's do this."

As I was about to punch the wall,

"Falcon... Pun---"


I heard a very familiar loud voice, yelling from above me.


I also noticed that the pro heroes a while ago followed after us and I saw them standing behind us.

Immediately jumping away and dodging Rumi's attack, her right foot landed on the ground.



Her mighty kick created a crater on the ground and destroyed it. She looks really furious looking at me.


(Rumi, you idiot!)

Looking around, we're surrounded again by pro heroes.


I immediately rushed towards Mirko.

"Finally, you want to fight me now?"

She tried to kick me again but I easily avoided it.

"Sorry, Miss but I don't have time for you."

As I passed through her, I hit the wall with my burning fist.

"Falcon... Punch!"


The wall was completely destroyed.

"All Might!"

All Might and I immediately rushed inside the old warehouse.

We saw a lot of children in tears guarded by different types of Nomu and Risa was one those held captive.

We can see the despair and fear in the eyes of the children.


Several Nomu quickly rushes towards us.


"The... Gentleman!"

"Missouri... Smash!"

I swiftly performed a three-hit punch, punch, knee combo, followed by a blindingly fast series of punches then I finished them with a final blow that launches them to the roof while All Might ran forward while keeping his hand flat and then he hits the Nomus on the head while running past them and knocked them out.

*Thud!* *Crash!*

All the children saw hope when they glanced at us.

All Might made an encouraging laugh and children's fear disappeared.

"Hahaha! Ha ha ha ha!... It's fine now... Why? Because I am here!"

I smiled,

(As expected of All Might.)

The kidnapped childrens became excited and full of joy as they yelled,

"It's All Might!"

"All Might is here!"

"He's gonna save us!"

"Wait! He's with Captain Falcon!"

"The Captain Falcon is alive!"

"The villains are screwed up!"

All Might and I keep defeating the other Nomu while the children are cheering on us.

"Knee of Justice!"

"Texas Smash!"

While fighting, the two of us are watching each other's back.

"What's going on here--Huh?"

Mirko arrived here inside here the warehouse and she was surprised when she saw us fighting together against the villains.

The other Pro heroes followed after her and they froze seeing what's happening here.

Fighting against real villains while the kidnapped children are cheering at us.

I can see the shock on their expression.

Their greediness got over them and they forgot why they became a real hero in the first place.

"I won't let you guys take all of them! Let me join the fun!"

Mirko rushed towards our direction and kicked one of the Nomus.

She jumped and performed a cartwheel in the air with her legs extended, hitting several Nomu.

"Luna Ring!"

Seeing Mirko joining us,

"Ugh! I have to redeem myself!"

"Me too!"

"I can't call myself a Pro Hero if I don't help them!"

One by one, the Pro Heroes behind us join the battle.

Endeavor looks frustrated.

"Everyone! Forget Falcon! Our priority now is to rescue the kidnapped children!"

All of them join us fight the Nomus while the others cut off the rope that binding the children and take them out of the warehouse.

With their help, the rescue operation went smoothly.

"Take that!"

Mirko kicked away the last Nomu.

"Is that the last one of them?"

Suddenly, I felt a menace and metal gate of the warehouse was completely destroyed.


A powerful shockwave entered but I immediately went in front of Mirko and blocked the attack with my right hand.


The shockwave was nullified.

Mirko's eyes widened seeing me stop the shockwave with just my hand.

"Quirk Erasing? Isn't this Ichika's..."

(You silly head! Why you have to be sharp today?!)

She gonna find out soon.

All-for-one appeared before us and we focus on him instead.

"Ho-ho~ you're still alive, Captain Falcon. I thought you went to the depth of hell by yourself."

I just grinned at him.

"Hehe... I was really lonely over there when I didn't see you. That is why, I came back to take you."

"All for One! I'm gonna make you pay!"

All Might suddenly became emotional and rushed towards him.


I was able to stop him and it's too late.


I just followed behind him.

"You're also here, All Might."

All Might swung his fist but All for One block his punch with only his palm.


A powerful shockwave erupted between them.


All Might was slowly being push away.

"Raptor Boost."

Arriving behind All Might, I sneaked to the side and launched a fire imbued uppercut towards All for One.

"Captain Falcon!"

All for One jumped away and avoided my fist.


The shockwave of his attack was nullified.

"Captain Falcon, you've always been thorn on my side for years. I'll make sure to kill you together with the symbol of peace!"

"Let's see, if you can do that! I'm your weakness after all."

All for One smiled hearing what I said,

"Did you think things will be the same as last time we faced? I came prepared, Falcon."

Suddenly, his left hand deformed and turned into a long chained chainsaw dripping with some purple liquid.

It looks very dangerous if we're touched it.

(It's toxic chainsaw!)


"Go back to hell, Captain Falcon!"

I was about to avoid the chainsaw when my body lost strength all of sudden.

(Sh*t! Why it has to be now!)

My time was up.


I noticed that All Might was planning to push me away and tried to take the hit instead.

(I refuse that to happen! It was my fault in the first place!)

I force to move my body and bumped to him instead.


The chainsaw pierced through my stomach.


I spouted some blood as I held down the chainsaw from two sides to avoid it from tearing me.

"Detroit Smash!"

All Might hit All for One in the chest with a powerful punch.


All for One crashes through the wall.

I fell on my knees seeing my messed up stomach bleeds a lot.

(That bastard, got me.)


All Might went to check on me.

The other Pro Heroes became pale seeing my grivious condition.

I gather my remaining strength to shout,



"Go and take him out or a lot more people and children will suffer under his hands!!!"

*Pant* *Pant*


All Might looks very frustrated as he turned around and gave one last look.

"Sorry, Falcon."

I just nodded at him.

He rushed outside and followed after All for One.

Here I am, slowly dying while listening to the clash outside between All Might and All for One.

Standing in front of me was Mirko looking at my pathetic state.

"Captain Falcon, you..."

"You don't have grieve over me, Miss. I suppose to be dead anyway."

Suddenly, she grabbed me on collar and pull me up.

"Mirko! What are you doing on someone who's on verge of death!"

The other Pro Heroes tried to scolded her.

Mirko looks very furious.

"Verge of dying? It's seems like he still has the strength to talk back to me."


My stomach hurts a lot but the pain is slowly fading.

"Falcon! Why don't you keep living?! Don't die!"

She shook me.

(This isn't how you supposed to treat a patient!)

"Mirko! Put him down!"

The pro heroes decided to go between us and made Mirko let go of me.

Mirko frowned then turned her back.

"How disappointing... Tsk!"

All of sudden, electricity flickers around me and my body slowly shrinks.


My strength is returning back.

The wound in my stomach lit up and the pain disappears as it feels nothing happened to me.

Light particles which is dispersing out of my body was forming a silhouette of me as Captain Falcon.

My eyes widened seeing it saluting at me with a smile then disappeared as the light particles disappeared.

"A child?"

All the Pro Heroes around was completely shock.

Before I knew it, seeing myself, I was already back in my child form.

The wound in my stomach disappeared.

Staring at my hands, I can feel the strength of Captain Falcon form remained in my body.

I felt like Captain Falcon and my child body became one.

Closing my right hand and gripping it into a fist, it bursted into flames.

I concluded that my Captain Falcon form is no more and it fused with my real form.


Mirko froze when she noticed me in this form.

Standing up, cracking my fist.

"It's pay back time, All for One."

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Next! I'll fix my mistakes later.)